Showing posts with label trailer trash. Show all posts
Showing posts with label trailer trash. Show all posts

Friday, April 20, 2018

Oh, Just Another Day in the White Trash Mecca!

***UPDATE!! I saw this nasty incest queen a few days ago, right in the same area. I recognized her immediately. So she's still around.***

  So if you’ve read my blogs (and I would hope that you have…or will), then you know that I live near and work in a town called Leesburg, Florida, but the good guys here call it “Sleazeburg” or “Diseaseburg” for good reason.  Here are the main blogs I’ve posted where I go into detail about why:

Well, yet another lovely gem shows up recently, and it has garnered not just statewide media attention, but nationwide and even worldwide attention as well.  Here are a few links:

She just oozes with intelligence...and probably other stuff, too

 Sigh.  Just another day here in the White Trash Mecca!  Seriously, this is the shit I see, read and hear about on a regular basis here.  So let me give you a synopsis in case you didn’t read the full articles.  A 33-year-old Lake County skank named Pauline Elizabeth Martin, a part-time, $8 an hour cashier at the worst McDonald’s in the entire area, has an out of wedlock baby 12 years ago and decides that one kid just isn’t enough (hint: IT IS!!), so she decides to start fucking…her brother.  Her own brother.  Keeping it in the family.  Good ol’ incest, the stuff you always hear people making fun of happening in Alabama, West Virginia or Kentucky (dunno about the latter two states, but I’ve literally never seen or heard about any real incest going on in Alabama for generations).  Now, I honestly don’t care one way or the other if family members are banging one another, I really don’t; it’s not my business if siblings want to get it on, or lucky fathers and daughters, or cousins or…whatever.  As long as it’s consensual, I guess.  It certainly was with Miss Martin; she lived with him for five years and apparently they fucked regularly.  Eeeww!

  But she didn’t stop there.  Nope.  She proudly and happily got knocked up by her brother, yet another out of wedlock baby on welfare in a town and county packed to the brim and overflowing with single moms and their bastard children on welfare.  Poor white trash, uneducated, minimum-wage burger flipper job, and knocked up…by her own brother.  Not step-brother, not half-brother.  Nope, her immediate family.  Well, Pauline Martin squirts out her out of wedlock welfare baby and, not surprisingly, he has severe medical and genetic problems.  No shit!  That very often happens with incest; those children are usually mentally retarded because of the inbreeding. 
Y'know, kinda like these brothers
 It’s genetics, which anybody with an IQ over 90 would know.  Obviously, Pauline and her bro are IQ<90.

   The baby has such serious medical and genetic issues and abnormalities that he had to be rushed to Winnie Palmer Hospital in Whorelando, where DNA tests quickly show that incest isn’t the best.  Soon afterward, Lake County Sheriff’s deputies visited Martin at her lovely workplace, the McDonald’s in Okahumpka aka “Okadumpka.”  I work quite near that place, and the entire staff is a friggen freak show!  The trashiest of the trash, the scummiest of the scum, and possibly the worst McDonald’s in the entire county…and that’s saying a lot, seeing that McD’s is the worst fast food around.

  So the coppers come by her freakazoid workplace and question her about the baby.  She openly admits that it’s her brother’s baby, that she’s been having a continuous sexual relationship with her own sibling, and that she was going to eventually call the incest off because she was “talking” to another guy.  Sheeeeesh!  What a desperate simp to be wanting to hook up with this skank-ass whore, but the White Trash Mecca is loaded with desperate, thirsty simps begging for any pussy they can get…any pussy.  Any.  Even this nasty ho.  I bet even with the whole state, nay, the nation, pardon…the WORLD, now knowing about this story, I bet that simp is still wanting to bang her.  Eeeww again.

  After Pauline Martin openly admits that she screwed her brother just the night before (Jeebus!), the deputies then try to arrest her for incest (yeah, that’s still a felony in most states), and she goes bat-shit crazy and runs to the back of the “restaurant” and tries to evade arrest.  While trying to get her to the car, Martin kicks and screams “Fuck this!” the entire way to the cop car and in it, so she was also charged with resisting arrest.  Pure class all the way around.

  Working in the White Trash Mecca, and working near her workplace, I and my fellow co-workers often saw Pauline Martin.  We always knew she was typical White Trash Mecca filth, but we didn’t know she was this trashy.  Like I said, I’m kind of indifferent when it comes to people wanting to do that stuff in the privacy of their own homes, but when a retarded baby is born as a result, and that baby now has to be taken care of hand and foot by taxpayers, I draw the line.  All these nice, single guys out there who can’t get laid, and Pauline Martin is banging her brother instead?  Oh, Diseaseburg, Sleazeburg!  SMH

Saturday, December 9, 2017

A Visual Trip of the White Trash Mecca! Part 2

 Earlier this year, I posted a blog showing the people of this area, and here it is.  Sheesh! Well, how about a sequel?!  So here’s some more photos of what I see every single day here in the White Trash Mecca of Florida, which goes from Ocala and Belleview, then Leesburg and Lady Lake, then Wildwood, and ends up like an old, flaccid, uncircumcised dick sloughing off smegma and pouring piss all over New Port Richey. 
  So here are some more photos of the locals.  As stated in the previous blog, these are culled from social media profiles as well as websites that feature people uploading pics of those here, or from friends that have taken the pics themselves.  First, here’s Tumblr pages for methheads here in the White Trash Mecca.  Area codes 727 and 352 are the two codes that encompass the entire area that I outlined in the above map (I'm in the 352), and this entire area has the highest meth lab busts in the state:

Reppin' the 727 and 352!

 Speaking of methheads, how about a New Port Richey/Pasco County class act, complete with Tampa Bay Rays jersey stuffed in his nasty Hanes boxers:

This is what all the women in the White Trash Mecca consider "hot"
He's definitely going to jail yet again...or detox

And now here’s some Ocala lowlifes:

I can feel the intelligence just oozing from them
That thar South will rise again...after we finish chugging these here beers!
And of course, they get the somewhat-attractive Ho-cala girls, yet I haven't gotten laid in four full years now!
Yep.  No surprise there.
This Ocala skank added me on the good ol’ days of Myspace back in like 2007 for some reason, so these pics are a decade out of date.  Her arrest records continue to mount since then, as do her tattoos, so much so that they are specially photographed by law enforcement when they are booking her in for her latest crime of the year:
That chest tat is supposed to spell "UNITY."  It should say "UNTIDY!"
Nothing cuter than having one of your out-of-wedlock children pretending to slit your throat

And, here's her daughter.  Pure class act, just like her mother.
Oh, and one of her kids is from a black guy.  Gee, what a fucking shock!

And finally, how about some of the lovely people you’ll meet at Wal-Mart.  The first three pics were taken by my friend who used to be an ice cream delivery driver who had to deliver products to and service the Sleazeburg Wal-Mart every week.  He was appalled by what he saw every day that he had to secretly snap a few pics, sending a couple of them to  Of course, it is Wal-Mart, so what do you expect?
This was one his gems he took right as he walked in the door

You know you're in the ghetto when you have a sign like this on the front door.  Oh, and the WIC sign next to it!
Put the erection down, guys.
And here’s one famous pic that was taken in Inverness aka Inbredness…

Teen mom? Check. Tramp stamp and other tats? Check. Filthy pajamas in public? Check. Her mom having to help raise illegitimate child? Check.

…and one taken in Ocala aka Ho-cala:
I can't find one thing in this picture that isn't filled with trash

Oh, just another day in the White Trash Mecca known as central Florida!

Saturday, May 13, 2017

A Visual Trip of the White Trash Mecca!

  Ah, the White Trash Mecca.  For those who don’t know what that is, here’s a well-read link: The White Trash Mecca Known as Leesburg .  And here’s another link of guys in said Mecca getting “woke,” as the liberal Millennials (is there any other kind?) call it: Opening Eyes.

  So now, where exactly is the White Trash Mecca?  Here’s a Google Map with the area circled in red:

Lots of area, lots of trash.  The hardest-hit areas of meth-induced trailer trash and rednecks are circled in blue: Belleview/Summerfield, Inverness aka Inbredness, Sleazeburg aka Diseasburg, as well as New Port Richey in Pasco County.  I used to not know too much about NPR until I read a massive amount of comments and saw loads of pictures of the area; there are entire threads bashing the town on Topix,, and even a Facebook page called “Pasco County Trash Can.”  I’ve also met people who have a lot of personal experience there, and all of this points to clear evidence that New Port Shitty (as it’s called) should definitely be included in the White Trash Mecca.  If you want to hang out with a bunch of skanky, dirty-looking single mom strippers (including a dumb Friendzoning whore I used to work with named Kristiey aka Phoenixxx), then NPR is the place for you!  More toothless strippers per capita there than in any other city in Florida…guaranteed!  But for me, the bulk of the White Trash Mecca is here in the Leesburg area and environs.  I live it every single day.

  So now, for some pics to demonstrate how incredibly trashy this whole region is.  I culled these pics from various sources: personal photos I or my friends or co-workers have taken; pics from Facebook, either pics I’ve saved from personal profiles or from Pasco County Trash Can; People of Walmart, or “r/trashy” Reddit.  With the last two sites, I got the photos from Florida tags and in the comments section, the commenters stated repeatedly that the pics were from the White Trash Mecca.  I wouldn’t doubt it at all.  So let’s get started, shall we?

Oh, just another day here!

New Port Richey single mom-to-be training for her next job as a stripper.
Drive down any road in Leesburg, and this is all you see

Leesburg's finest.  Oh, and she's a single mom, too, no suprise.

An 18 year-old with a pack of Marlboros and a Rebel flag tattoo just above her stinky pussy? Probably best friends with the skank just before her.

Not for the dumbasses who actually hook up with this skank!

From Marion Oaks.  Just mention "Marion Oaks," and everybody here knows how bad it is.

More FUPA than you can shake a Triple Whopper at.  And here, men are so thirsty and desperate that these whales have dozens of simps begging for them weekly.
From New Port Richey. Rebel flag, pajamas in public, Wal-Mart and a vulgar caption on clothing. This is white trash x4!

Also from the NPR area.  Teen mom, trashy home and yard, pjs, and check out the shirt. LOL! But I'd still fuck both of them, I have to admit.
This is just a sampling of what I’ve gathered over a very short period of time.  There will be a Part 2 and maybe even a Part 3 eventually.  Just remember, this is all I see every day, all day, all week, all month, all year. Welcome, my readers, to the White Trash Mecca.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Opening Eyes, One at a Time

So, gentlemen and guys and dudes, the title of my entire Blogspot is “Life in a White Trash Mecca.” For the unfortunate souls who have not read it, this highlighted link is the reason why it is called that. I have spoken about the area (Leesburg, Florida, and environs) in some detail in other blog posts, but the linked one is sort of the anchor blog that sets everything into motion regarding my entire Blogger page. Well, it seems like more people are starting to wake up to the realization of this truly being the White Trash Mecca! Slowly but surely, one step at a time.

First stop is Urban Dictionary. Ah, UD! The place where I learned all the intricacies of Truffle Butter, the Blumpkin, the Dirty Sanchez, the Filthy Gomez, the Cleveland Steamer (not to be confused with the Cincinnati Steamer), and the worst offender of all, the Alabama Hot Pocket. Whooooaaaa!! Well, a quick perusal of UD has this amazing gem:

This was from 2010, and things have only gotten worse at Leesburg High School. I would say that the statistics given are much higher now than just half of the kids there at LHS. I would estimate up to 90% or more are like that, and that's not just me exaggerating, guys. And it is so true about parents, as they were all teen moms, just like their daughters all are now. Here’s another one about Diseaseburg:

Well, well, well. Almost exactly what I’ve been saying about Sleazeburg for over a year on Life in a White Trash Mecca, and check out the date: ten years ago, 2006! Nice! Clicked on the link for Sumter County (where I live, which is right next to Lake County and Diseaseburg), and here’s the definition, also from the same day and year as the Leesburg def:

Tru dat! Tru dat to infinity! Couldn’t agree more, and both definitions has loads of thumbs ups, too; lots of thumbs down, but more agreeing then disagreeing. So this has been spoken about in glaring detail a full decade ago on Urban Dictionary, but never, ever in blogs or vlogs, unfortunately, until I came along to get it out in the open.

Next comes two reviews on of local restaurants. One is Pasta Faire Italian Restaurant in Belleview and the other is Clawdaddy’s Sports Bar in Crystal River. First off is Pasta Faire, and a reviewer before this one named Ted mentioned the young female staff and their “mating habits,” meaning the girls are lethargic from fucking their tall bad boys the night before, so this review refers a bit to that:

And here’s the one for Clawdaddy’s:

Classy! Now, I love me some nipple and pussy piercings on women more than anything else, but I’ll be damned if I want to hear a bunch of local sluts loudly talking about it next to my dinner table. Screw that shit! But again, this is indicative of all the local women here. They have absolutely no class about themselves, completely devoid of professionalism and self-respect.

Also, here’s a comment from some teens in Sleazeburg on Facebook, via a cute blonde girl I once had on my FB but she deleted me; story of my life with girls I wanna bang, but she still comes up to me weekly and gives me big hugs, so it’s better than nothing. The girl evidently was tagged on this post (she comes from an incredibly trashy, dysfunctional, stereotypical Lake County family), so that’s why it was on her FB profile as the kid targeted was I guess trying to extract sympathy from the girl I know:

Nice! And major kudos to the boy who called this random Leesburg High School girl out on her being trailer trash. Many males in the area are becoming increasingly disgusted at how all the females are here, and it’s not just those my age, as evidenced by the teen boy above on Facebook, as well as the next evidence of an awakening. Here is a young man, a pal of mine on Instagram who I worked with for a brief time, who just turned 19 and was teased and led on by a fairly-hot girl (with stupid homemade tats on her hands that look like they were done by a 12-year-old). The girl was naturally a slut and didn’t want a good guy, so he and I got into a conversation about all the girls and women of the area:

Good for him! Guys are learning about how women are and how the entire area is, and they are learning younger and younger. Hopefully, with guidance from great guys like me, they will join MGTOW. A slim chance, but there’s always a glimmer of hope that perhaps a seed of truth and MGTOW will be planted in these young guy’s hearts and minds. By the way, aside from Sleazeburg and Diseaseburg, as you saw in that screenshot, I now use Teaseburg because of how all the women lead good guys on incessantly but never put out…until you’re a toothless methhead or a black guy with a foot long dick.

So that’s just a snippet of what’s been going on here in the White Trash Mecca, and apparently, it’s been building for ten full years now. Only nobody bothered to write more about it until my blog came along. But if it can positively change and influence just a few men in this area, my work has been worth it. Please recommend this blog and my entire blog page. I’d love for you all to give it a +1 on Google+ and a re-share.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Ugh, Teen Moms! Part 2

Gentlemen, this is sort of a sequel to my earlier post, Ugh, Teen Moms! < (great post; click it!). With teen pregnancies evidently on the rise nationwide—despite the lies to the contrary propagated by the liberal media—we good guys are surrounded by these slutty girls frantically getting knocked up. Here in the White Trash Mecca, teen moms are as prevalent as $5 smeary, green neck tattoos scrawled on the sides of every other male and female over the age of 16. Here’s some more “proud teen moms” for you, with a few of these actually from here in the Sleazeburg/Diseaseburg area:

Cute, isn’t it? So cute, so adorable. Those big bellies might be really hot-looking now, but once their little hellions are squirted out, those bellies will be scrawled all over with stretch marks forever. I saw teen moms all morning today while grocery shopping. First, at Publix in Wildwood at Grand Traverse Plaza at 8:30am. Some ugly white slut with her half-black baby (gee, what a shock). I just posted a blog about mudsharks, and you should really read it here! She had a nice, big ol’ booty, which is why she got knocked up by a black guy in the first place. This girl sure looked miserable, and she also was sporting one of those shitty haircuts that feminists/lesbians/attention whores now have, with half her head shaved. She might be muff diving now, which happens a lot with these stupid girls; they get hooked up with a scumbag lowlife, then wonder why all men are bad (most are not), so they temporarily get with other ugly, fat girls who also are bitter over the bad boys they have gotten. Repeat ad nauseum.

Then, I go to the Winn-Dixie in Okahumpka/South Leesburg around 10am, and I see these two teen girls that I’ve seen a few times around the Sleazeburg area lately. A decent-looking teen girl with an ugly, fat black girl; must also be the same kind of lesbo situation I described so succinctly in the previous paragraph. This black girl is typical of females in Leesburg, Florida: fat, sloppy, crusted-up heels and dirty, yucky feet; I mean, this girl has thighs so big they might be able to have their own ZIP code! My standards have understandably always been low, but even I wouldn’t fuck this slob! And, as usual, the one with the newborn baby is…the good-looking, thin girl, the one that guys would want, but without the kid; somebody I know actually talked to this unwed bimbo a few weeks ago and found that out; once he found out she was the mother, he quickly lost interest in this whore. That morning, they were filling up their shopping cart with food that they get for free with WIC and food stamps and other government benefits given with no strings attached just for being a teen mom. They kept walking (Thunder Thighs was actually waddling, not walking) down every friggen aisle I went down, in my way, so I had no choice but to be near them time after time. And as any real man would do, I ignored them and toward the end of my shopping trip, I rolled my eyes and sneered at them; if you’re a real man, and not a simp or mangina, you need to do the same when you see teen moms and unwed young mothers. No smile, no eye contact, just sneer and eye rolls are what you should always, always give them. Just do this for me, guys. You’ll be glad you did.

If that wasn’t bad enough, yet another white trash bimbo at the Winn-Dixie at the same time! Some very pregnant girl, couldn’t be any older than 16, proudly walking around with her equally-trashy parents; the girl was wearing this way-too-tight, thread-bare shirt, so thin you could see her entire skin underneath. School was in that day, so I wouldn’t be surprised if she was a drop-out, as Leesburg High School has an incredibly high number of dropouts every year. Here was this preggers teen, stuffing her parents’ cart with junk food. Classy, so much class. Just typical of the Sleazeburg area in every way.

Teen pregnancy = automatic welfare = your tax dollars at work. All girls who get knocked up like this immediately and happily get on more government freebies than I could only imagine being able to have; as a good single man 18 to 35, I get absolutely nothing from the government, even though I badly need it. These trashy tramps get EBT, WIC, Medicaid (ObamaCare), even free daycare when they squirt out these little bastard children (uneducated white women never, ever have abortions that they really, really need to have) and have to work their part-time, minimum-wage job at Burger King or McDonald’s, both places being the headquarters for teen mom workers. Well, that, or Domino’s Pizza, judging by the pic of that one very preggers girl.

But out of this skyrocketing teen preggo epidemic here in the White Trash Mecca of Lake, Sumter and Marion Counties, I’ve noticed an even more disturbing trend: these white girls have no guy present and don’t seem to want a guy present. They intentionally get knocked up to scumbag lowlife guys that they have no intention of ever having any relationship with at all. These sluts just bang the nearest bad boy degenerate they see, get preggers, and that’s it. No calls for the guy to be a real father, no concern that they are raising their illegitimate kids in such a horrendous environment that is sure to lead to their child’s moral and psychological rot. They just use the male for the sperm, have some half-ass sex in their mobile homes or low-rent housing (or in the back of their beat-up, POS cars), and then the guy just walks away like a stud to go smoke some meth or drink some cheap beer whilst getting texts from another Leesburg/Wildwood/Bushnell teen whore, asking for a hook-up so she can get knocked up as well.

You see, all black women have been doing this shit for years now, thanks to the liberal's “Big Daddy Government” giving them freebies in exhange for voting straight Democrat. But rarely have we seen white females get involved in this sleaze…until recently. Now, white girls are young as 14 or 15 are lining up for their “sperm donors,” as the local girls call them. Not going to a sperm clinic, mind you. Nope, their sperm donors involve fucking the latest high school dropout redneck that moved into their trailer park last week. Absolutely no consideration to how their baby is going to grow up, no concern that they are bringing up their bastard baby in the worst possible circumstances that will just cause yet another circle of poverty, no education, and more teen pregnancies. No guilt, no tears, no thought, just unprotected sex to intentionally get knocked up. This is the future of this nation, guys. Think about it. THINK. ABOUT. IT

I would give anything to see some nude photos of Katie Donnelly. Just some naked pics, some nude selfies or even just some thong pics. What an amazing body on that girl, and a delicious looking ass. Been wanting to see it all for a few years now.

Monday, January 5, 2015

The White Trash Mecca Known as Leesburg, Florida

After you read this blog, make sure you check this one out too, as it is an update on how guys around here are waking up to how this area really is. Here's the link: Opening Eyes!

OK, so here’s run-down of the area where I live and work, which is why my blog is entitled “Life in a White Trash Mecca.” I live a few miles from a town in north central Florida called Leesburg, and I work full-time there as well. The young female population is so skanky and trashy that all the good guys in the region call the place Sleazeburg or Diseaseburg. Some other parts of Lake County (where this town is located) and nearby Marion County are almost as bad, most notably Lady Lake, Tavares, Summerfield and Belleview, but Diseaseburg takes the cake when it comes to the worst of the worst. The type of work I’ve been employed in for many years causes me to be around these skanky women in Sleazeburg all day, every day, so I’ve seen, heard, and even smelled them all. Yuck. Rampant teen pregnancies, unwed mothers with multiple kids from multiple jailbird bad boys, STDs, abject poverty, drugs, spousal abuse, child abuse and neglect, limited employment and absolutely no education. The under-40 population is about 75% white trailer park and 25% black ghetto; just a trashy place. Proud welfare lifers are as common as rebel flag neck tattoos here (on just as many women than men!). And that’s just the white people! It’s, of course, much, much, worse with the blacks, but that’s a whole different blog.

The things you see on Jerry Springer and Maury Povich? That’s everyday life with the white trash around here; in fact, some of the guests on said sleazeball shows have come from this area, and they are proud of it! Like most uneducated white women, these gals here are all lining up to bang the black guys, and they all get knocked up and on lifelong welfare within just a few weeks of mudsharking. Gee, what a surprise. Cheap tattoos all over the body and methhead teeth are as common as a fat person at a buffet; in fact, I can literally count on one hand the number of women I’ve seen in recent years who weren’t splattered with horrendous body graffiti. Sleazeburg has no arts, no clean entertainment, no professional outlets for people my age; everything is geared for the senior citizens, who far outnumber those younger. Leesburg High School and its feeder elementary school have both been named two of the worst schools with the worst kids year after year after year; if a LHS girl isn’t knocked up by age 16, she’s considered a “good girl.” Oh, and did I mention absolutely no single women 18 to 35? Or at least none that are worth two cents. And no decent churches at all, no nice parks or recreation. This is just a bad, bad place, filled with bad, bad young people.

You may ask, “well, why the hell don’t you just move, then?” Because this isn’t 1949, where people just packed all their belongings in two small duffel bags, filled up their Studebaker with leaded gas, and moved halfway across the country, immediately getting a house and a great-paying manufacturing job the day after arriving at any place they just pointed to on their Rand McNally Road Atlas. Those days are long gone and will never return. I still have college debts, and I have a very steady, very stable full-time work that’s 9 to 5, in a state—and even in a nation—that has very, very few decent full-time jobs that require little to no experience anymore. So for the time being, I’m stuck here, just as I have been for most of my life. But the good part is, this give me lots and lots of fodder to post blogs about!

Make sure you now check out this blog that is sort of a sequel to this blog: Opening Eyes!