Showing posts with label Ocala. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ocala. Show all posts

Saturday, February 11, 2017

An Open Letter to Christian Single Men 18 to 40

 Dear Christian single men 18 to 40,

  Hello. This is part blog, part open letter, and I’m gearing this almost exclusively to Christian single men in their young adulthood up to their late 30s and early 40s.  So if this is you, please read this with an open mind.  If you know somebody who fits the aforementioned category, I greatly encourage you to send this blog to them as they need to read this.  Seriously, they need to see it. 

  OK, I’ve mentioned a couple of times in previous blogs, I come from an evangelical Christian background, Southern Baptist, to be exact.  Although I’m not particularly religious and haven’t been for about nine years, I still have a great respect for Christians and Christian Conservatives despite the incredible persecution they face daily, whether online or in real life, the former persecution being from the left and being verbal or written, and the latter being mainly from Muslims worldwide and being very physical and brutal.  I’m not some “keyboard atheist;” I’m not writing this letter to bash you and ridicule and belittle you, like all the online atheists/liberals/Marxists do continuously. 

Yeah, I’m not like that.  At all.  I was once one of you, and, even though I’m not so much now, I still empathize and respect and honor your beliefs very much.





I need to convey this to you guys, as politely and respectively as I can.

Single young Christian men…

…it’s…it’s time.  It’s just time.  It’s time for you to drop out of church once and for all.

I mean it.  It’s time to stop going to church for good, and never go back.  Don’t you think it’s high time? 

  Why are you going?  Why are you even bothering??  Is it because your parents are really pushing for you to go?  Is it just because you’re active in various ministries and worship opportunities there?  I know the feeling, as I was very active in the drama group (indeed, the main actor and one of the main writers of our amazing plays and videos) and loved, loved, loved it and lived for it as I love theater.  But secular theater is all godless liberals, and it was great to be around non-godless conservatives and immerse myself in something that I absolutely loved doing and was talented in doing.  So I understand where you are coming from if you like being part of various groups and ministries in church.  But being part of that doesn’t even come close to outweighing the elephant in the room, and that is…

…you’re single.  Very single.  Alone.  Probably rarely or never had somebody.  And it’s not changing one bit for the better, now is it?  Look around you on a Sunday morning.  Who do you see?

1. Old people, some of them so elderly they are weeks away from keeling over;

2. Married couples your age, all of them with children, and all they ever talk about is their friggen kids all the time;

3. Maybe one or two divorced, used-up women with kids, just in church to look for a sugar daddy to take care of them and their demon offspring before they hit the Wall;

4. Single men aged 18 to 40.

That’s it.  Even in mega-churches, that’s all there is.  I mean, we’re talking thousands upon thousands of active members…and no real Christian single females.  Wow.  I went several times to Meadowbrook Church in Ho-cala, I mean, Ocala, because I had a friend who went there.  Big church, yet no singles group.  Just lots of #4 and a couple of #3, along with couples who weren’t married yet, so they got stuck in the “singles’ group.”  I went several times to the uber-huge and vibrant and conservative Calvary Baptist Church in Clearwater in the Tampa Bay area with two friends.  Fantastic church, but again, no single women, just a couple of scantily-clad sluts in stripper heels and mini-skirts who obviously were there just to put in some church time; they sure weren’t looking for good guys, because they ignored the pew of all of us.  I emailed the church back in 2011, asking for info on the young singles group; never even got a response, obviously because they don’t even have such a group.  Here’s an excellent YouTube video about the subject from one of the gods of the MGTOW movement, Sandman.  Please listen to him:

 Couldn’t agree more.  Sandman is from Toronto, Canada, but his words still ring true here in the U.S.  No single good-looking female is going to go to church, because they are hot and they think they don’t need God.  That’s why there are no hot babe Christian women, and even those who are somewhat attractive are already married.  You can keep waiting and waiting for some Godly, good-looking maiden to come to your church, plop herself down on the pew next to you, and fall in love, but…it’s not gonna happen!! 

  Back in 2011, an extensive study was published by Stanford University regarding where and how people met their spouses or partners here in the U.S.  The data that was gathered spanned from 1940 to 2010, and here is the telling graph:
    Finding somebody at church was always not that large of a percentage, but now it’s down to literally nothing.  I mean, look at the graph: it’s plummeted to virtually zero!  In fact, almost every way of meeting a spouse/romantic partner has fallen, except for online and restaurants/bars, which have leveled off as of 2010; I imagine now in 2017, those numbers have fallen drastically as well.  Have you ever met a decent female at a bar or restaurant?  I’ve been to dozen upon dozens of them over the past several years and have met or even seen none at all.  And we all know how horrible online dating is.. Click here to view a blog I wrote about what’s left as far as single females are concerned.  So, as you can see, very few people are really meeting anybody anymore, but they sure as heck ain’t meeting them in church!!  If you think that you’re going find somebody at church, the evidence is overwhelmingly not in your favor, both from exhaustive studies and from your personal experience and mine.

  I’ve visited a number of medium-to-large-sized Southern Baptist and Assembly of God churches from Ho-cala to Whorelando to Tampa over the years, and have come up with nothing to show for it in the way of meeting decent women.  And you know it’s the same with you, so stop living in denial.  As Sandman succinctly put it, they’re not there, as they think they don’t need God.  And if they were there, they wouldn’t want you as they would be banging the bad boys outside of church; I’ve known a lot of girls over the years who did that, and you have, too.

   I used to go to a local church and was super-active there for years, and there was a guy there named David who—like most of the young men there—was very single. He was tall, well-built, and slightly attractive, compared to me, who is short, fat, and bald.  He just sat there and kept waiting and waiting for a perfect female to drop from the ceiling and land next to him up in the balcony where he was our light & sound technician.  He had a couple of chances for girls, but he backed out because they weren’t the world’s perfect Christian ladies (hint, guys: there are none anymore).  Waiting and waiting.  Well, David is now past 40, still a virgin, and still sitting there, waiting for a single woman to show up.  Hasn’t happened, and never will happen.  And ditto for you guys as well.
 Back in the day (2003 to 2008, mainly), I hung around over a dozen men around my age here in the north central Florida area who were Christian and single.  Now, the only one I know of who regularly goes to church is poor ol’ David.  Everybody else has left the local churches out of frustration, mainly because of the lack of women and the lack of reasons for them to even remain there.  Why bother going if you’re a third wheel, a leftover, awkwardly sitting there with couples while they incessantly talk about their spouses and kids.  Ugh!  You know full well you don’t belong there anymore, guys.  There’s no place in church for single males our age.  Time to leave.  Start this Sunday.  Seriously, guys.

  Am I saying that you should reject your faith?  No, not at all.  I hope that doesn’t happen.  What I am saying is that there’s no reason or no place for you to be in the houses of worship anymore and it’s only going to get worse as church attendance has been dropping continuously and steadily for over 15 years straight.  Perhaps you and your fellow Christian dudes could just meet in your homes and have your own worship services?  The first Christians did just that…and thrived!  Try it.  Meet at one of your homes or apartments, or even at a picnic table at a park.  Go for it.  Beats sitting in a sanctuary filled with couples and old geezers, listening to a seven-part sermon series on marriage and the family, now doesn’t it?  Admit it: that last sentence struck a nerve, didn’t it?  Been there, done that.  We all have.

  Single Christian men, it’s high time for you to ditch church and give up on finding somebody there.  Pack up and go, for your own good and for your own sake.  You’ll thank me.  I wish you all the best in your journey toward self-awareness. MGTOW!

                                                                                                Very Sincerely,

                                                                                                “Luke Johnstone”

PS-Please check out my other blogs if you like this one and subscribe and follow me!

PPS-Nothing really.  I just wanted to create a PPS.

Monday, December 12, 2016

Single Moms and Memes

Now, gentlemen, I admit that the majority of my blogs involve criticizing young Western females. That’s a given. But there are specialized blogs out there that focus on primarily one or two subjects/topics, and this just happens to be one of them. Heck, there are bloggers that write only about subjects from Japanese Robotech cartoons from the 80s to workplace violence to President Obama’s birth certificate (give it a rest, dude!) to old grocery stores of the past to laptops to lap dogs to lap cats to freaky fetishes like loving black men’s feet (WTF???). So Life in a White Trash Mecca is merely more of a specialized blog page that deals with a few topics, but the main topic usually circles back around to the absolute depravity that is the single young woman. So here, men, is another such post.

As you know, I love me some memes! Here are a few posts I created that feature only memes, and darn good ones, at that:

Once You Go Black...

Willy Wonka!!

More Willy Wonka!!

Some months ago, I came across what I now consider to be the greatest, most truthful, most dead-on, most creative, most brutally honest internet meme I’ve ever seen, and I’ve seen thousands of memes online and created quite a few myself. Here it is, in all its creamy goodness and beauty:

OMG! YES! YES!! A hundred times, yes! #savage Just having Grammar Guy aka Correction Guy or Grammar Correction Guy is going to be a trip, a “hoot,” as you would say in the Upper Midwest, now don’cha know? Whoever created this work of art is 100% dead-on. For years, I thought I was the only one who thought this. It’s everything I’ve always thought of, but never could articulate it, and when I did, it would just come across as “just that short, fat, bald dude” spewing out bitterness. With the words put together with pictures, including my hero, Grammar Correction Guy, it’s a sight to behold. Although I’m not much of a Pinterest fan, I still Pin a few things here and there. This meme was one I have, and I’ve gotten loads of people Favoriting and Repinning it. This picture speaks to many people.

Everything that was written on this pic is 100% true of hundreds of thousands of young, single mothers in North America. In fact, it may even be millions now, for all we know. Yes, the horrors that are occurring in the United States that are caused by these women and their demon offspring are astounding, and getting worse every year as the single mom rate is skyrocketing, and not just with black women, who have long been a lost cause. The rampant immorality and godlessness of young single mothers has helped cause a full breakdown of the family, and with it, a breakdown of our morals, values, godliness, and basic civility that once governed our nation from 1776 to around just a few years ago. While all of this cannot be completely ascribed to said women, they—and the Democratic Party—bear a large portion of the absolute dreadfulness they have created.

Speaking of created, I have known dozens upon dozens of women here in the White Trash Mecca of Lake/Marion/Sumter/Citrus Counties that have done almost every single point on this meme, all in that order. I have seen hundreds more in person and online around here that seem to fit the bill of this meme, although I can’t be for sure on every point. One of these points that doesn’t always ring true is part of #1; most women here in Sleazeburg aren’t drunk when they get randomly knocked up. They intentionally wanted to be pregnant at the ripe ol’ age of 18 (the average age for first pregnancies in the Sleazeburg/Diseaseburg area) to any scumbag low-life they met. They are proud of just having a “sperm donor,” as they all call their Baby Daddies (plural, as they have multiple kids from multiple scumbags). One such female who fits the bill of this awesome yet truthfully sad meme is a hot ex-girlfriend of mine, who I will just call “Ho-cala Girl.”

I made this years ago.  Feel free to pass it the STDs the women here have!
After dumping me, then immediately riding the Cock Carousel and then getting and spreading around an STD for a while, Ho-cala Girl, at 20 years old, poor and no education, decided to do what all poor, uneducated women do at that age or usually before: hook up with some random dude and intentionally get knocked up, getting off the birth control she was on since we were together and get preggers by one of the most notoriously scummy and nasty-looking lowlifes in Ocala aka Ho-cala. I mean, fugly and lazy and already knocked up a girl and wouldn’t pay child support. Well, Ho-cala Girl decided this was the perfect guy to be her “sperm donor!” Yes, she nonchalantly referred to him as that. But I don’t at all believe she was drunk when she, ummm…copulated. Most females around here are not when they get knocked up as they do so intentionally as young as they can and with the worst guys they can. So knock off #1. Lets go through the rest:

#2 You fucked a douchebag/loser without protection. Check! Ho-cala Girl intentionally got off birth control but didn’t tell the douchebag/loser, so they started having sex without condoms because he thought she was on the Pill. Nope! She just had to get pregnant as
soon as possible, so that she did.

#3. You got pregnant and refused to have an abortion. Check! Women in the White Trash Mecca won’t have abortions. They think they have to have the out-of-wedlock babies and that abortion is morally wrong. Yet, these sluts think that fucking any random lowlife they come across and riding the Cock Carousel is the perfectly moral and decent thing to do. Just as long as they don’t have an abortion! Heaven forbid!

#4. You pooped out the kid. Check! No father around, no husband, child has the mother’s last name, just like all those black kids born in the ghettos.

#5. You moved in with the broke-ass dad. Actually, it was the other way around. The broke-ass dad moved in with her almost immediately after they started fucking, which was immediately after they met. He was so broke that my uneducated, working-class ex-girlfriend had to foot his bills and give him a place to live. But once Ho-cala Girl got preggers, she kicked him out. She got exactly what she wanted—to quickly get knocked up—so his services weren’t needed anymore. The sperm donation did its job.

#6. You couldn’t stand each others guts, so you broke up with him after six months. They broke up after less than six weeks, not six months. No joke.

#7. You now hate your life and the fact you can’t go out to party anymore. Check!

#8. You tell everyone on Facebook how amazing your life is with your kid (who has an insanely stupid name, such as Nevaeh, Grace, Bentley, or Aidani). Check! Although I’ve only glanced at her FB a few times since Ho-cala Girl squirted out her illegitimate baby, her Feed is filled with pics of her and her kid constantly, as well as how much she just loves her out-of-wedlock child. The other pics are all her trashy-assed tattoos that she splatters all over herself on a regular basis; when we were together, she had none, and I refused to let her get any. And as far as those stupid names? Check! One of those names is her kid. I shit you not.

#9. Your kid is growing up to be as stupid and ill-mannered as you are. Not quite sure, as she’s had no contact with me for years, but seeing that the overwhelming majority of single mothers are horrible parents, and seeing that the overwhelming majority of kids raised by single mothers are horrible kids, I’m going to put that into the “Check!” category.

#10. You are no looking for a rich man to support you and your kid, so you can continue doing nothing and start partying again. Check! Ho-cala Girl is dating up with every guy she bangs, because men in the White Trash Mecca are so desperate and thirsty and there’s nothing decent of any kind for these guys, even good-looking, tall guys. Ho-cala Girl just recently got a college degree (five years later than she would have if she had gone to the University of Florida like she was planning on after high school graduation), a degree paid for by taxpayers, along with all her welfare, WIC and Medicaid/Obamacare. But I can guarantee you that my exgf is dating up just to get a simp, a sucker, to take care of her and her kid. Here’s an excellent blog I wrote about simps: Simps, Simps and More Simps

Whoever made this meme, I would like to congratulate. As in, I would literally like to shake this guy’s hand and talk with him about this issue that he laid bare so well, and I would love to tell him how important this internet picture is to me. So if you guys know this person, direct him to this blog and tell him I am in his debt. I’m sure that many of you men reading this blog can relate to this meme, as well as my own personal story regarding this particular ex-girlfriend of mine. I can guarantee a lot of you guys have seen or heard about this same shit happening not only with exes, but with other females you know. Here in the White Trash Mecca, I see and hear about this constantly with almost every woman around. Please share this meme anywhere you can, guys!

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Opening Eyes, One at a Time

So, gentlemen and guys and dudes, the title of my entire Blogspot is “Life in a White Trash Mecca.” For the unfortunate souls who have not read it, this highlighted link is the reason why it is called that. I have spoken about the area (Leesburg, Florida, and environs) in some detail in other blog posts, but the linked one is sort of the anchor blog that sets everything into motion regarding my entire Blogger page. Well, it seems like more people are starting to wake up to the realization of this truly being the White Trash Mecca! Slowly but surely, one step at a time.

First stop is Urban Dictionary. Ah, UD! The place where I learned all the intricacies of Truffle Butter, the Blumpkin, the Dirty Sanchez, the Filthy Gomez, the Cleveland Steamer (not to be confused with the Cincinnati Steamer), and the worst offender of all, the Alabama Hot Pocket. Whooooaaaa!! Well, a quick perusal of UD has this amazing gem:

This was from 2010, and things have only gotten worse at Leesburg High School. I would say that the statistics given are much higher now than just half of the kids there at LHS. I would estimate up to 90% or more are like that, and that's not just me exaggerating, guys. And it is so true about parents, as they were all teen moms, just like their daughters all are now. Here’s another one about Diseaseburg:

Well, well, well. Almost exactly what I’ve been saying about Sleazeburg for over a year on Life in a White Trash Mecca, and check out the date: ten years ago, 2006! Nice! Clicked on the link for Sumter County (where I live, which is right next to Lake County and Diseaseburg), and here’s the definition, also from the same day and year as the Leesburg def:

Tru dat! Tru dat to infinity! Couldn’t agree more, and both definitions has loads of thumbs ups, too; lots of thumbs down, but more agreeing then disagreeing. So this has been spoken about in glaring detail a full decade ago on Urban Dictionary, but never, ever in blogs or vlogs, unfortunately, until I came along to get it out in the open.

Next comes two reviews on of local restaurants. One is Pasta Faire Italian Restaurant in Belleview and the other is Clawdaddy’s Sports Bar in Crystal River. First off is Pasta Faire, and a reviewer before this one named Ted mentioned the young female staff and their “mating habits,” meaning the girls are lethargic from fucking their tall bad boys the night before, so this review refers a bit to that:

And here’s the one for Clawdaddy’s:

Classy! Now, I love me some nipple and pussy piercings on women more than anything else, but I’ll be damned if I want to hear a bunch of local sluts loudly talking about it next to my dinner table. Screw that shit! But again, this is indicative of all the local women here. They have absolutely no class about themselves, completely devoid of professionalism and self-respect.

Also, here’s a comment from some teens in Sleazeburg on Facebook, via a cute blonde girl I once had on my FB but she deleted me; story of my life with girls I wanna bang, but she still comes up to me weekly and gives me big hugs, so it’s better than nothing. The girl evidently was tagged on this post (she comes from an incredibly trashy, dysfunctional, stereotypical Lake County family), so that’s why it was on her FB profile as the kid targeted was I guess trying to extract sympathy from the girl I know:

Nice! And major kudos to the boy who called this random Leesburg High School girl out on her being trailer trash. Many males in the area are becoming increasingly disgusted at how all the females are here, and it’s not just those my age, as evidenced by the teen boy above on Facebook, as well as the next evidence of an awakening. Here is a young man, a pal of mine on Instagram who I worked with for a brief time, who just turned 19 and was teased and led on by a fairly-hot girl (with stupid homemade tats on her hands that look like they were done by a 12-year-old). The girl was naturally a slut and didn’t want a good guy, so he and I got into a conversation about all the girls and women of the area:

Good for him! Guys are learning about how women are and how the entire area is, and they are learning younger and younger. Hopefully, with guidance from great guys like me, they will join MGTOW. A slim chance, but there’s always a glimmer of hope that perhaps a seed of truth and MGTOW will be planted in these young guy’s hearts and minds. By the way, aside from Sleazeburg and Diseaseburg, as you saw in that screenshot, I now use Teaseburg because of how all the women lead good guys on incessantly but never put out…until you’re a toothless methhead or a black guy with a foot long dick.

So that’s just a snippet of what’s been going on here in the White Trash Mecca, and apparently, it’s been building for ten full years now. Only nobody bothered to write more about it until my blog came along. But if it can positively change and influence just a few men in this area, my work has been worth it. Please recommend this blog and my entire blog page. I’d love for you all to give it a +1 on Google+ and a re-share.