Showing posts with label Diseaseburg. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Diseaseburg. Show all posts

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Guys, Stay Away From Single Moms!

Men, just to preface, I don’t say the things I do just to spew out vitriol and poison. I write these things because of what I see, what I read about, what I personally experience, in life here in the White Trash Mecca. And one thing I—and a growing number of men my age and younger—can totally attest to is this: young single mothers are the scum of the earth and you should NEVER get into a real relationship with them.

I touched on this subject in a well-read blog of mine entitled Captain Save-a-Ho to the Rescue.. It’s about guys who actually pair up with and marry single moms. Ugh! No, no, no! Never, guys, never!

First, here’s some pictures of stereotypical young, unwed mothers:

That’s all I see every day of my life here in the Leesburg/Ocala/Wildwood/Bushnell, Florida area, aka Sleazeburg-Diseaseburg/Hocala/Vilewood/Bushnell. All day, every day, for many years. And I’m sure some of you guys endure the same. Gentlemen, these are the faces (and bodies) of single moms. Are there some mature, respectable single mothers out there doing a great job raising their child/children? Absolutely! But they are so few and so far between that your chances of meeting them are slim to none. I literally know of only one.

Google search terms like “reasons not to date single moms” or “single mothers suck” or “don’t date single mothers” and you get dozens of blogs and websites about these topics. Go on YouTube and you’ll find scores of videos about the same, many with thousands of views and hundreds of thumbs up. The liberal media keeps saying that there are more single, childless young women than ever. BULLSHIT! We men know this is media propaganda as reality does not compute with the words of the press. With all women having out of wedlock kids, many having them (especially here) as young as 16 or 17, that leaves us men with used-up women with baggage who have no clue how to raise kids. No clue at all.

You see, the liberal media wants us to think that young single mothers are all mature, educated, hard-working professionals who just happened to hook up with a guy that seemed to be great but suddenly turned out bad, so the women had no choice but to leave the man and go the single mothers route. Spare me, spare me. We all know that none of this is true, as far from the truth as can be. The evidence we see all around us shows otherwise. Single moms are truly the epitome of rampant immorality and immaturity. They create these matriarchal fiefdoms all backed, paid for and legislated by the government and taxpayers (welfare, WIC, Medicaid, ObamaCare, child support and alimony). Single moms are greedy, narcissistic, shallow, vapid, manipulative teases who are not at all afraid to annihilate and ruin you using the law and are a severe blight on the United States. The kids grow up being just an accessory and a pawn to the mother’s life; she values herself so, so much more than her demon offspring. The cycle then always, always repeats, where the daughters engage in the same slutty, immoral behavior that caused their mothers to be single moms in the first place. The sons become drug-addicted thugs and career criminals. Repeat ad nauseum.

Women who get knocked up by “bad boys” at a young age after riding the “cock carousel” live lives filled with drugs, multiple bad boy sexual partners, STDs, poverty, and lack of education. With full assistance from the federal government in the form of welfare, these whores then live the “single mom life,” always trying to extract sympathy from everybody by plaintively crying, “but I’m a single mom!” No sympathy here. Just utter contempt. Out of the THOUSANDS of not-married mothers I’ve been around in the Lake/Sumter/Marion County area over the years, I can literally count on one hand the number who could be considered even barely halfway-decent women. Some of these other gals have multiple kids from multiple guys; imagine how stretched-out their pussies are! And their children are absolutely horrible and all follow in the footsteps of the whore mother and the bad boy sperm donor. Genes, y’know? The female gender doesn’t seem to comprehend this.

Yet these single mothers still get dates, still get tons of sex from thirsty, desperate men. Don’t be that guy! DON’T! One thing I’ve tried to make clear in my blog is that you men need to have much more self-respect; I had to learn that over the years but now, at 34 years old, I can tell you that I have far too much respect in myself to stoop down to the gutter level that single mothers have intentionally and happily put themselves in to. These bimbos have no self-control, no self-restraint, and are only looking for somebody to take care of them and their crappy kids.

You men might be saying, “But all women have kids nowadays! They’re everywhere! They’re so easy and slutty! I need sex sooooooo badly!” OK, fair enough, if you’re that much of a pathetic pussy beggar, “plate” them all you want, but don’t ever, ever get into a real relationship with them. Use them just as they have used men over and over again, pump and dump. And always wear a condom! Not only because there’s a good chance the women have pus-filled warts on their stretched-out pussies, but there’s also a good chance that she wants you to get her knocked up so she can force you to pay child support for a kid you didn’t want and will never get to even see much of! Happens all the time.

There is nothing good that can come from a young, unwed mother. They are immoral, irresponsible, deceitful, and are one of the very top factors in the moral and spiritual rotting and destruction of the United States. I encourage you to Google those search terms and check out the same things on YouTube as well for much more information. Here’s some more single moms for you, too:

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Four Steps To Be Done With Toxic Women

So a few days ago, I come back to work from taking a lunch break in my car. I go in and--lo and behold—a girl I always liked was there, a former employee who used to like me a little bit, too, it seemed. Her name is Taylor but I call her “Pecker Wrecker” because she has fucked up teeth. She’s 18, not at all attractive, is extremely thin, no breasts, no butt, no figure. But that’s the kind of girl I’ve always been attracted to, and for nine months, I had a girl who had a body almost exactly like Taylor’s and was just as young, too. Girls like that turn me on, somehow, so even though she was nothing at all to look at, I sure looked at her.

There she was, standing at the reception counter, talking to one of our front desk workers. I look at her and…

…she’s pregnant. Quite pregnant. Seeing she just turned 18 last February, that means she got knocked up at the ripe ol’ age of 17. Yet another teen mom, and you all know how I feel about teen moms.

Taylor was proudly going to everybody, showing off her big baby bump. I was shocked and sickened the instant I saw the belly, and she turned around to talk to me as I walked right by her. I didn’t stop. I didn’t look at her. I looked at her stomach, turned my head away, and shook my head in disgust as I walked by her in silence. I had nothing to say to her, and I never will now. Taylor is now just another statistic, another proud teen unwed mother-to-be on WIC and EBT, making me and other good guys pay for her not knowing or caring what birth control is. Rumor is, the father of the illegitimate child is her step-brother. Yep, her step-brother. Remember what I’ve said about Leesburg being called Sleazeburg or Diseaseburg? Yeah, now do you finally see why good guys here call it that? I actually don’t believe the rumor as I think she got knocked up by a black guy, like most girls in this area do; we’ll see when she squirts it out! Yet another female down the drain, making it almost 100% the number of very young females I know who have gone the “randomly and casually knocked up and proudly on welfare” route.

Taylor aka Pecker Wrecker has been on my Facebook friend’s list for a full year, when she was a part-time employee and when I liked her a lot. I rarely, rarely look at women’s profiles or statuses on FB; I specifically have notifications from them turned off as I have no interest in what they are doing. So I went to her profile to see what was going on, and as of this writing, no fucking ultrasound pictures have been posted, no “baby bump” profile pics, no “I’m gonna be a unwed mother in abject poverty and no education! Yay!” statuses posted…at least not yet. But it’ll happen, and they will all be followed with typical Sleazeburg/Diseaseburg scum congratulating Pecker Wrecker on her great accomplishment of spreading her legs and getting knocked up at 17.

But I won’t be. I deleted her from my Facebook immediately. I’m done with her. I’m done with all of them who act this way. And guys, I think you should do the same with women you have in your social networks. And you would be very wise to distance yourself from toxic women in your everyday lives, too. Sure, it may sound easier said than done, but there are ways to do this. Let’s say that you always liked a woman or even some women, and you have them on your FB or Google+ list or even on Twitter. Well, you see a status from them and it’s something you are shocked and saddened to see: pregnancy, engagement/marriage/relationship, and even some stupid tattoos they just got. It sickens you, it upsets you. These are females you always respected and had hoped that maybe—just maybe—one of them would take a liking to you if you kept them around your online or real-life social circles. Well, that hasn’t happened, has it? NOPE! And it WILL NOT happen, no matter how long you hold on to them. It’s over, guys. It’s finished. When you see these things happen, whether online or in person, as I did, here are some steps that I greatly, greatly encourage you all to take to rid yourself of these toxic females:

1. Delete them from your online social networks. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+, Kik, SnapChat (like you’re really gonna get nude pics from them anyway, guys). Just remove them. No need to block them, just delete them. No reasons given, no announcements, just a quiet deletion. If they behave in a manner that disgusts you (like getting knocked up or banging lowlifes), then get rid of them from your online life. Out of sight, out of mind.

2. Do not hang around them ever. If these toxic women are in your everyday life, like work or college or if they are friends of friends, don’t associate yourself with them at all. If you are invited to an outing or social gathering of any kind and those girls or women are going to be there, then firmly decline. No personal interaction, if practical.

3. Do not talk to them anymore than you have to. Perhaps you see said women a lot at work or school, perhaps every day. You have already deleted them online and you do not go to parties or events that they are at, but you still have to deal with them regularly, then just say the bare basics. No questions about their personal lives, no compliments about anything. Keep your distance as often as possible and your words as few as possible.

4. Ignore them if you can. If you rarely have to see them, like the case of Pecker Wrecker recently at my workplace, just do as I did: ignore the toxic women. Just look the other way if you have to come near them, and abscond directly. If the female looks at you, don’t look at her; don’t smile, don’t say a word. Look in the opposite direction. If they call out to you and you are far enough away that it’s plausible that maybe you couldn’t hear her, then you’re safe. If you’re not, then just perhaps raise your hand in the air to her as a bare acknowledging of her, or just say that you’re busy and that’s it. You owe toxic women no explanation, no apologies, no nothing.

Yes, this may sound a bit extreme. But you men know that women’s immoral behavior and poor life choices leave you disgusted and disappointed. So remove such women from your lives as much as possible. Trust me, they won’t care a bit and may not even notice that you’re ignoring them. Today’s women are in such a self-imposed nucleus of “yes people” who fawn all over them when they make those poor life choices that they will not even notice that you have quietly left their presence. But, guys, what will happen is you will get much more of a sense of peace and contentment by disassociating yourself from women that you liked but obviously do not like you. You live your life, and let them live theirs. You cannot change them, you cannot get them to like you or want you when they reach that point of no return. It’s done for them, so let them self-destruct, and don’t have any part in their lives in any way. It’s not nearly as difficult as it may seem.

So once again, I’m asking you men out there to rid yourself of girls and women who have gone too far, who have crossed those boundaries that we good guys dare not cross, nor want to cross. Guys, delete toxic women from your online life and personal life! Do it now. You’ll thank me, trust me.

UPDATE! UPDATE! Well, Taylor squirted out her out-of-wedlock baby, and it's actually white! Now she spends her days posting liberal, LGBT shit constantly on Facebook (she has an open profile) and getting massive tattoos all over her skinny, never-be-tight-anymore body. In fact, there is a new tattoo splattered on her every month, and she wants to get more and more. Funny how all the poor, uneducated teen moms can work very low-wage jobs like she does yet has plenty of money to put never-ending body graffiti on them. Strange, isn't it?

Monday, April 6, 2015

Ugh, Teen Moms!

We keep hearing the liberal media talk about how teen pregnancies are down, way down. In fact, the media claims that teen pregnancy in the United States is the lowest since data for that subject began being tallied over 70 years ago.


These are just some of hundreds upon hundreds of pictures online in the past decade of proud teen moms and teen-moms-to-be. Here in the Sleazeburg/Diseaseburg area, I see little girls like this every single day. Evidently, the aforementioned statistics must not include Lake and Marion Counties in Florida! Leesburg High School produces more teen moms per capita than any local high school in the area COMBINED, even worse than South Sumter High School in Bushnell, which has a horrific teen pregnancy rate; SSHS must be a close second. Granted, many of those teen pregnancies at LHS are black and Hispanic girls, and we all know what a lost cause those two races are in that regard. But many of the LHS girls who get knocked up are white, and they can’t wait to squirt out their out-of-wedlock babies, get on seemingly permanent full-out welfare, and work part-time minimum-wage jobs, going from job to job because they can’t keep steady work…if they ever work at all.

I know one such redneck girl named Kelly who went to Leesburg High School. Like most of the few LHS girls who actually didn’t get knocked up during high school, she got knocked up immediately after graduation, which was a few years ago. Then she squirted out another illegitimate baby right after that. Amazingly, the “baby daddies” are white, as the majority of white girls in Sleazeburg get pregnant from black guys. But Kelly goes from one waitressing and hostessing job to another at our local low-end restaurants and sports bars, sponging off taxpayers and of course, not getting married. She’s a sweet girl, but obviously very irresponsible.

I know of another girl I see every week who lives south of Leesburg who also got knocked up immediately after graduating LHS. She was going to go to college, but then again, all girls around here say that and none of them ever, ever do. This girl has light brown skin, tall and thin, and was pretty hot. In fact, I got a hold of two nude pictures of her when she turned 18, one full frontal and one with her legs spread. I’ve seen everything but her ass, unfortunately. She was so hot, but not only did she get preggers at 18, she is now knocked up with another welfare baby! Two out of wedlock, tax-payer funded babies in two years! She’s now all stretched-out looking and sloppy; that’s what happens when you hit The Wall, and boy, has she hit The Wall early! Way too early! Barely an adult and already gone.

I—and most good guys I know—believe that one of the biggest scourges in America today is the epidemic of not only teenage pregnancies but very young adult women having babies outside the moral bonds of marriage and not having a good father present. I can think of not much of anything more repugnant than a single young mom. One day I’ll blog about that, seeing I have loads of first-hand experience around here, as well as with an ex-girlfriend who couldn’t wait to get randomly knocked up and be a perpetual single mom. Yuck.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

How Dare You Judge Women and Their Tattoos!

Let’s get this out front: I hate tattoos on women AND men, but I sometimes find myself mildly torn when it comes to hot women with expensive, multi-color, themed tattoos like full sleeves of an ocean scene or something artistic like that. I even get a bit turned on when I see pics of women with full back tats, even ones that go on the boobs and the butt and even into the butthole. I even kinda sometimes like seeing well-done ink just above their vaginas. Are these women slutty? Totally! Are they trashy? Yep! Are they attention whores? Fo sho! And these sluts are 100% “taken,” too, because those ink jobs are very, very expensive and no woman can afford that on their own, so they have to have a sugardaddy taking care of them hand and foot to get said tats, so forget trying to hook up with them, no matter how whorish they are…and they are. Very.

In every opinion poll taken, the majority of men do NOT like tattoos on women, yet the majority of women are now splattered with body graffiti. In fact, in an extensive survey taken just a couple of years ago, 61% of American women have them while only 41% of men do. I imagine the number for women has grown several points since then but probably has flatlined for men. Here in the Leesburg/Sleazeburg/Diseaseburg area, it’s been estimated by the good guys here that well over 90% of women 15 to 35 (yes, 15), have body graffiti. Loads and loads of horrible, smeary, cheap green tats on every visible part of their skanky, used-up bodies. I’ve personally been around thousands of girls and women in this age group here over the past decade, and I can literally count on one hand the number of local cum dumpsters who didn’t have ink splattered on them.

I just happened to Google Image Search “stupid tattoos” for my weekly dose of dumb people, and I came across a pic of not a female, but a male, with a horrid tat. A neck tat, the new full-trash fad that says, “LOOK AT ME!! I’M A SCUMBAG!” Observe:

First off, I’ve never understood the “take and post a pic immediately after I get tatted-up” mentality. It’s still horribly red and inflamed; why not wait until the swelling goes down? I guess it’s just the kind of lowlifes who do this to themselves in the first place.

Anyway, the link took me to Pinterest. Gah, what a useless website that is! Utterly useless. For those who actually don't know what Pinterest is, it’s just a site for women and weenified men who “pin” photos of what they like. For the women (and the Mangina Enablers who follow these women, hoping to somehow fall in their good graces by kissing their asses and pretending they actually like this nonsense), it’s always the same pins: bad boys, pregnancies, kids, weddings (in that chronological order), tattoos and ear stretching. Jeebus! And this is an entire gender’s interests? Yep, sadly so. There were several comments on this tattoo meme, all of them blasting this guy and the quickly growing number of young people who mutilate their bodies like this. Then, came a comment from Kelsey, your stereotypical morally bankrupt, left-wing, heavily tatted-up, body-pierced, welfare single mom…and we MGTOW’ers know how young single moms are, don't we? Here’s Kelsey in all her wisdom and maturity, caused by intelligence and so many, many years of life experiences:

Yeeeeeahhh…about that, missy. No judgment of any tattoos ever?

None, dear? Nobody should have a right to judge that shit? Or a swastika on the face? KKK on the neck? An arm tattoo of a huge penis with “I like little boys” on it shooting out jizz? How about if we MGTOW’ers put “women suck” on our necks? Yes, hun, we have every right to “judge” disgusting, vile, grotesque and blatantly offensive body graffiti. I love it when people call out women regarding butt-awful tattoos and women go on the defensive. They get their French pedicured toes stepped on and they come out of the woodwork anytime their acts are criticized, even minorly.

Roosh wrote a scathing essay about tattooed women recently, only to be viciously trolled, doxed and even had his life threatened by hundreds of angry, tatted-up feminists who got their marching orders via tattoo Facebook and Twitter profiles and pages to invade the blog post with profane, vulgar comments, typical of today’s women. The Militant Atheist Brigade™ works in the same way, scrolling through YouTube comments all day, every day, just to find any comment with even so much as the word "God" in it so they can launch their rote diatribes, demanding that people not believe in something just because atheists don't. The Tatted-up Women's Corps™ has taken a page from their close atheist friends (usually one in the same), and are scouring the Internet, commenting on anything negative regarding their beloved fad.

These women usually say the same three things: “How fucking dare you fucking judge! You’re so fucking close-minded! That’s fucking discrimination!” Ha! Sorry, girlies. Number 1: We have every right to judge what most American men with an educational level past 10th grade deem sleazy behavior. Number 2: If having class, dignity, and self-respect somehow now indicates close-mindedness, then label my mind closed shut with a lock on it. Number 3: Discrimination is applied to race, gender, sexual orientation, age, or handicap, i.e. things that you cannot change, things that you are either born with or have had occur to you unintentionally. Getting the name of a random douchebag you banged tattooed on your chest is a choice you made, and disparagement of it isn’t “discrimination” in any way, shape, matter or form. Sorry to say, but your actions have consequences, something very true that today's American women refuse to acknowledge or believe.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Don't Worry, McDonald's is Always Hiring Women Like You!

Or Burger King. Or Hardees. Part-time, minimum wage, nights and weekends only, and less than 25 hours a week. Enjoy! I see young women splattered with cheap body graffiti all over and they are always working the drive-through windows of these places. Just what I want to see when I pull up to the window to get my Whopper with extra mayo, ketchup and onions.

Monday, January 5, 2015

The White Trash Mecca Known as Leesburg, Florida

After you read this blog, make sure you check this one out too, as it is an update on how guys around here are waking up to how this area really is. Here's the link: Opening Eyes!

OK, so here’s run-down of the area where I live and work, which is why my blog is entitled “Life in a White Trash Mecca.” I live a few miles from a town in north central Florida called Leesburg, and I work full-time there as well. The young female population is so skanky and trashy that all the good guys in the region call the place Sleazeburg or Diseaseburg. Some other parts of Lake County (where this town is located) and nearby Marion County are almost as bad, most notably Lady Lake, Tavares, Summerfield and Belleview, but Diseaseburg takes the cake when it comes to the worst of the worst. The type of work I’ve been employed in for many years causes me to be around these skanky women in Sleazeburg all day, every day, so I’ve seen, heard, and even smelled them all. Yuck. Rampant teen pregnancies, unwed mothers with multiple kids from multiple jailbird bad boys, STDs, abject poverty, drugs, spousal abuse, child abuse and neglect, limited employment and absolutely no education. The under-40 population is about 75% white trailer park and 25% black ghetto; just a trashy place. Proud welfare lifers are as common as rebel flag neck tattoos here (on just as many women than men!). And that’s just the white people! It’s, of course, much, much, worse with the blacks, but that’s a whole different blog.

The things you see on Jerry Springer and Maury Povich? That’s everyday life with the white trash around here; in fact, some of the guests on said sleazeball shows have come from this area, and they are proud of it! Like most uneducated white women, these gals here are all lining up to bang the black guys, and they all get knocked up and on lifelong welfare within just a few weeks of mudsharking. Gee, what a surprise. Cheap tattoos all over the body and methhead teeth are as common as a fat person at a buffet; in fact, I can literally count on one hand the number of women I’ve seen in recent years who weren’t splattered with horrendous body graffiti. Sleazeburg has no arts, no clean entertainment, no professional outlets for people my age; everything is geared for the senior citizens, who far outnumber those younger. Leesburg High School and its feeder elementary school have both been named two of the worst schools with the worst kids year after year after year; if a LHS girl isn’t knocked up by age 16, she’s considered a “good girl.” Oh, and did I mention absolutely no single women 18 to 35? Or at least none that are worth two cents. And no decent churches at all, no nice parks or recreation. This is just a bad, bad place, filled with bad, bad young people.

You may ask, “well, why the hell don’t you just move, then?” Because this isn’t 1949, where people just packed all their belongings in two small duffel bags, filled up their Studebaker with leaded gas, and moved halfway across the country, immediately getting a house and a great-paying manufacturing job the day after arriving at any place they just pointed to on their Rand McNally Road Atlas. Those days are long gone and will never return. I still have college debts, and I have a very steady, very stable full-time work that’s 9 to 5, in a state—and even in a nation—that has very, very few decent full-time jobs that require little to no experience anymore. So for the time being, I’m stuck here, just as I have been for most of my life. But the good part is, this give me lots and lots of fodder to post blogs about!

Make sure you now check out this blog that is sort of a sequel to this blog: Opening Eyes!

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Willy Wonka Takes on Single Mothers, Part 1

All so very true. This last one was created by me. Young single mothers are a source of major irritation for me, especially because of the area that I live and work in. White Trash Mecca, remember?