Showing posts with label American women. Show all posts
Showing posts with label American women. Show all posts

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Ah, the White Knights! Hilarity ensues!

I have written blogs about Captain Sav-a-Ho’s, and I have written blogs about simps. Both of those inconveniently darkened links will take you to two widely-read and social media-shared blog posts I’ve made about these topics. While I lightly touched on the subject of White Knights in both blogs, I mainly just want to showcase two glaring examples of White Knighting that I recently came across to demonstrate these pathetic excuses for males.

Urban Dictionary terms White Knights as “a male that treats woman as goddesses and does nothing but shower then in compliments on how wonderful and beautiful and special they are.” Yep, that’s pretty much it. Pussy-whipped manginas who protect women who do not at all deserve to be protected, and they do this in hopes that they will score brownie points with not just the females that they are protecting, but any female who sees or hears about the White Knighting. The majority of White Knights can be found online, from countless internet forums to social media outlets from Instagram to Facebook and especially Tumblr and Twitter. Every day in every way, young men take up the challenge of kissing the cellulite-and-stretchmark-ridden asses of Western women. These girls and women are almost always bringing judgment, condemnation, and contempt on themselves by their ribald behavior, and when they are called out on said behavior, these dudes swoop in to twist themselves into pretzels trying to shelter women from any criticism, no matter how deserved the criticism is. They used to just type things like “Leave her alone!” or my favorite, “Leave her alone…or else!” Or else what? Hahahahaha!!

Now these weenies go into details about how evil all men are who do not grovel and kiss the asses of women; they bring out the stereotypical feminist mush and idiocy of “patriarchy” and “misogyny” among other turd-like bunk, then wait on the sidelines with baited breath, hoping the bitch they just stood for will say, “Gasp! Thou protected my wholesomeness and honor and pride! For that, young squire, thou shalt be invited to fornicate with me and thy seed shall be thrust inside me as a token of my unyielding gratititude!” Yeeaaaahhh, can you guess the number of women who have actually done that?

One guess.

Guess. Go ahead.

Did you guess…ZERO??? You would be right!

Yet, these manginas just keep pecking away on their keyboards, whether on their PC or laptop, or their smartphones or Tablets or iPads. Peck, peck, peck. Anytime a whore is criticized for being a whore, here come the White Knights. Peck, peck and more peck. Donning their shining armor, they must defend the non-existent honor of females who have never had honor or dignity in their lives. If they’re lucky—and that’s a big IF—the slut being protected or some random female who reads the comments from the White Knight will say, “Awwwwe, thanks” or “Totes, bae” or some other insincere, throwaway statement and…that’s it.

The general consensus about White Knights is that these losers do this simply because they inexplicably believe that doing so will get them laid, somehow, someway. Never happens, of course, and never will. There is one alternate theory that came about two years ago on Return of Kings by Jeremy Jacobs. Here’s the link, and the title is aptly named An Alternate Theory of White Knights:. Basically, the author theorizes that men who were unfortunately raised by single mothers (ugh!) have been programmed by them to always protect the female gender, no matter how the female gender acts. It’s a brainwashed, Pavlonian Dog-type situation with these guys. Their awful unwed moms told their own sons to hate masculine men and idolize feminist women, any feminist woman, which is now the vast majority of women, apparently. I think there is definitely a contingent of these kinds of White Knights—I really do—but there are still many, many guys who White Knight simply in desperation of getting poon…that they never get, no matter how much of a fool they make themselves out to be.

Now, I bring your attention to two instances of White Knights online, and whether these two wimps did this because of simping for sex or because of how their mothers raised them, is up in the air. No clue. But they are pathetic White Knights regardless.

First, an Instagram photo from a 13-year-old Australian girl named Bonnie-Lou Coffey. She and her older sisters, Ellie-Jean, Holly-Sue and Ruby-Lee, are Aussie surfer chicks who are only moderately good at surfing as well as only moderately attractive, although they are will openly say that they think they are perfect in every way. Like all females on IG, these intellectually vapid blondes post pics just for attention and Likes and followers, nothing more; the Coffey’s basically are the Kardashian’s of Australia. Well, more and more girls Bonnie-Lou’s age and even younger (like even 12 years old!) from Hawaii, California and Australia are starting to wear thong bikinis on the beach, at the pool, and even walking around parks and on the sidewalks, and take loads of IG photos of their bare butts; in fact, their parents sometimes hire adult male photographers to take photos of their daughter’s bethonged ass cheeks, or the parents take the pics themselves and the girls then post them all over IG. Yes, hundreds—possibly thousands—of pre-teen and barely-teen girls running around in public wearing thong bikinis—almost all of them from Hawaii, but some from The Land Down Under and a few some Cali—all with their parents’ full blessing. Now, if I had a daughter that age, I honestly wouldn’t mind her wearing thongs like that around the pool or the beach with her girl friends, but I or she sure as hell ain’t getting some creepy photographer dude taking pics of her ass and posting them all over social media!! I have a fake IG profile of a hot teen girl, so I add these girls and view their pictures as the girls think that I’m a hot girl. It’s all for research, folks! All for research! Ahem…ummm…anyway…*whistles nonchalantly*

Bonnie-Lou posted a very skimpy pic of her in a see-through bikini top recently:

The sisters are all cute, but their voices and accents are soooooooo grating and ugly.

It was fairly risqué for Instagram and very risqué for a 13-year-old girl. Several people—most of them women, believe it or not—commented on the pic that it was a bit too revealing for such a young girl, and then Bonnie’s sister, Ellie, went on a stereotypical liberal woman rampage, one of many in Australia, an entire nation that has been fully enveloped in man-hating feminism:

Oh, so much feminist double-talk! So much left-wing gobbledygook! So many buzz words when sluts get called out for being sluts. All these Coffey girls have probably been fucking since they were 11! Ah, just in time to save the fair Aussie maiden, here comes the White Knight! En garde!

Oh, please! Give me a break, you mangina! Some adult man playing the concerned male who is here to protect the not-so-honorable Coffey Whores. What a friggen pussy! Speaking of pussy, this mangina probably busted a nut when he actually got a crumb of attention from a fellow feminist, thinking it would lead to him getting laid:

That’s all he's going to get! Sorry, wimp, you ain’t getting any from being Mr. Shining Armor. Now, another example, this time on YouTube. Some annoying Hispanic bitch nicknamed “Jotce80” uploaded a video of her Uber driver acting like a really, really angry asshole who does not need to be driving for Uber. But as can be seen in the video, this bitch baits him and prods him and teases him just to get a reaction:

Typical Millennial, typical Democrat, typical minority. Always trying to start shit. Always trying to pick fights. Always trying to make people feel bad for them. Always trying to play the victim. Always trying to find grounds for a lawsuit. This Jotce80 and her annoying Latina accent was a real cunt with her obnoxious passive-aggressive behavior, and the video she posted received an overwhelming majority of Dislikes (16k to 1k) and a massive amount of very negative comments; in fact, about 95% of the comments on her YT video were negative, including numerous comments from fellow women, many of whom called her a "cunt."
With all the people upset at this bitch, here comes the White Knight:

Sheeeeeeesh! Well, this asshat got a reply, and it’s the exact kind of reply every guy should post when the White Knight starts defending the indefensible actions of a bitch:

NICE!! And that’s what you guys need to do. CALL THEM OUT!! Call them out on their White Knighting! Call them what they are, and these guys will slither away, and nobody ever comes to their defense, including the females they are so bound and determined to defend. If I hadn’t been on my fake Instagram profile (again, just researching!), I would have called that weenie out who White Knighted for Bonnie-Lou Coffey. Call White Knights out, guys! If you see it online, respond to it!

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

A Little Advice for Single Guys 18 to 40

Gentlemen, if you’re reading my blogs (and I really hope you are), then you hopefully are a single man aged 18 to 40 or you at least know a lot of single men 18 to 40. Who doesn’t know single men my age or younger? Heck, you can’t walk down the street nowadays without bumping into at least a few within a couple of blocks, and the larger the city, the more you’ll bump into on said city block. At 35 years old, I’ve seen, heard and read quite a lot about the plight of the single man in North America and western parts of Europe, so I give to you some segments of advice, the kind of tips and instruction and information that you might not otherwise hear or read about. You’re not going to see this kind of stuff on GQ or Esquire! You won’t even see this on Return of Kings, as good as half those articles on ROK may be (the other half now are just Trump-loving and “Game” brag & boast blogs). So here are a few points I’d really like you guys to ponder on seriously. These points are mainly for U.S. and Canadian men my age or younger or a bit older; not at all to belittle the plight of males in other nations and continents that are reading this (and I know I have many, many readers from South America, Australia and Europe that I am thankful for), but this is first-hand experience and knowledge I know living here in North America.

These words of wisdom are also meant for regular guys like me, Average Joes, so to speak. If you’re a 400-pound guy wearing a trilby hat (a fake fedora), watching anime and playing video games all day, then this isn’t for you. At all.

If by "swag," you mean an upcoming massive heart attack, then yes.  Yes, you do.

Losers: Assemble!

In fact, this entire blog page of mine isn’t for you guys. Sorry about your Asperger’s. This is just for the regular, run-of-the-mill guys who can’t find anybody, whether it be because of the incredible lack of women now, the hypergamy and ultra-feminism of today’s females, or that you aren’t deemed attractive enough for today’s uber-hypergamous women and their ridiculously high standards…or a combination of two of those, or in my case, all three. So with that said, read on!

1. There are many, many men like you who can’t find somebody!

I know sometimes it seems that you’re the only guy who doesn’t have a girlfriend, the only guy who isn’t getting laid. You always heard about all the bullies and jocks (same difference) in high school banging all the slutty cheerleaders. Heck, you even heard about the tuba girl in the marching band getting it on with the leader of the AV Club! In college, every douchebag frat boy was fucking every single sorority slut. Yet there you were, Forever Alone, and you thought that everybody was with somebody. WRONG!! There are loads and loads of white and Asian men our age who go day after day, week after week, month after month, and yes, even year after year without somebody; I’ve gone 2 ½ years now without sex, not even so much as a BJ. I would say that there are literally hundreds of thousands of men in the 20s and 30s and a bit younger and older in North America who are in the same boat as you and I are. Many in MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) believe in the “80/20 Rule,” which deems that 80% of the women are having sex with 20% of the men, the Alpha Male badboys. That leaves 80 percent of men fighting over just 20 percent of women; take away the 20% of men who then get those girls, and that leaves a staggering 60% of males in the United States and Canada going without a girl on a regular-to-continuous basis. Yeah, that’s a lot. A LOT. And that’s why you, sir, are not the only guy without a girlfriend.

2. There are absolutely no women who can’t find somebody!

This big blob has hundreds of thirsty men after her.  And you have how many women after you?
No matter how fat, no matter how ugly, no matter how stinky and sloppy and dirty-looking and disease-ridden and revolting a white woman our age is, she can nab a guy, almost any guy, at any time, nowadays. It used to not be like this at all, but it is now. I shall one day blog about why this has happened. But 100% of white, Hispanic and Asian women (black women refuse to date outside their race so they don’t even count)—no matter how low they are on the Sexual Market Value scale—are in constant, overwhelming demand by thirsty, simping males and usually only go less than a full day between boyfriends, if even that. This is how it is here in the White Trash Mecca and from what I’ve heard some guys say, I’m assuming it’s like this nation and even continent-wide.

3. Try to seek out those single men I mentioned in #1.

Some are MGTOW, and out of that group, some choose to drop women like a bad habit and others simply are MGTOW because of not being able to find any woman. Then there are the True Forced Loneliness (TFL) dudes who would be classified as that second part of guys in MGTOW, except that those in TFL constantly whine and moan and complain about being alone. Well, don’t be a TFL dude. Find other guys who, even though they may be single and unwanted, aren’t always crying over it and are just going to go their own way. Try to find these guys and hopefully network and fellowship with them, either online or hopefully in person. Remember, there are possibly hundreds of thousands of them here, so you’re bound to meet men who are like you in many ways. Strength in numbers. Nothing better than being around fellow single guys!

4. There are no single women 18 to 40 that are worth going for anymore.

This ties in to #2. Also, I wrote an excellent blog in which I detail this point a lot, and here it is. Click me! That blog pretty much says it all, but I will just sum up Point #4 by saying to just trust me on this. Trust me.

5. There’s no such thing as a “pity fuck” anymore.

Perhaps there used to be a time when women did that, but not anymore. I tried and tried for years to drop hints and extract sympathy from females, hoping that one of them would think, “Poor guy. He needs a good lay to boost his confidence, and I’m just the gal to do that.” Number of Pity Fucks I got? Zero. Women now have so many males to choose from and with hypergamy, they don’t have to “settle” for guys who aren’t getting any; all they do is sneer at such men and turn their noses. So don’t think for a minute that some damsel will put out for you to make you feel better. It won’t ever happen. Never ever.

6. “Just be yourself” simply doesn’t work nowadays, sorry.

Females always say this bullshit and they don’t really mean it. If they did, then they would appreciate you being yourself and would want to hit the sheets with you. They’re not, are they? I’ll answer that for you: NOPE! “Just be yourself” is a cop-out phrase to get guys off their backs and to try to end the conversation if you’re asking how to get women to notice and like you. Western females are not looking for a great personality and sincerity. In fact, they’re not even looking for a perfect smile. Or stability. Or intelligence. Or talents and abilities. I have all of that and more and can’t nab anyone. They’re only looking for super-tall, super-hot (for today’s nonsensical standards) and usually, super-loaded. If you’re not any of those three, then “being yourself” ain’t gonna cut it, guys. Learn to live with this ounce of verity.

7. (Optional) If you are horny enough, try other genders!

I mentioned in my last blog (it's right here!) that I’m pansexual. I’ll take most women, many male-to-female transgenders, and a few gay or bi men. That way, I can at least broaden my horizons and have more options for sex. Of course, even being pan hasn’t helped me, either. But I’m just saying that if you think that you are in such dire need of getting laid, consider trying trans or gay or bi. Heaven knows there are enough men around, many, many more than the United States could ever want or need. Just throwing out that possibility; if you don’t like it, you can throw it right back. But please do heed and give great attention to the other six points. Go MGTOW!

Thursday, January 28, 2016

“Paging Dr. Ramkissoon.”

Last year, I posted two well-read blogs about three separate young women whose behavior as human beings was just repulsive. First, a blog about Casey Dockett, then one about Britt McHenry and Alicia Lynch. Well, there’s yet another American female to show her true colors for all the world to see, and it’s…

Anjali Ramkissoon. Doctor Anjali Ramkissoon. A 30 year-old fourth-year neurology residency student in Miami, just months away from officially getting her license to independently practice medicine here in Florida. As many of you have probably already seen, Dr. Ramkissoon decided to go on a vicious tangent just last week in Miami. Here’s the video, and honestly, it’s hard to watch:

The gist of it is this: Dr. Ramkissoon (of Trinidad and Indian heritige) did some hot girl Miami partying and arranged for an Uber driver to come pick her up. Somebody else had requested an Uber before her and when their cab arrived, Ramkissoon decided to butt in and demand that she be given this ride instead of the one she hailed for. The driver attempted to block her from getting in his car, to which Anjali decided to mock and deride the poor guy, then tried to swing at him and even kneed him in the groin area. When able to break away from the Uber driver, the little diva took his keys and locked herself in his car, and then proceeded to throw out loads of paperwork, receipts, bills, an iPhone, and other personal belongings, all the while mocking the hapless driver as people called the police. Cops arrived, and Ramkissoon suddenly pulled the “poor sweet, innocent girl” to them; amazingly, the Uber driver didn’t press charges, which he really should have.

The whole crazy incident was filmed by the person who originally hailed for an Uber and he uploaded the video to YouTube that very night. Almost instantly, it went viral, very viral, and it caught the attention of all the local news outlets and then various websites nationwide, and—because Ramkisoon’s family is of Indian heritage—it got lots of press in India as well. Dr. Ramkissoon has been placed on temporary leave at her hospital of recidency, and given the incredible amount of negative publicity about her, she will hopefully have a hard time finishing her residency, and when she does, her name is now anathema to future patients, or at least should be.

Let’s delve a bit more into this cerebral nutcase known as Anjali Ramkissoon, shall we? Her father, Bridglal Ramkissoon, is a doctor in Sebring, Florida, and sources say he is just as cold and heartless as the horrible cunt of a daughter he raised. Online reviews of Daddy Bridglal Ramkissoon say he is "sarcastic, condescending, arrogant, flippant, and mocks your concerns rather than address them..." Wow! What a dickhead! The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. The equally-maligned mother, Patricia Ramkissoon, is one of the heads of nursing at Barry University in Miami, where her horrid daughter got her Bachelor’s Degree.. Anjali had to go to medical school in Grenada, where many medical students have to go from the U.S. when they don’t meet the academic critieria to study here. In other words, she isn’t bright enough for U.S. medical colleges. Her YouTube channel (now since deleted) was filled with white male-bashing and the hashtag #killallmen; she is obviously a militant feminist, racist and a man-hater. Her social networks like Facebook and Instagram were filled with selfies, selfies, selfies, many of them bikini-clad on the beach or in scrubs at the medical center. Any real health care professional will tell you how tacky and unprofessional it is to take “hospital selfies” on duty, especially when you are a friggen doctor! Lots of pics of Ramkissoon and her perfect body but hideous face, like this:

Also, like 100% of young women, she has to have a “tattoo pic:”

Well, at least the sonnet is spelled right!

Just what I want to see from my physician: a fully-visible arm tat with handwriting that will be smeared, faded and unintelligble within a year or so. Just great. Shows this little morally-bankrupt skank doesn’t think things through, as if we didn’t already know that. Here’s two other gems she had for all the world to see until all her profiles temporarily went private:

Hot body, ugly face, evil heart

It's all about her own mind.
Given the entire incident—as well as testimony from people who have had the displeasure of working with her, Anjali Ramkissoon is exactly what she seems to be: a self-centered, egotistical, pampered, selfish, entitled little whore. Aside from her big nose and weird smile, she is physically perfect…and she knows it, given the bikini pics she has posted, some of which look like they are thong bikinis, by the way, which is fairly common in Miami and only in Miami as far as the mainland United States goes. And they are super hot and all women with nice butts should wear thong bikinis. And a nice butt is apparently what she had, an abnormally big booty for a 5-foot-tall, 100-pound woman (as she stated in the video while mocking the Uber driver). The butt is so nice that I would love to stick my tongue so far up her delicious, curry-tasting ass that she wouldn’t need toilet paper. Just sayin’. Just throwing that out there.

Anyway, because of her looks, and because she has a vagina, Dr. Ramkissoon has been allowed to do anything she wants, say anything she wants, and act any way she wants to toward anybody she wants to. Imagine how she would treat patients! She’s obviously never been told “no” about anything, and as a result of all this coddling and ass-kissing (I mean, I’d love to kiss and lick her ass, but…), this 30-year-old woman act like a 3-year-old girl. In fact, it does not appear that she was all that drunk in the video as it is claimed she was; she was quite coherent, just hateful and profane and vulgar and out of lots of young American women are now. Given the fact that she was probably not that intoxicated, this means this is most certainly how she acts on a regular basis toward anybody she deems as below her in her little Hindu/India caste system. Her entire demeanor is exactly how Britt McHenry acted and her selfishness and lack of empathy and decency is exactly how Casey Dockett and Alicia Lynch carried themselves in the two links that I had at the beginning of this blog. Speaking of links, here’s one to a really good article about Ramkissoon that I agree with, 100%. Here it is:

I couldn’t say it any better! Little Spoiled Whore Anjali went on ABC’s Good Morning America, put on her really creepy, half-assed smile, and equally half-assed apologized for her sickening and violent tantrum. She claimed that she was upset because her boyfriend of two years allegedly broke up with her. Yay! Obviously, the douchebag (any guy who gets to bang her would be a douche) couldn’t handle any more of her mentally and psychologically aberrant behavior and got away from her, and just in time! You gotta be a pretty desperate mangina to want to be in a long-term relationship with that crazy bimbo! And Miami’s filled to the brim with them, trust me. As a native Floridian originally from South Florida, I can tell you there's not a decent woman there. In one "apology interview," the bitch also claimed that she was upset that her father was very ill and that he was a "truck driver." Wow, this shows right there what a lying sociopath she is!!

Doctor Anjali Ramkissoon is a spoiled, self-centered, slutty cunt with no idea how to treat people. Your stereotypical young single woman here in the United States and Canada. They are mostly like this to one degree or another, but this one is one of the worst. If she gets her medical license, I really, really hope that people stay far, far away from this bitch.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

And Single Guys Go to Weddings…Why?

I haven’t gone to a wedding since June of 2006. Nine years and counting, and no weddings under my belt. One reason is simply because all the guys I know are single and can’t find anybody, and another reason is that the handful of women I know are already married and if they have gotten married in recent years, I wasn’t invited to said wedding (no surprise there) and I of course would not have gone anyway under any circumstances, whatsoever, bar none.

The ’06 wedding was in a decent small town north-northwest of Birmingham, Alabama, called Jasper. Two other close friends of mine also attended, but they went in a separate vehicle because I took a solo road trip—one of many over the years—the day after the wedding. The friend getting married, Russ, had been a very close and dear friend of me and another who attended, Phil, for about two and a half years; we had tons in common and the chemistry with us three together was so incredible, so spontaneous, so magical, that people all around us would stop, smile and shake their heads in wonder and fascination. We even had gorgeous girls after us, sometimes just walking up to us, begging to go out with us; we couldn’t because they were all underage, though. Curse these ridiculous, outmoded laws! Anyway, we did tons of projects and great stuff together; just a great trio of close friendship and networking.

After spending most of his life from college to young adult life totally single and ignored, Russ actually found somebody in the most supernatural, holy-inspired ways that can be thought of; although 98% of men never have a soul mate, it is certain that Russ actually found one. We were all very happy for him as he found somebody when all around us were lonely single men who couldn’t even get a date. So I and two other friends drove the 11-hour trip from north central Florida to Russ’ hometown of Jasper to go to his wedding at a small church:


We had sort a small bachelor party for Russ at the hotel, and then the next day we went to the wedding, subsequent reception, and had some pictures taken, and…


…and that was it. That was the official end of the close friendship of us and Russ. Done. C’est fini in one day.

Russ accidentally got his bride pregnant on their wedding night…and she was on birth control! So immediately Russ became “family man,” and got immersed in the “family culture,” meeting more married men and their babies and children. Gone were Phil and me and any other non-married guy that his uber-religious, prudish wife disapproved of her husband hanging around with, not that it mattered, because he had written us off immediately after his wedding regardless. The couple have since had another kid, and from what I’ve been told, all they do is talk about their family and their marriage and keep close to only other married with kids couples in their small circle of life. Sad. Amazing how quickly Russ threw away the single life and the single guys he knew and liked for such a long time.

Marriages destroy friendships. Don’t doubt it. Don’t deny it. Don’t ignore the elephant in the room. What happened to Phil and I happens every week across North America.

So why do you, single young men 18 to 35, go to weddings? Seriously, why? Rhetorical question. There are a few reasons why and they all end in failure. Many guys actually think that they will find somebody at a wedding! HAHAHAHAHA!! They watched the Vince Vaughn/Owen Wilson movie “Wedding Crashers” from ‘05 and think that’s real life: going to weddings and getting laid by all the supposed horny women there who are just naturally looking for a man to bang for a one-night stand. Maybe if you’re as tall as Vince Vaughn you might stand a chance, but even then, it’s seriously doubtful. Fact is, you WILL NOT find anybody at a wedding anymore; maybe some years in the past, but not nowadays. No good guy finds anybody anywhere anymore, for Christ’s sake, let alone weddings! The bridesmaids aren’t even maids anymore; they’re either married or have bad boys in the audience or at home, banging some coked-out strippers they met the night before while the “bridesmaids” were out at the bachelorette orgy…I mean party. Weddings are now made up primarily of other married couples, all pretending to be happily hitched when they are just months, if not weeks away from a divorce. The rest are women who have somebody and then a smattering of lonely single men who end of feeling more miserable and more alone after the ceremony. I can’t tell you how many men I’ve known over the years who have gone to weddings and come back in tears, feeling so alone, unwanted and unloved as most people there were couples and the tiny number of non-married women ignored them.

Another reason why men punish and torture themselves by going to weddings is that they feel obligated to go, obliged to attend, because of people they know who are either the ones getting married or are going to be in the wedding, or even just attend. First off, guys, you are NOT obligated in any way to attend a wedding if you feel uncomfortable about it. If you disapprove of the marriage or just don’t really want to take part in a ceremony like that, then fucking don’t go!! I seriously doubt that the people who invited you will really notice if you are there or not; you’ll just be a face in the crowd, just another number. And if you are asked as to why you aren’t going, just say you aren’t comfortable with it or that, as a single man, you just don’t like weddings. Be truthful. Don’t mince words.

If the person you know getting married is a man, and if you disagree with his whore of choice (as you probably will be), you may have to just break the truth to the guy that you don’t condone the marriage and you don’t think it’s a good thing. If you are friends with said dude, I have to admit that this could very well put a strain on your friendship, I’m not going to lie. But you have to ask yourself if this is the kind of guy you want as a friend, one who makes very bad choices when it comes to the woman who will eventually divorce him and take at least half of his life earnings. Having piece of mind by not attending a marriage ceremony is, I believe, worth the risk of alienating yourself to just one person.

If the person you know getting married is a woman, well, this is an obvious one! Don’t even think about going to her wedding and feel no guilt about it at all! Has this gal ever hooked you up with women to bang? Nope! Has she ever fucked you? Nope! Has she ever told you places where women are who want to bang good guys such as yourself? Nope! Has she in any way been a real friend to you? Nope! Is she going to bang you on the side while she’s married? Nope! So why go to her wedding? She obviously couldn’t care less about you and as we all know, she’s just latching on to a guy so she can divorce him and rob him blind. So don’t endorse her errant and warped behavior. Going to her wedding is a pure, brazen endorsement of her and her marriage; by going, you are screaming out, “I think this is great! There’s nothing at all wrong with this!” even if you feel otherwise. Don’t be such a pussy by giving in to such nonsense.

Guys, don’t ever, ever, ever, think that you have to go to weddings. Just don’t. Do something else instead, anything. Just don’t go. You will feel so much better if you don’t attend, and nobody will notice that you’re not there. Respect yourselves, men. And if you know other single men who are thinking about going to a ceremony, greatly encourage them to not go as well; what would be awesome is for single guys to all get together somewhere instead of being at the wedding! Have dignity with yourself and don’t do something just because you think that you will somehow gain brownie points by doing so, because you will not. You’ll just be yet another simp, yet another mangina, yet another White Knight, a coward who just digs himself deeper in frustration and depression. Boycott weddings, guys! Trust me. Don’t be that guy. Just avoid it all.

By the way, the only good thing I got out of Russ’ wedding in Jasper was a mildly-attractive woman (who of course had a kid and sure wasn’t paying attention to us single guys) who was sitting behind me eating at the reception and her lucky thong was peeking out of her long, thin dress. I turned around and quietly took a couple of pics. Here’s one:

I also knew a really hot woman in Jasper named Cindy and we met up a year later there, but nothing much happened. She turned to be seriously psycho a year later; hot, but dangerously mentally unstable. No surprise there.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Rude, Crude and Socially Unacceptable

OK, so many of you men have certainly heard about the incident involving low-end ESPN reporter babe Britt McHenry and her vicious scream-fest at a towing company worker in the Washington, D.C, metro area. You might not have, and that’s fine and dandy, because I honestly would not have seen or heard a thing about it had I not just turned on AM radio and heard Rush Limbaugh at the very beginning of one of his shows speaking about it at length.

So here’s the gist: Britt, a 28 year-old physically perfect but intellectually vapid blond airhead who works as a reporter for ESPN—basically she just flirts with jocks and most certainly bangs them afterward—left her car overnight in a parking lot of a restaurant/bar, despite signs warning patrons that vehicles left abandoned in the lot are promptly towed away. Yeah, um…something tells me this bitch was wasted and went home with one of the tall, bad boy jocks she “interviews” on a semi-regular basis. It’s quite obvious. So while she was fucking a big *cough black cough* cock, her car gets towed by a notoriously sleazy towing company (aren’t they all?). The next day (or should I say “the morning after?), an enraged Little Miss Congeniality goes to the company to pay to get her car back, and, despite knowing she was on video and audio, decided to go on a verbal rampage. Not against the notoriously sleazy towing company, mind you. No, no, her anger and vitriol was directed at one and only one person: the poor lady at the cash register. McHenry—in between profanities—berated the cashier about everything, from her possible missing teeth to her possible weight problem to her possible lack of post-high school education (McHenry let the world know that she has a “degree,” which she most certainly did not earn) to her possibly living in a trailer. The poison went on and on.

Britt McHenry has huge, white teeth that defy comprehension, a fake smile, and constantly dyed blonde hair. She is the perfect weight, perfect shape, all thanks to personal trainers and expensive gym memberships. She has never truly worked for a living and, according to people who went to both Stetson University (here in central Florida) and Northwestern University (Chicago) with her, was pathetic at her journalism studies and treated almost the entire student body with extreme contempt and arrogance. Miss Britt obviously got the higher education she bragged about simply by being hot and having a delicious-but-still-quite-salty vagina, nothing more. An entire life of arrogant, belittling, condescending behavior toward people who aren’t of her physical caliber. Britt McHenry was raised by her parents to believe whole-heartedly that anyone who does not fit her idea of perfection (basically, everybody, then), is to be looked down upon, sneered at, and verbally humiliated. She got her Master’s Degree in Journalism because she was a hot woman, who get all the perks and are allowed free reign to act toward fellow humans any way they feel at the moment to act. Self-entitled, selfish, egotistical, spoiled brat = Britt McHenry. Pretty on the outside; very, very ugly on the inside.

Now to another young single woman who made the news a year and a half ago, but recent events brings her back to memory. With the guilty verdict and sentencing coming down against Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the Boston Marathon Bomber co-conspirator, this reminds me of Alicia Ann Lynch, a young whore from Michigan who, inexplicably, decided to dress for an office Halloween party as a severely injured victim of the senseless bombing:

WTF? Who even thinks, “I need a costume. Oh, I know! I’ll dress up as an innocent victim of a horrendous Islamic terrorist act on American soil! This will be soooo funny!”? Hopefully nobody at the office party told her that her get-up was cute and awesome. It was disgusting. Men, women and children killed or maimed, many of them losing limbs, by this act of Muslim terror, and Miss Lynch considers it open season to ridicule the victims. Well, immediately after posting the above photo on social media, she was rightfully and vocally panned by practically the entire U.S. population to the point that Lynch deleted all her social profiles and went into hiding. By the way, her names on the internet were “Shankaskank” and “SomeSkankinMI. ” Amazing how today’s Western women are proud of being called skanks, among other things. And all she ever talks about on her new Twitter account is her raunchy sex life. Nude pictures of Alicia were easily found on Tumblr and shown for all to see. I can’t judge her much on that; I have numerous nudes of me online as well, some of them quite explicit. But some critics went way, way too far: they not only doxed her, but they doxed her parents and threatened to kill them. That’s completely out of line and inexcusable. No reason for that kind of nonsense, even if the parents are to blame for their daughter’s rotten behavior, and I believe they are, just as Britt McHenry’s parents are to blame for hers’ as well. Fortunately, Lynch was fired from her job, so at least there was an ounce of karma served.

Britt McHenry and Alicia Lynch. Here’s two young women whose behavior and demeanor are indicative of today’s 18-30 non-married women in North America: arrogant, condescending, spiteful, vicious, vulgar, profane, self-absorbed, heartless, haughty and self-entitled. Basically rude, crude and socially unacceptable. This, gentlemen, is all attractive women of the Millennial Generation.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

America the Beautiful…Until a Feminist Gets a Hold of It

I love nature. I hike a lot through state parks and forests here in Florida as well as Tennessee and north Georgia when I go on road trips there. I absolutely love the woods, the wildlife, all preserved for humans to take in and enjoy. There’s nothing more peaceful and more awe-inspiring than some of the wondrous national parks and monuments across the United States. Nature unspoiled, untouched…

…until a third-wave feminist get her hands on it.

This, gentlemen, is the “artwork” of Casey Nocket, a stereotypical New York young, attractive female: Self-entitled, spoiled, egotistical, selfish, far-left, and completely talentless. Actually, that seems to describe ALL good-looking single women in the United States and Canada, does it not? Miss Nocket, a third-wave feminist, intellectually vapid attention whore and ardent liberal, decided to take a trip to at least a dozen National Parks…to deface them. Here’s Docket and her physically perfect body climbing all over a very fragile federally protected monument:

Cute. Really cute. How adorable. Docket went from park to park in the West and Southwest, scrawling absolutely abysmal graffiti on anything she could find, mostly ancient boulders overlooking gorgeous views. She went to Death Valley, the Grand Canyon, and Yosemite, Zion, Sequoia, and Joshua Tree National Parks, among a half dozen others. After vandalizing federally protected land, she took pictures and proudly Instagrammed her creation, as well as put them on her page on Tumblr, the ultimate website for the feminists/liberals/atheists/LGBT/hipsters/climate change freaks. She didn’t simply draw a few small designs in pre-school chalk that would be washed away with the next rainfall. Oh, no, no, no. She happily commented on Instagram that she scrawled her drivel in acrylic, meaning it is almost permanent. It will take an incredible amount of heavy-duty cleaning by the Parks Service to even get some of that graffiti off, thousands upon thousands of dollars in equipment and manpower, and even then, much of it may not wear off for a hundred years. The Millennial Generation in fine form! Even worse, her mother openly supported her daughter's crimes on Twitter. It's quite obvious that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

Casey Docket is 21 years old, yet her “artwork” looks like something a 7th-grader would draw on college-lined notebook paper while sitting in the middle school library between classes. One-dimensional, uninspired, and pointless. She touts herself as being an “artist,” much like fellow self-entitled feminist Jew York douchette Lena Dunham likes to call herself…since nobody else will, except for Jezebel or MSNBC or Mediate.

Imagine being so conceited, so narcissistic, so delusional, that you vandalize nationally protected vistas of breathtaking nature and beauty, post it on social media for all the world to see, and proclaim it “art” and yourself an “artist.” I could pull down my pants, squat down, and take a big ol’ shit on the ground at your local Dunkin’ Donuts parking lot and call it “performance art,” but that doesn’t make it so. Of course, I would get arrested and charged with a felony or felonies.

Speaking of being arrested and charged with crimes, is Casey Docket?


The Parks Service and Department of the Interior said late last year that they were actively looking into this case, and with overwhelming evidence that she committed these felonies, it should be a slam dunk that Docket is the perpetrator and should be charged. But since she’s a female, good-looking, and a left-wing third-wave feminist, not a damn thing has been done. Nothing. Here it is the end of February and still nothing. Amazing how slanted the justice system is nowadays! Hot liberal babe = free to do anything you want. Oh, and this chick now says that she might start defacing and vandalizing gravestones next in her frantic quest for attention!

Casey Docket is the poster child of female Millennial narcissism, the epitome of selfish, spoiled attention whores who whip out the tired mantra of “I’m a feminist and you’re an evil misogynist if you don’t like what I do!” when they get caught doing something base and banal. Gentlemen, this is what modern-day feminism is, and how the vast majority of American and Canadian young non-married women are. Just remember that when you see these pictures.