Showing posts with label left wing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label left wing. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Rachel Held Evans, Episcopalians, and Millennials. Oh, my! (UPDATED)

***UPDATE as of 5-13-19! Rachel Held Evans has just died at the age of 37, possibly of encephalitis. Shortly before her very untimely death, she was surrounded on her death bed by vulgar, blasphemous lesbians, feminists and other heretics. What a way to go. One less Democrat voting in the 2020 election, at least***

Gentlemen, this is not going to be your typical blog post found here on my incredible and awe-inspiring Blogspot. In my very first post, Blog Cherry Popping!, I mentioned that I would write some about religion. Well, here is such an entry! It does, however, involve a young woman and bad things she is doing, so it can sort of tie in to some of my previous posts. But if you’re not interested in a blog about Christianity, I understand. Here are a few posts that haven’t gotten as much attention as others, so please check them out:

OK, for those that stayed, let me explain something. I was raised in a conservative Christian home, Baptist, to be exact. When I became an adult, I left the insanely rigid Fundamental Baptist (ugh) route and became a Southern Baptist (yay!), which is quite a bit more moderate, believe it or not. I was a devout Southern Baptist for several years and technically, I still am a member of the Southern Baptist Convention, despite not going for years. I had a catastrophic falling-out with some people at my local SBC church, and I haven’t entered it since, obviously, but I also haven’t tried any other churches since they all suck here in the White Trash Mecca; useless, useless, cliquish, old people’s and families-only churches here. Since I have higher education, I of course do not believe some tenants of Evangelical Christianity and could almost be considered as having no religious affiliation, which is all well and good. I nevertheless defend and endorse Protestant Evangelicals and Christian Conservatives and stand up for them, as they are under constant and vicious attacks daily now by the liberals simply because Christians believe and stand for something that liberals do not.

That brings me to Rachel Held Evans, an American woman a year and one month younger than I who is basically become a voice for pseudo-Christian Millennials. She is mildly attractive, except for having a really big and wide nose, which is quite off-putting; I’d still do her. She was raised a Christian Conservative here in the South and for years, wrote books and essays about her experiences in the church, usually quite positive. Her blog site has become increasingly popular and she is in constant demand for internet and TV interviews.

Well, in recent years, particularly since 2012, Evans has become increasingly negative and abrasive toward real Christianity, and now uses her Twitter account to almost weekly bash the church and ridicule it with passive-aggression and sarcasm, the latter being the main attribute of liberalism when it comes to arguments. Like all young women, she is now a blatant liberal and possible feminist; amazingly, she is not single, as all single women are like that and most married women are not; Evans has been hitched since immediately after college, unfortunately typical of Christian women. Three years ago, Mrs. Evans published a diatribe for CNN against Evangelical Christians called “Why Millennials are Leaving the Church.” Basically, she said that churches need to kowtow to the fleeting wants and personal desires of the Generation-Y bunch so they will either come to church or stay there. Here is a fine rebuttal of her drivel:

Now here in 2015, Rachel Held Evans decided she couldn’t take any more of those pesky Evangelicals who just aren’t cool enough for her liking and has now started going to an Episcopal Church in Cleveland, Tennessee. Yep, good ol’ Mainline Protestant, the segment of Christianity that is dying the fastest. The Episcopal Church is as far to the left as you can go and still call yourself a Christian. Episcopalians have no faith system, no core beliefs, no values, no Godly convictions. They have become extremely over-the-top welcoming and downright obsessed with the LGBT movement and many of their ministers are flaming gay guys or feminist lesbians with openly anti-Biblical, left-wing agendas, including the woman at the local Episcopal Church in Okahumpka (south of Leesburg). The amount of foolishness that is spewed from the pulpits of all Episcopal churches every Sunday is alarming and nauseating. The Bible is NEVER preached, but plenty of Social Justice Warriors get behind the pulpit and teach about global warming/climate change, white guilt, and giving people endless welfare and having as many flamboyant gay weddings as possible. Some of this nation’s most corrupt and anti-American presidents, senators and congressmen have called themselves “Episcopalian” just to say they were Christian. Simply a dreadful religious denomination.

Liberal, godless, anything goes, feminist, gay-coddling, ever-shrinking Episcopalians. And Rachel Held Evans has immersed herself in it and says that if Christian churches know what’s best for them, they better act in the same manner and perhaps they won’t die off as quickly as she thinks they are. Evans says she likes her new-found denomination because of the “liturgy,” which is a nice way of saying “lots of Catholic-esque chants and rituals that are to be found NOWHERE in the Bible.” Of course, her sect doesn’t read or even believe anything about the Bible, so I guess that’s a moot point. Evans also states this:

Uh, huh. So in order to get the young people to think that Christianity is hip and cool, they need to become just like the Episcopalians? You mean the soulless, cold, spiritless Mainline Protestant denomination that has no young people? The one that has lost the majority of its members in just the last 20 years? The one that has been predicted to become extinct within 30 years? That one?? ORLY? Here’s what one anti-Christian bitch named Haley (hot girl’s name) had to say about Godly churches and why she and her ilk refuse to set foot in them:
Yeah, maybe it’s because your “ideas” suck, honey? Reality, much?

Men, I AM a Millennial! I was born on July 2nd, 1980. Most sociologists say that Generation-Y began in ’80, with some of them saying that it started in the middle of the year. That would make me one of the very, very first of this generation! And I DON’T GIVE A RAT’S ASS WHAT THE MILLENNIALS THINK ABOUT THE CHURCH! The most anti-God, immoral, selfish, arrogant, narcissistic, liberal generation this nation has ever seen, and the church is supposed to kiss their condescending asses and throw away 2,000 years of convictions, morals, values and faith just to get some 23-year-old pothead hipsters in the pews? Seriously? All we need to do is have drag shows on Sunday? Some gay weddings with feather boas and ass-less leather chaps? Climate change seminars with all these atheist scientists as the guest speakers? Visible arm and neck tattoo expos? Obscene, profanity-riddled, blasphemous comedy shows? Sermons (with live demonstrations) on what lube works best for gay anal sex? I don’t know about that, but Astroglide works great on anal with girls; just throwing that out there. Here’s an excellent comment from a man named Ken about Evans and her decrees that Evangelicals need to become hip, cool liberals:

Rachel Held Evans has become the darling of the liberal media as CNN, the Huffington Post, Buzzfeed, Salon, and similar vile sewer sites who interview her, loving how she has rejected Evangelical Christianity in favor of feel-good leftie pseudo-Christianity. Mrs. Evans is hip and cool to the (((mainstream media))), she’s liked because she belittles the faith that everybody in the MSM despises and ridicules with rabid fervor. Evans has spent the past few years trying to gain acceptance—and money—from the media and the Millennials, and it looks like she has now accomplished just that. I guess Evans has never read the words of Jesus Christ in Mark 8:36 and 37. Guys, steer clear of that confused apostate, Rachel Held Evans! She is anathema to any real Christian and/or conservative.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Vester Flanagan, Anti-White Racism, and the Liberals

If you live anywhere else other than the U.S., you perhaps have not heard about this story, and if you have, the only thing those internationally (especially those reading the UK Guardian) have been told is, “An innocent, wonderful man of color held an evil, horrible gun and the gun supernaturally forced the innocent, wonderful man to shoot two white people who he said were racist, therefore it’s justified. Why won’t these foolish Americans simply disarm themselves and just allow the always-trustful police and military to have all the guns?” Actually, you would read the same garbage if you read the Huffington Post, Daily Kos, or Salon.

Allow me to tell you the real story of his tragic shooting, shall I? In the morning last week, WDBJ7 reporter Alison Parker and her long-time cameraman, Adam Ward—both in their 20s, well-liked and planning to marry other people at the TV station—were interviewing a chamber of commerce official, Vicki Gardner, about a reservoir lake and surrounding tourist attractions in a small town in the western part of Virginia. During the interview, a deranged and sadistic former colleague of theirs, 42-year-old Vester Flanagan (who went by the less dorky name of Bryce Williams during his disastrous, abysmal TV news career), waited in the shadows on a boardwalk where the interview was taking place. Eventually, he stepped out into the light, walked up next to Ward, and began shooting all three individuals over and over and over again with a semi-automatic pistol that he recently bought. Parker, though being shot in the chest, screamed and tried to run away, but was shot even more in the head; Ward was shot in the torso and then the head when he fell to the ground. Gardner was shot once, although three bullets were fired at her. Miss Parker and Mr. Ward were both killed and Mrs. Gardner was badly injured but thankfully will survive. About 17 shots were fired at all three people.

Making all of this so much more terrible was that this entire shooting was broadcast on live TV, with almost 40,000 people watching it occur, hearing the shots, hearing the screams of terror and pain. In addition, Flanagan videoed the entire incident on a head-mounted mini-camera, and then after fleeing the carnage he created, he uploaded the chilling and disturbing video on Twitter and Facebook. Flanagan then fled through Virginia, regularly posting updates on said social media sites until both were shut down by their respective companies. Flanagan also sent out a rambling, 23-page fax to ABC News in New York while on the run. Eventually, a police chase ensued, and the coward Flanagan shot himself in the head, dying later at the hospital. An end to a pathetic person.

Who was this Vester Flanagan? Aside from having a nerdy name, he was raised a Jehovah’s Witness (a freaky cult) by his dysfunctional and abusive mother, and was a “male model” and “male escort” (gay prostitute) after high school. He was black and gay.

He was let go from station after station, and was described by his former colleagues as being “difficult to work with,” among other things. It all reached a head at WDBJ in Roanoke when Flanagan was a reporter there. Alison Parker once simply stated to him that she had a friend who lived on “Cotton Hill Road,” to which Flanagan angrily accused her of being racist toward him because blacks used to pick cotton in the South while slaves. Parker also once mentioned the often-used journalistic term “reporter in the field,” to which Flanagan took offense, saying she was hinting at African slaves in the cotton fields of the antebellum South. Another colleague asked where he was going to “swing by for lunch,” at which time Vester Flanagan said that was a veiled code word for blacks being lynched and hanging on a rope during the Jim Crow era. His constant behavior and his anti-white racism finally culminated with his termination of his job at WDBJ after less than a year there. He went into such a fit of rage that he had to be escorted out by Roanoke Police. After that, he planned to murder people there that he claimed were out to get him. The mass murder of blacks at the AME church in Charleston, South Carolina by militant racist scumbag Dylann Roof apparently drove him over the edge. By the way, he also said that 7/11 was racist because they sold watermelon-flavored Slurpees. Yep, you read that right, and if you don’t think you did, read it again.

This terrible double-homicide aired for all the world to see has little to do with the gun that Vester Flanagan used, regardless of how the pro-disarmament crowd at home and especially abroad have tried to portray it (just look at the comments made by Brits on the DailyMail UK articles about this incident). Indeed, even the strange-haired, emotionless father of Alison Parker has said not one word about the evil man who murdered his lovely, young daughter. Nay, he has only mentioned over and over again that the gun committed the crime and therefore guns must be taken away from all law-abiding citizens…except for him, as he said he is about to buy one himself. Regardless of what Alison’s strange father and also her wall-eyed, ginger, equally emotionless boyfriend (a producer at WDBJ) want to claim about gun control, it was the direct actions of Vester Flanagan who caused this ghastly crime, but all directly and indirectly encouraged by the liberal indoctrination that he had seen, read and heard throughout his adult life.

You see, liberalism/socialism/Cultural Marxism (all one in the same now), constantly engrain in weak-minded people that they are always, always, “victims.” Victims of society, of white people (mostly white men), of straight white people, of white Southerners, of conservatives and Republicans, of white Christians! Blacks are brainwashed to be constant victims, Hispanics are told that they are victims, the LGBT crowd is force-fed the victim spiel, single women are told they are victims, Muslims are somehow victims, welfare slugs are victims. All minorities (except for white Christians, who are definitely the minority now) are labeled as victims by the liberals; it’s the only way Democrats can stay in power, by having a permanent “victim class.” Vester Flanagan fell for it hook, line & sinker like the vast majority of blacks, non-Cuban Hispanics, and the LGBT bunch do. Whites were all racist toward him and used code words and “dog whistles” (something far-left-wingers like Chris Matthews love to term) to cover their latent racism. White men hated him because he was a homo and African-American. White women hated him for…some unknown reason. A victim of whites, a victim of straight people. Being constantly spoon-fed the victimization mantra by the liberals in the media, the government, in high school and especially college, seeped deep into Flanagan’s mind, which was already possibly twisted by growing up a Jehovah’s Witness, a cult that is mostly comprised of ignorant and gullible African-Americans.

All around us, people think they are sufferers of society at large because the left-wingers in this country have told them they are, and that they should rise up against their supposed oppressors. We see this with the hate-filled #blacklivesmatter garbage, begun and stirred up terribly by the race-baiters like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. The liberals in the government and especially the liberal media have been excessively instilling this offense-taking victimhood mentality in our American society for decades now, but it has really blown up huge, huge, HUGE in the past six years or so. They are to blame to cultivating such civil unrest and ultimately—albeit sometimes indirectly—responsible for these unduly enraged maniacs like Flanagan and his ilk. All this anti-white liberalism was partly responsible for two innocent people being brutally murdered on a boardwalk in rural Virginia. As a side note, Vester Flanagan had two cats, but they were not found at his apartment after the murders. His faxed suicide letter claims that he killed them in a forest. Just that alone is enough to infuriate me as I am an animal lover. Here’s hoping he was lying and he just let the cats go free. Lastly, don't lose sight of those murdered, Alison Parker and Adam Ward, victims of black-on-white violence, something that is increasing hugely every month.