Showing posts with label women. Show all posts
Showing posts with label women. Show all posts

Saturday, February 11, 2017

An Open Letter to Christian Single Men 18 to 40

 Dear Christian single men 18 to 40,

  Hello. This is part blog, part open letter, and I’m gearing this almost exclusively to Christian single men in their young adulthood up to their late 30s and early 40s.  So if this is you, please read this with an open mind.  If you know somebody who fits the aforementioned category, I greatly encourage you to send this blog to them as they need to read this.  Seriously, they need to see it. 

  OK, I’ve mentioned a couple of times in previous blogs, I come from an evangelical Christian background, Southern Baptist, to be exact.  Although I’m not particularly religious and haven’t been for about nine years, I still have a great respect for Christians and Christian Conservatives despite the incredible persecution they face daily, whether online or in real life, the former persecution being from the left and being verbal or written, and the latter being mainly from Muslims worldwide and being very physical and brutal.  I’m not some “keyboard atheist;” I’m not writing this letter to bash you and ridicule and belittle you, like all the online atheists/liberals/Marxists do continuously. 

Yeah, I’m not like that.  At all.  I was once one of you, and, even though I’m not so much now, I still empathize and respect and honor your beliefs very much.





I need to convey this to you guys, as politely and respectively as I can.

Single young Christian men…

…it’s…it’s time.  It’s just time.  It’s time for you to drop out of church once and for all.

I mean it.  It’s time to stop going to church for good, and never go back.  Don’t you think it’s high time? 

  Why are you going?  Why are you even bothering??  Is it because your parents are really pushing for you to go?  Is it just because you’re active in various ministries and worship opportunities there?  I know the feeling, as I was very active in the drama group (indeed, the main actor and one of the main writers of our amazing plays and videos) and loved, loved, loved it and lived for it as I love theater.  But secular theater is all godless liberals, and it was great to be around non-godless conservatives and immerse myself in something that I absolutely loved doing and was talented in doing.  So I understand where you are coming from if you like being part of various groups and ministries in church.  But being part of that doesn’t even come close to outweighing the elephant in the room, and that is…

…you’re single.  Very single.  Alone.  Probably rarely or never had somebody.  And it’s not changing one bit for the better, now is it?  Look around you on a Sunday morning.  Who do you see?

1. Old people, some of them so elderly they are weeks away from keeling over;

2. Married couples your age, all of them with children, and all they ever talk about is their friggen kids all the time;

3. Maybe one or two divorced, used-up women with kids, just in church to look for a sugar daddy to take care of them and their demon offspring before they hit the Wall;

4. Single men aged 18 to 40.

That’s it.  Even in mega-churches, that’s all there is.  I mean, we’re talking thousands upon thousands of active members…and no real Christian single females.  Wow.  I went several times to Meadowbrook Church in Ho-cala, I mean, Ocala, because I had a friend who went there.  Big church, yet no singles group.  Just lots of #4 and a couple of #3, along with couples who weren’t married yet, so they got stuck in the “singles’ group.”  I went several times to the uber-huge and vibrant and conservative Calvary Baptist Church in Clearwater in the Tampa Bay area with two friends.  Fantastic church, but again, no single women, just a couple of scantily-clad sluts in stripper heels and mini-skirts who obviously were there just to put in some church time; they sure weren’t looking for good guys, because they ignored the pew of all of us.  I emailed the church back in 2011, asking for info on the young singles group; never even got a response, obviously because they don’t even have such a group.  Here’s an excellent YouTube video about the subject from one of the gods of the MGTOW movement, Sandman.  Please listen to him:

 Couldn’t agree more.  Sandman is from Toronto, Canada, but his words still ring true here in the U.S.  No single good-looking female is going to go to church, because they are hot and they think they don’t need God.  That’s why there are no hot babe Christian women, and even those who are somewhat attractive are already married.  You can keep waiting and waiting for some Godly, good-looking maiden to come to your church, plop herself down on the pew next to you, and fall in love, but…it’s not gonna happen!! 

  Back in 2011, an extensive study was published by Stanford University regarding where and how people met their spouses or partners here in the U.S.  The data that was gathered spanned from 1940 to 2010, and here is the telling graph:
    Finding somebody at church was always not that large of a percentage, but now it’s down to literally nothing.  I mean, look at the graph: it’s plummeted to virtually zero!  In fact, almost every way of meeting a spouse/romantic partner has fallen, except for online and restaurants/bars, which have leveled off as of 2010; I imagine now in 2017, those numbers have fallen drastically as well.  Have you ever met a decent female at a bar or restaurant?  I’ve been to dozen upon dozens of them over the past several years and have met or even seen none at all.  And we all know how horrible online dating is.. Click here to view a blog I wrote about what’s left as far as single females are concerned.  So, as you can see, very few people are really meeting anybody anymore, but they sure as heck ain’t meeting them in church!!  If you think that you’re going find somebody at church, the evidence is overwhelmingly not in your favor, both from exhaustive studies and from your personal experience and mine.

  I’ve visited a number of medium-to-large-sized Southern Baptist and Assembly of God churches from Ho-cala to Whorelando to Tampa over the years, and have come up with nothing to show for it in the way of meeting decent women.  And you know it’s the same with you, so stop living in denial.  As Sandman succinctly put it, they’re not there, as they think they don’t need God.  And if they were there, they wouldn’t want you as they would be banging the bad boys outside of church; I’ve known a lot of girls over the years who did that, and you have, too.

   I used to go to a local church and was super-active there for years, and there was a guy there named David who—like most of the young men there—was very single. He was tall, well-built, and slightly attractive, compared to me, who is short, fat, and bald.  He just sat there and kept waiting and waiting for a perfect female to drop from the ceiling and land next to him up in the balcony where he was our light & sound technician.  He had a couple of chances for girls, but he backed out because they weren’t the world’s perfect Christian ladies (hint, guys: there are none anymore).  Waiting and waiting.  Well, David is now past 40, still a virgin, and still sitting there, waiting for a single woman to show up.  Hasn’t happened, and never will happen.  And ditto for you guys as well.
 Back in the day (2003 to 2008, mainly), I hung around over a dozen men around my age here in the north central Florida area who were Christian and single.  Now, the only one I know of who regularly goes to church is poor ol’ David.  Everybody else has left the local churches out of frustration, mainly because of the lack of women and the lack of reasons for them to even remain there.  Why bother going if you’re a third wheel, a leftover, awkwardly sitting there with couples while they incessantly talk about their spouses and kids.  Ugh!  You know full well you don’t belong there anymore, guys.  There’s no place in church for single males our age.  Time to leave.  Start this Sunday.  Seriously, guys.

  Am I saying that you should reject your faith?  No, not at all.  I hope that doesn’t happen.  What I am saying is that there’s no reason or no place for you to be in the houses of worship anymore and it’s only going to get worse as church attendance has been dropping continuously and steadily for over 15 years straight.  Perhaps you and your fellow Christian dudes could just meet in your homes and have your own worship services?  The first Christians did just that…and thrived!  Try it.  Meet at one of your homes or apartments, or even at a picnic table at a park.  Go for it.  Beats sitting in a sanctuary filled with couples and old geezers, listening to a seven-part sermon series on marriage and the family, now doesn’t it?  Admit it: that last sentence struck a nerve, didn’t it?  Been there, done that.  We all have.

  Single Christian men, it’s high time for you to ditch church and give up on finding somebody there.  Pack up and go, for your own good and for your own sake.  You’ll thank me.  I wish you all the best in your journey toward self-awareness. MGTOW!

                                                                                                Very Sincerely,

                                                                                                “Luke Johnstone”

PS-Please check out my other blogs if you like this one and subscribe and follow me!

PPS-Nothing really.  I just wanted to create a PPS.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

And Single Guys Go to Weddings…Why?

I haven’t gone to a wedding since June of 2006. Nine years and counting, and no weddings under my belt. One reason is simply because all the guys I know are single and can’t find anybody, and another reason is that the handful of women I know are already married and if they have gotten married in recent years, I wasn’t invited to said wedding (no surprise there) and I of course would not have gone anyway under any circumstances, whatsoever, bar none.

The ’06 wedding was in a decent small town north-northwest of Birmingham, Alabama, called Jasper. Two other close friends of mine also attended, but they went in a separate vehicle because I took a solo road trip—one of many over the years—the day after the wedding. The friend getting married, Russ, had been a very close and dear friend of me and another who attended, Phil, for about two and a half years; we had tons in common and the chemistry with us three together was so incredible, so spontaneous, so magical, that people all around us would stop, smile and shake their heads in wonder and fascination. We even had gorgeous girls after us, sometimes just walking up to us, begging to go out with us; we couldn’t because they were all underage, though. Curse these ridiculous, outmoded laws! Anyway, we did tons of projects and great stuff together; just a great trio of close friendship and networking.

After spending most of his life from college to young adult life totally single and ignored, Russ actually found somebody in the most supernatural, holy-inspired ways that can be thought of; although 98% of men never have a soul mate, it is certain that Russ actually found one. We were all very happy for him as he found somebody when all around us were lonely single men who couldn’t even get a date. So I and two other friends drove the 11-hour trip from north central Florida to Russ’ hometown of Jasper to go to his wedding at a small church:


We had sort a small bachelor party for Russ at the hotel, and then the next day we went to the wedding, subsequent reception, and had some pictures taken, and…


…and that was it. That was the official end of the close friendship of us and Russ. Done. C’est fini in one day.

Russ accidentally got his bride pregnant on their wedding night…and she was on birth control! So immediately Russ became “family man,” and got immersed in the “family culture,” meeting more married men and their babies and children. Gone were Phil and me and any other non-married guy that his uber-religious, prudish wife disapproved of her husband hanging around with, not that it mattered, because he had written us off immediately after his wedding regardless. The couple have since had another kid, and from what I’ve been told, all they do is talk about their family and their marriage and keep close to only other married with kids couples in their small circle of life. Sad. Amazing how quickly Russ threw away the single life and the single guys he knew and liked for such a long time.

Marriages destroy friendships. Don’t doubt it. Don’t deny it. Don’t ignore the elephant in the room. What happened to Phil and I happens every week across North America.

So why do you, single young men 18 to 35, go to weddings? Seriously, why? Rhetorical question. There are a few reasons why and they all end in failure. Many guys actually think that they will find somebody at a wedding! HAHAHAHAHA!! They watched the Vince Vaughn/Owen Wilson movie “Wedding Crashers” from ‘05 and think that’s real life: going to weddings and getting laid by all the supposed horny women there who are just naturally looking for a man to bang for a one-night stand. Maybe if you’re as tall as Vince Vaughn you might stand a chance, but even then, it’s seriously doubtful. Fact is, you WILL NOT find anybody at a wedding anymore; maybe some years in the past, but not nowadays. No good guy finds anybody anywhere anymore, for Christ’s sake, let alone weddings! The bridesmaids aren’t even maids anymore; they’re either married or have bad boys in the audience or at home, banging some coked-out strippers they met the night before while the “bridesmaids” were out at the bachelorette orgy…I mean party. Weddings are now made up primarily of other married couples, all pretending to be happily hitched when they are just months, if not weeks away from a divorce. The rest are women who have somebody and then a smattering of lonely single men who end of feeling more miserable and more alone after the ceremony. I can’t tell you how many men I’ve known over the years who have gone to weddings and come back in tears, feeling so alone, unwanted and unloved as most people there were couples and the tiny number of non-married women ignored them.

Another reason why men punish and torture themselves by going to weddings is that they feel obligated to go, obliged to attend, because of people they know who are either the ones getting married or are going to be in the wedding, or even just attend. First off, guys, you are NOT obligated in any way to attend a wedding if you feel uncomfortable about it. If you disapprove of the marriage or just don’t really want to take part in a ceremony like that, then fucking don’t go!! I seriously doubt that the people who invited you will really notice if you are there or not; you’ll just be a face in the crowd, just another number. And if you are asked as to why you aren’t going, just say you aren’t comfortable with it or that, as a single man, you just don’t like weddings. Be truthful. Don’t mince words.

If the person you know getting married is a man, and if you disagree with his whore of choice (as you probably will be), you may have to just break the truth to the guy that you don’t condone the marriage and you don’t think it’s a good thing. If you are friends with said dude, I have to admit that this could very well put a strain on your friendship, I’m not going to lie. But you have to ask yourself if this is the kind of guy you want as a friend, one who makes very bad choices when it comes to the woman who will eventually divorce him and take at least half of his life earnings. Having piece of mind by not attending a marriage ceremony is, I believe, worth the risk of alienating yourself to just one person.

If the person you know getting married is a woman, well, this is an obvious one! Don’t even think about going to her wedding and feel no guilt about it at all! Has this gal ever hooked you up with women to bang? Nope! Has she ever fucked you? Nope! Has she ever told you places where women are who want to bang good guys such as yourself? Nope! Has she in any way been a real friend to you? Nope! Is she going to bang you on the side while she’s married? Nope! So why go to her wedding? She obviously couldn’t care less about you and as we all know, she’s just latching on to a guy so she can divorce him and rob him blind. So don’t endorse her errant and warped behavior. Going to her wedding is a pure, brazen endorsement of her and her marriage; by going, you are screaming out, “I think this is great! There’s nothing at all wrong with this!” even if you feel otherwise. Don’t be such a pussy by giving in to such nonsense.

Guys, don’t ever, ever, ever, think that you have to go to weddings. Just don’t. Do something else instead, anything. Just don’t go. You will feel so much better if you don’t attend, and nobody will notice that you’re not there. Respect yourselves, men. And if you know other single men who are thinking about going to a ceremony, greatly encourage them to not go as well; what would be awesome is for single guys to all get together somewhere instead of being at the wedding! Have dignity with yourself and don’t do something just because you think that you will somehow gain brownie points by doing so, because you will not. You’ll just be yet another simp, yet another mangina, yet another White Knight, a coward who just digs himself deeper in frustration and depression. Boycott weddings, guys! Trust me. Don’t be that guy. Just avoid it all.

By the way, the only good thing I got out of Russ’ wedding in Jasper was a mildly-attractive woman (who of course had a kid and sure wasn’t paying attention to us single guys) who was sitting behind me eating at the reception and her lucky thong was peeking out of her long, thin dress. I turned around and quietly took a couple of pics. Here’s one:

I also knew a really hot woman in Jasper named Cindy and we met up a year later there, but nothing much happened. She turned to be seriously psycho a year later; hot, but dangerously mentally unstable. No surprise there.

Friday, May 22, 2015

MGTOW and Being 34

Just a pretty simple blog here, men. As I’ve said in my first blog (Blog Cherry Popping, which you should all read), I’m 34 years old. Been 34 since last July 2nd, so yeah, the big number is coming up, and yes, I’m dreading it. I’m dreading it as much as I did when I hit 30, and that was a rather depressing birthday; I held on to 29 as long as I could so I could say I was in my 20s. If I could live my life perpetually 29, I’d be one happy dude.

But I do want to talk about what it’s like being 34 to those guys who might be reading this blog and are younger. Do I have regrets in my life? Many small things, actually, but at least a few big ones. Are there things I wish I would have done differently in my younger years (15 to 30)? Abso-friggen-lutely! Knowing now what I know today, there would have been numerous changes in my life, and I believe I would be in much better financial and physical shape than I am right now. Physically, I’m great, except for being overweight, unfortunately; financially, I’m in some pretty bad debt, but a good chunk of it has been greatly lowered over the past few years and I’m making progress in that regard. But I do wish that I had been much more frugal with my money and I wish I had taken a different route with my education, both high school and college. These are regrets and issues that many men face. Hindsight is 20/20, eh?

Relationship-wise, eh, well, I’ve had so few of those that I don’t really have any major regrets one way or the other, because no matter how I slice it, those relationships I’ve had wouldn’t have lasted all that much longer, anyway. One of them might have, but them’s the breaks. I’m not too heart-broken over my relationships—or lack thereof—anymore.

Which brings me to the main point of this blog post. There’s something about being a 34-year-old man that changes the whole dynamic of how you see your life. I discovered MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) last year soon after I turned 34, and have been more and more involved in it here in 2015. Before then, I worried and fretted and grieved over not having anybody and wanting to bend over backwards to impress the female gender. But when I hit the age that I am now, it all seemed to dissipate, and rather quickly. Like something in my brain clicked on almost immediately and I began to see the light, and I took the Red Pill quite quickly and with little apprehension. I didn’t really see the parallels between my age and MGTOW until I saw some comments on a couple of separate Youtube videos by MGTOW purveyors Sandman and Raging Golden Eagle. Look up both men and watch their vids and you will be impressed, I believe. The videos were dealing with how men are just giving up on marriage and how it is not only the younger demographic (18 to 28) but the—sigh—“older” demos as well, namely my age bracket. And there were numerous comments from men who said that it seemed that 33 to 35 were the ages that they suddenly had an overwhelming sense of self-respect and self-worth come over them and they joined MGTOW. More than a few guys said that 34 seemed to be the age when they took the Red Pill and changed their lives, as if—somehow, someway—34 is the age when men see the light. Nobody can explain it physiologically or psychologically, but there’s something about being my age that men start to see life in a whole different light.

Sure, I still have the libido that goes unchecked. I still have the yearning for a good lay every now and then, a lay I never, ever get. But I don’t bother trying anymore, and apparently, many men my age are doing the same thing. It’s a cathartic time in one’s life, and I’m not too upset about it. I embrace it. I have a very close single friend who is 27 (and is quite tall, actually, which is rare that a tall guy is single and alone) and is seeing more and more how all Western women have become with feminism and liberalism and hypergamy. But he still has not taken the Red Pill and would be considered Purple Pill. He admits that he probably will eventually join MGTOW, but he’s hoping much later in life as he’s still holding out hope that if he does this or does that or moves here or moves there, the women wherever he goes will suddenly want him. Oh, he’ll see the light one day. And it will probably be when he turns 34!

So to those frustrated single guys younger than me who are Purple Pill and as yet uncertain about taking the MGTOW route, trust me: if you have any dignity or self-respect, you will wake up to the realities of American women and hypergamy and feminism and drop them like that a bad crack habit. But it may happen when you are my age. When it does happen, embrace it, don’t fight it! You will see a whole new world open before your eyes, a world involving you and your gender and your success and your happiness. It happened to me…when I turned 34. Better late than never!

Saturday, May 16, 2015

People of Chiefland, Florida: Beware the Bad Woman Driver!

Gentlemen (and guys), I have to tell you about a tiny incident that I had a week ago involving a good-looking young woman because it deals with women and cars and driving, and how bad they are on the roads. I was coming back from visiting Manatee Springs State Park near the town of Chiefland and was on County Road 320 (NW 115th St or Manatee Springs Road) from the park to the town when some young woman pulled out in front of me in a small red Chevy Aveo almost exactly like this:

She didn’t really cut me off, so I wasn’t miffed, but she drove quite slow and seemed to be preoccupied. I couldn’t pass as there was too much traffic coming from Chiefland, so I had to wait it out until we reached the red light and intersection of State Road 98 at Chiefland. She and I were both making right-hand turns and she waited there through the red light despite there being no traffic coming; here in the United States, a right-hand turn on red is allowed unless there is a sign specifically not allowing it, which isn’t too often. So this girl waited until the light was green…and she waited some more. And waited. Evidently not paying attention or too dumb to understand what a green light means; I’m thinking she was texting her boyfriend of the week, or whatever. OK, I had waited enough. I rarely beep my horn, partially because I am a Southerner by the grace of God and we native Southerners rarely honk because it’s rude; but…mainly though, it’s because my damn horn sounds like it’s from friggen Fisher-Price and it’s embarrassing! So I just yelled at her in my car to go on and I gestured a bit to the road, as in “It’s clear! Go on that road!” I guess my movement in my car finally got this whore’s attention, and she slowly turned right, and then slowly turned into a gas station just to the right of the intersection. Painfully slow and almost in a daze, still evidently texting her dumbass about her new tattoo or her STD or her pregnancy or her gym session or whatever. The red dot is where the bitch decided to idle and idle at a green light:

I finally got around her and accelerated, and as I did, she looked away but stuck her middle finger up to her non-tinted window of her little Chevy car. Seriously, bitch? Seriously? You’re driving like an old lady, then sitting still at a green light, and then taking your sweet little time just to turn, and you flick me off? It’s my fault that you were texting your sex toy or whatever and weren’t paying attention? It’s my fault that I finally had enough of your moronic ass and merely gestured my hand to the road, so you had to gesture your finger? Honestly, I should have pulled into the Burger House that was next to the station she slowly pulled in to, waited for her to come back on Road 98, and closely followed her for a while, possibly as long as I could, until she turned off somewhere else. I’ve done that before, and the obvious fear that you see in the eyes of the woman when she keeps looking back at you in her mirrors is well worth the road rage. I should have done the same to this cunt; her windows were all non-tinted, so I would have been able to see her more clearly. I bet she would really be texting or calling her dumbass boyfriend of the month then! Anyway, we men know what horrendous drivers young women are, and this was yet another incident.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Rude, Crude and Socially Unacceptable

OK, so many of you men have certainly heard about the incident involving low-end ESPN reporter babe Britt McHenry and her vicious scream-fest at a towing company worker in the Washington, D.C, metro area. You might not have, and that’s fine and dandy, because I honestly would not have seen or heard a thing about it had I not just turned on AM radio and heard Rush Limbaugh at the very beginning of one of his shows speaking about it at length.

So here’s the gist: Britt, a 28 year-old physically perfect but intellectually vapid blond airhead who works as a reporter for ESPN—basically she just flirts with jocks and most certainly bangs them afterward—left her car overnight in a parking lot of a restaurant/bar, despite signs warning patrons that vehicles left abandoned in the lot are promptly towed away. Yeah, um…something tells me this bitch was wasted and went home with one of the tall, bad boy jocks she “interviews” on a semi-regular basis. It’s quite obvious. So while she was fucking a big *cough black cough* cock, her car gets towed by a notoriously sleazy towing company (aren’t they all?). The next day (or should I say “the morning after?), an enraged Little Miss Congeniality goes to the company to pay to get her car back, and, despite knowing she was on video and audio, decided to go on a verbal rampage. Not against the notoriously sleazy towing company, mind you. No, no, her anger and vitriol was directed at one and only one person: the poor lady at the cash register. McHenry—in between profanities—berated the cashier about everything, from her possible missing teeth to her possible weight problem to her possible lack of post-high school education (McHenry let the world know that she has a “degree,” which she most certainly did not earn) to her possibly living in a trailer. The poison went on and on.

Britt McHenry has huge, white teeth that defy comprehension, a fake smile, and constantly dyed blonde hair. She is the perfect weight, perfect shape, all thanks to personal trainers and expensive gym memberships. She has never truly worked for a living and, according to people who went to both Stetson University (here in central Florida) and Northwestern University (Chicago) with her, was pathetic at her journalism studies and treated almost the entire student body with extreme contempt and arrogance. Miss Britt obviously got the higher education she bragged about simply by being hot and having a delicious-but-still-quite-salty vagina, nothing more. An entire life of arrogant, belittling, condescending behavior toward people who aren’t of her physical caliber. Britt McHenry was raised by her parents to believe whole-heartedly that anyone who does not fit her idea of perfection (basically, everybody, then), is to be looked down upon, sneered at, and verbally humiliated. She got her Master’s Degree in Journalism because she was a hot woman, who get all the perks and are allowed free reign to act toward fellow humans any way they feel at the moment to act. Self-entitled, selfish, egotistical, spoiled brat = Britt McHenry. Pretty on the outside; very, very ugly on the inside.

Now to another young single woman who made the news a year and a half ago, but recent events brings her back to memory. With the guilty verdict and sentencing coming down against Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the Boston Marathon Bomber co-conspirator, this reminds me of Alicia Ann Lynch, a young whore from Michigan who, inexplicably, decided to dress for an office Halloween party as a severely injured victim of the senseless bombing:

WTF? Who even thinks, “I need a costume. Oh, I know! I’ll dress up as an innocent victim of a horrendous Islamic terrorist act on American soil! This will be soooo funny!”? Hopefully nobody at the office party told her that her get-up was cute and awesome. It was disgusting. Men, women and children killed or maimed, many of them losing limbs, by this act of Muslim terror, and Miss Lynch considers it open season to ridicule the victims. Well, immediately after posting the above photo on social media, she was rightfully and vocally panned by practically the entire U.S. population to the point that Lynch deleted all her social profiles and went into hiding. By the way, her names on the internet were “Shankaskank” and “SomeSkankinMI. ” Amazing how today’s Western women are proud of being called skanks, among other things. And all she ever talks about on her new Twitter account is her raunchy sex life. Nude pictures of Alicia were easily found on Tumblr and shown for all to see. I can’t judge her much on that; I have numerous nudes of me online as well, some of them quite explicit. But some critics went way, way too far: they not only doxed her, but they doxed her parents and threatened to kill them. That’s completely out of line and inexcusable. No reason for that kind of nonsense, even if the parents are to blame for their daughter’s rotten behavior, and I believe they are, just as Britt McHenry’s parents are to blame for hers’ as well. Fortunately, Lynch was fired from her job, so at least there was an ounce of karma served.

Britt McHenry and Alicia Lynch. Here’s two young women whose behavior and demeanor are indicative of today’s 18-30 non-married women in North America: arrogant, condescending, spiteful, vicious, vulgar, profane, self-absorbed, heartless, haughty and self-entitled. Basically rude, crude and socially unacceptable. This, gentlemen, is all attractive women of the Millennial Generation.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

America the Beautiful…Until a Feminist Gets a Hold of It

I love nature. I hike a lot through state parks and forests here in Florida as well as Tennessee and north Georgia when I go on road trips there. I absolutely love the woods, the wildlife, all preserved for humans to take in and enjoy. There’s nothing more peaceful and more awe-inspiring than some of the wondrous national parks and monuments across the United States. Nature unspoiled, untouched…

…until a third-wave feminist get her hands on it.

This, gentlemen, is the “artwork” of Casey Nocket, a stereotypical New York young, attractive female: Self-entitled, spoiled, egotistical, selfish, far-left, and completely talentless. Actually, that seems to describe ALL good-looking single women in the United States and Canada, does it not? Miss Nocket, a third-wave feminist, intellectually vapid attention whore and ardent liberal, decided to take a trip to at least a dozen National Parks…to deface them. Here’s Docket and her physically perfect body climbing all over a very fragile federally protected monument:

Cute. Really cute. How adorable. Docket went from park to park in the West and Southwest, scrawling absolutely abysmal graffiti on anything she could find, mostly ancient boulders overlooking gorgeous views. She went to Death Valley, the Grand Canyon, and Yosemite, Zion, Sequoia, and Joshua Tree National Parks, among a half dozen others. After vandalizing federally protected land, she took pictures and proudly Instagrammed her creation, as well as put them on her page on Tumblr, the ultimate website for the feminists/liberals/atheists/LGBT/hipsters/climate change freaks. She didn’t simply draw a few small designs in pre-school chalk that would be washed away with the next rainfall. Oh, no, no, no. She happily commented on Instagram that she scrawled her drivel in acrylic, meaning it is almost permanent. It will take an incredible amount of heavy-duty cleaning by the Parks Service to even get some of that graffiti off, thousands upon thousands of dollars in equipment and manpower, and even then, much of it may not wear off for a hundred years. The Millennial Generation in fine form! Even worse, her mother openly supported her daughter's crimes on Twitter. It's quite obvious that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

Casey Docket is 21 years old, yet her “artwork” looks like something a 7th-grader would draw on college-lined notebook paper while sitting in the middle school library between classes. One-dimensional, uninspired, and pointless. She touts herself as being an “artist,” much like fellow self-entitled feminist Jew York douchette Lena Dunham likes to call herself…since nobody else will, except for Jezebel or MSNBC or Mediate.

Imagine being so conceited, so narcissistic, so delusional, that you vandalize nationally protected vistas of breathtaking nature and beauty, post it on social media for all the world to see, and proclaim it “art” and yourself an “artist.” I could pull down my pants, squat down, and take a big ol’ shit on the ground at your local Dunkin’ Donuts parking lot and call it “performance art,” but that doesn’t make it so. Of course, I would get arrested and charged with a felony or felonies.

Speaking of being arrested and charged with crimes, is Casey Docket?


The Parks Service and Department of the Interior said late last year that they were actively looking into this case, and with overwhelming evidence that she committed these felonies, it should be a slam dunk that Docket is the perpetrator and should be charged. But since she’s a female, good-looking, and a left-wing third-wave feminist, not a damn thing has been done. Nothing. Here it is the end of February and still nothing. Amazing how slanted the justice system is nowadays! Hot liberal babe = free to do anything you want. Oh, and this chick now says that she might start defacing and vandalizing gravestones next in her frantic quest for attention!

Casey Docket is the poster child of female Millennial narcissism, the epitome of selfish, spoiled attention whores who whip out the tired mantra of “I’m a feminist and you’re an evil misogynist if you don’t like what I do!” when they get caught doing something base and banal. Gentlemen, this is what modern-day feminism is, and how the vast majority of American and Canadian young non-married women are. Just remember that when you see these pictures.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Blog Cherry Popping!

Hey, all! This is my first blog post on Life in a White Trash Mecca! Just an introduction about how I am, where I live, and what I’ll be blogging about from time to time.

Back in the glorious Myspace days, (oh, may they R.I.P.), I had a fairly successful blog, with numerous subscribers. My tracking map would show blog reads coming from all parts of North America, even some in Germany, Norway and Australia. Ah, better days, better days. Since the self-destruction of Myspace back in November of 2010, I haven’t posted so much as one blog, one vlog, one commentary online. Nothing. Well, it’s time to get back into the swing of things!

I’m 34 years old, fairly short, fairly fat and fairly bald. For many years, I’ve worked full-time in an average, run-of-the-mill job. I drive a nice but pretty average car. I have some friends, I have some family, I have interests and hobbies (hiking, driving, road trips, acting, singing, music, video production, etc.) Basically, I’m your stereotypical Beta Male in most ways. Gamma Male I am not, though! I’ve been very single for most of my life, not by any choice of my own, just by the lack of good women/overabundance of good men ratio. I’ve dated a bit here and there, and I’ve been in two long-term relationships, one of those being very on-again, off-again; it was pretty much a Friends with Benefits situation that went off and on for several years. Whatev. I used to be very frustrated and bitter toward being single, alone and unloved, but thanks to sites like Return of Kings and Roosh, I have since taken the Red Pill and my entire attitude has changed. I have embraced much—but not all—of the MGTOW subculture that is starting to cause quite a stir in the dating/relationship world.

So my blogs will discuss MGTOW and the state of Western men and women today. I’ll also write about topics from religion (if you’re looking for spiteful rants from militant atheists, look elsewhere) to politics (and if you’re looking for something MSNBC would post, look elsewhere) to describing the title of my blog, Life in a White Trash Mecca. Yeah, there’s a reason why I call this area that, trust me. I’ll also throw in quite a few internet memes regarding everything I just mentioned. Hope you enjoy!