Showing posts with label relationships. Show all posts
Showing posts with label relationships. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

MGTOW and Being 36

Well, here we are.  Coming to a close of my 36th year of life.  I posted similar blogs a year ago and two years ago, so here are the respective links to those: MGTOW and Being 35 and MGTOW and Being 34.
Hell, I can't even get 36 year-old women to have sex with me, let alone 18!
  Year 36 hasn’t been too much of a year; I’d say it was just average.  I had some outings here and there with my friends (all guys, of course), and took a week-long road trip to the Smoky Mountains, and worked, worked, worked.  I’ve unfortunately gained quite a bit of weight since my October vacation to the mountains, so now I’m short, bald and even fatter than I was.  Oh, well, them’s the breaks. 

  In addition to the weight gain, I had a terrible cold-like virus that kept me ill for weeks in February and March; I couldn’t seem to shake it, the worst virus I’ve ever had.  Then, in the beginning of April, I had a few days of an awful fever that left me feeling terrible again.  A couple of weeks ago, I came down with Bell’s Palsy, albeit a minor case that was barely noticeable to anybody else but me, but I sure had it!  Bell’s Palsy often occurs some time after a lengthy virus and fever, which is exactly what I had.  So for many weeks, I didn’t do anything but go to work and then sit home and try to recover.  That is a major reason why I didn’t blog for months.  Did ya miss me?  Did ya?!

  Finance-wise, I’m in better shape than I’ve been in years!  Still not making much, but I’m saving money and living more frugally.  I paid off a credit card debt, and I’m chipping away at two others I have.  I’m just about to have my car paid off, so that monthly payment will now go to paying off those debts.  So financially, I am doing what so many in the MGTOW movement encourage others to do: get your economic house in order.  This is a good thing, no?

  As far as sex and relationships, well…of course not! 

Three-and-a-half years and counting.

 I’m short, fat and bald, remember?  I’m also living in the White Trash Mecca, filled with lonely single men and trailer park trash single mothers, like these actual women from here:

So much trash in one picture, I can't even.

Stretch marks on her boobs from three babies from three different fathers (black and white), and tattoos of random black and white guys she's fucked.  Welcome to Leesburg, Florida!
  I’m pan-sexual, so I’ll gladly take a male-to-female transgender, and maybe the right gay or bi-sexual guy.  My mind is open for either…as is my mouth and anus.  As far as females, there are a couple of very outside chances I have at work, very outside.  One is a flaky 18 year-old girl who is very sweet but dorky.  The other is a 25-year old fatty from Long Island named Gina.  Because she’s not from here, she doesn’t have any kids and she’s single.  Wow!  I’ve seen pictures of her when Gina was younger, and she was quite a piece of ass, but now she just continues to expand even more than I am.  Recently, I saw her at her desk, eating king-sized candy bar after king-sized candy bar, three in total, all at one sitting!  Good Lord, even I’m not that much of a glutton!  But Gina is shaped fairly well compared to 95% of fat women, who look like this:

Yeah, but even these women gets tons of dates from thirsty men.  Unreal.
  Gina’s not like that at all, so I may try her out.  I’d love to bang her all night, but a relationship? Not a chance! 

Which brings me to the last part.  MGTOW!  Even if I had chances at relationships, there’s no way I would even try one.  Screw that!  I sincerely hope that more and more men read blogs like mine, as well as the loads and loads of YouTube videos and vlogs from those in the #MGTOW movement and heed their sage advice.  I avoid females my age and younger and much as I possibly can, but then again, they’re not beating down the door to get close to me, either.  But I don’t even try anymore, and this past year was no exception.  I don’t even bother.  Years and years and years of rejection and being ignored or sneered at by even the ugliest, fattest, most undesirable females, combined with the surreal lack of decent women here, as well as all the information I’ve gathered in the past couple of years from taking the Red Pill, leaves me not wanting to pursue relationships and even friendships with women 18 to 40.  For men who are interested in Going Their Own Way, I say, “YES!  By all means, yes!  Read my blogs, read other blogs from single men in our dilemma, and watch the YouTube vids.  Immerse yourself in the culture of masculinity and MGTOW.  So there’s a recap of the events of me at 36 years old.  Be sure to subscribe to my blog!

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Four Steps To Be Done With Toxic Women

So a few days ago, I come back to work from taking a lunch break in my car. I go in and--lo and behold—a girl I always liked was there, a former employee who used to like me a little bit, too, it seemed. Her name is Taylor but I call her “Pecker Wrecker” because she has fucked up teeth. She’s 18, not at all attractive, is extremely thin, no breasts, no butt, no figure. But that’s the kind of girl I’ve always been attracted to, and for nine months, I had a girl who had a body almost exactly like Taylor’s and was just as young, too. Girls like that turn me on, somehow, so even though she was nothing at all to look at, I sure looked at her.

There she was, standing at the reception counter, talking to one of our front desk workers. I look at her and…

…she’s pregnant. Quite pregnant. Seeing she just turned 18 last February, that means she got knocked up at the ripe ol’ age of 17. Yet another teen mom, and you all know how I feel about teen moms.

Taylor was proudly going to everybody, showing off her big baby bump. I was shocked and sickened the instant I saw the belly, and she turned around to talk to me as I walked right by her. I didn’t stop. I didn’t look at her. I looked at her stomach, turned my head away, and shook my head in disgust as I walked by her in silence. I had nothing to say to her, and I never will now. Taylor is now just another statistic, another proud teen unwed mother-to-be on WIC and EBT, making me and other good guys pay for her not knowing or caring what birth control is. Rumor is, the father of the illegitimate child is her step-brother. Yep, her step-brother. Remember what I’ve said about Leesburg being called Sleazeburg or Diseaseburg? Yeah, now do you finally see why good guys here call it that? I actually don’t believe the rumor as I think she got knocked up by a black guy, like most girls in this area do; we’ll see when she squirts it out! Yet another female down the drain, making it almost 100% the number of very young females I know who have gone the “randomly and casually knocked up and proudly on welfare” route.

Taylor aka Pecker Wrecker has been on my Facebook friend’s list for a full year, when she was a part-time employee and when I liked her a lot. I rarely, rarely look at women’s profiles or statuses on FB; I specifically have notifications from them turned off as I have no interest in what they are doing. So I went to her profile to see what was going on, and as of this writing, no fucking ultrasound pictures have been posted, no “baby bump” profile pics, no “I’m gonna be a unwed mother in abject poverty and no education! Yay!” statuses posted…at least not yet. But it’ll happen, and they will all be followed with typical Sleazeburg/Diseaseburg scum congratulating Pecker Wrecker on her great accomplishment of spreading her legs and getting knocked up at 17.

But I won’t be. I deleted her from my Facebook immediately. I’m done with her. I’m done with all of them who act this way. And guys, I think you should do the same with women you have in your social networks. And you would be very wise to distance yourself from toxic women in your everyday lives, too. Sure, it may sound easier said than done, but there are ways to do this. Let’s say that you always liked a woman or even some women, and you have them on your FB or Google+ list or even on Twitter. Well, you see a status from them and it’s something you are shocked and saddened to see: pregnancy, engagement/marriage/relationship, and even some stupid tattoos they just got. It sickens you, it upsets you. These are females you always respected and had hoped that maybe—just maybe—one of them would take a liking to you if you kept them around your online or real-life social circles. Well, that hasn’t happened, has it? NOPE! And it WILL NOT happen, no matter how long you hold on to them. It’s over, guys. It’s finished. When you see these things happen, whether online or in person, as I did, here are some steps that I greatly, greatly encourage you all to take to rid yourself of these toxic females:

1. Delete them from your online social networks. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+, Kik, SnapChat (like you’re really gonna get nude pics from them anyway, guys). Just remove them. No need to block them, just delete them. No reasons given, no announcements, just a quiet deletion. If they behave in a manner that disgusts you (like getting knocked up or banging lowlifes), then get rid of them from your online life. Out of sight, out of mind.

2. Do not hang around them ever. If these toxic women are in your everyday life, like work or college or if they are friends of friends, don’t associate yourself with them at all. If you are invited to an outing or social gathering of any kind and those girls or women are going to be there, then firmly decline. No personal interaction, if practical.

3. Do not talk to them anymore than you have to. Perhaps you see said women a lot at work or school, perhaps every day. You have already deleted them online and you do not go to parties or events that they are at, but you still have to deal with them regularly, then just say the bare basics. No questions about their personal lives, no compliments about anything. Keep your distance as often as possible and your words as few as possible.

4. Ignore them if you can. If you rarely have to see them, like the case of Pecker Wrecker recently at my workplace, just do as I did: ignore the toxic women. Just look the other way if you have to come near them, and abscond directly. If the female looks at you, don’t look at her; don’t smile, don’t say a word. Look in the opposite direction. If they call out to you and you are far enough away that it’s plausible that maybe you couldn’t hear her, then you’re safe. If you’re not, then just perhaps raise your hand in the air to her as a bare acknowledging of her, or just say that you’re busy and that’s it. You owe toxic women no explanation, no apologies, no nothing.

Yes, this may sound a bit extreme. But you men know that women’s immoral behavior and poor life choices leave you disgusted and disappointed. So remove such women from your lives as much as possible. Trust me, they won’t care a bit and may not even notice that you’re ignoring them. Today’s women are in such a self-imposed nucleus of “yes people” who fawn all over them when they make those poor life choices that they will not even notice that you have quietly left their presence. But, guys, what will happen is you will get much more of a sense of peace and contentment by disassociating yourself from women that you liked but obviously do not like you. You live your life, and let them live theirs. You cannot change them, you cannot get them to like you or want you when they reach that point of no return. It’s done for them, so let them self-destruct, and don’t have any part in their lives in any way. It’s not nearly as difficult as it may seem.

So once again, I’m asking you men out there to rid yourself of girls and women who have gone too far, who have crossed those boundaries that we good guys dare not cross, nor want to cross. Guys, delete toxic women from your online life and personal life! Do it now. You’ll thank me, trust me.

UPDATE! UPDATE! Well, Taylor squirted out her out-of-wedlock baby, and it's actually white! Now she spends her days posting liberal, LGBT shit constantly on Facebook (she has an open profile) and getting massive tattoos all over her skinny, never-be-tight-anymore body. In fact, there is a new tattoo splattered on her every month, and she wants to get more and more. Funny how all the poor, uneducated teen moms can work very low-wage jobs like she does yet has plenty of money to put never-ending body graffiti on them. Strange, isn't it?

Friday, May 22, 2015

MGTOW and Being 34

Just a pretty simple blog here, men. As I’ve said in my first blog (Blog Cherry Popping, which you should all read), I’m 34 years old. Been 34 since last July 2nd, so yeah, the big number is coming up, and yes, I’m dreading it. I’m dreading it as much as I did when I hit 30, and that was a rather depressing birthday; I held on to 29 as long as I could so I could say I was in my 20s. If I could live my life perpetually 29, I’d be one happy dude.

But I do want to talk about what it’s like being 34 to those guys who might be reading this blog and are younger. Do I have regrets in my life? Many small things, actually, but at least a few big ones. Are there things I wish I would have done differently in my younger years (15 to 30)? Abso-friggen-lutely! Knowing now what I know today, there would have been numerous changes in my life, and I believe I would be in much better financial and physical shape than I am right now. Physically, I’m great, except for being overweight, unfortunately; financially, I’m in some pretty bad debt, but a good chunk of it has been greatly lowered over the past few years and I’m making progress in that regard. But I do wish that I had been much more frugal with my money and I wish I had taken a different route with my education, both high school and college. These are regrets and issues that many men face. Hindsight is 20/20, eh?

Relationship-wise, eh, well, I’ve had so few of those that I don’t really have any major regrets one way or the other, because no matter how I slice it, those relationships I’ve had wouldn’t have lasted all that much longer, anyway. One of them might have, but them’s the breaks. I’m not too heart-broken over my relationships—or lack thereof—anymore.

Which brings me to the main point of this blog post. There’s something about being a 34-year-old man that changes the whole dynamic of how you see your life. I discovered MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) last year soon after I turned 34, and have been more and more involved in it here in 2015. Before then, I worried and fretted and grieved over not having anybody and wanting to bend over backwards to impress the female gender. But when I hit the age that I am now, it all seemed to dissipate, and rather quickly. Like something in my brain clicked on almost immediately and I began to see the light, and I took the Red Pill quite quickly and with little apprehension. I didn’t really see the parallels between my age and MGTOW until I saw some comments on a couple of separate Youtube videos by MGTOW purveyors Sandman and Raging Golden Eagle. Look up both men and watch their vids and you will be impressed, I believe. The videos were dealing with how men are just giving up on marriage and how it is not only the younger demographic (18 to 28) but the—sigh—“older” demos as well, namely my age bracket. And there were numerous comments from men who said that it seemed that 33 to 35 were the ages that they suddenly had an overwhelming sense of self-respect and self-worth come over them and they joined MGTOW. More than a few guys said that 34 seemed to be the age when they took the Red Pill and changed their lives, as if—somehow, someway—34 is the age when men see the light. Nobody can explain it physiologically or psychologically, but there’s something about being my age that men start to see life in a whole different light.

Sure, I still have the libido that goes unchecked. I still have the yearning for a good lay every now and then, a lay I never, ever get. But I don’t bother trying anymore, and apparently, many men my age are doing the same thing. It’s a cathartic time in one’s life, and I’m not too upset about it. I embrace it. I have a very close single friend who is 27 (and is quite tall, actually, which is rare that a tall guy is single and alone) and is seeing more and more how all Western women have become with feminism and liberalism and hypergamy. But he still has not taken the Red Pill and would be considered Purple Pill. He admits that he probably will eventually join MGTOW, but he’s hoping much later in life as he’s still holding out hope that if he does this or does that or moves here or moves there, the women wherever he goes will suddenly want him. Oh, he’ll see the light one day. And it will probably be when he turns 34!

So to those frustrated single guys younger than me who are Purple Pill and as yet uncertain about taking the MGTOW route, trust me: if you have any dignity or self-respect, you will wake up to the realities of American women and hypergamy and feminism and drop them like that a bad crack habit. But it may happen when you are my age. When it does happen, embrace it, don’t fight it! You will see a whole new world open before your eyes, a world involving you and your gender and your success and your happiness. It happened to me…when I turned 34. Better late than never!

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Blog Cherry Popping!

Hey, all! This is my first blog post on Life in a White Trash Mecca! Just an introduction about how I am, where I live, and what I’ll be blogging about from time to time.

Back in the glorious Myspace days, (oh, may they R.I.P.), I had a fairly successful blog, with numerous subscribers. My tracking map would show blog reads coming from all parts of North America, even some in Germany, Norway and Australia. Ah, better days, better days. Since the self-destruction of Myspace back in November of 2010, I haven’t posted so much as one blog, one vlog, one commentary online. Nothing. Well, it’s time to get back into the swing of things!

I’m 34 years old, fairly short, fairly fat and fairly bald. For many years, I’ve worked full-time in an average, run-of-the-mill job. I drive a nice but pretty average car. I have some friends, I have some family, I have interests and hobbies (hiking, driving, road trips, acting, singing, music, video production, etc.) Basically, I’m your stereotypical Beta Male in most ways. Gamma Male I am not, though! I’ve been very single for most of my life, not by any choice of my own, just by the lack of good women/overabundance of good men ratio. I’ve dated a bit here and there, and I’ve been in two long-term relationships, one of those being very on-again, off-again; it was pretty much a Friends with Benefits situation that went off and on for several years. Whatev. I used to be very frustrated and bitter toward being single, alone and unloved, but thanks to sites like Return of Kings and Roosh, I have since taken the Red Pill and my entire attitude has changed. I have embraced much—but not all—of the MGTOW subculture that is starting to cause quite a stir in the dating/relationship world.

So my blogs will discuss MGTOW and the state of Western men and women today. I’ll also write about topics from religion (if you’re looking for spiteful rants from militant atheists, look elsewhere) to politics (and if you’re looking for something MSNBC would post, look elsewhere) to describing the title of my blog, Life in a White Trash Mecca. Yeah, there’s a reason why I call this area that, trust me. I’ll also throw in quite a few internet memes regarding everything I just mentioned. Hope you enjoy!