Showing posts with label young single moms. Show all posts
Showing posts with label young single moms. Show all posts

Friday, April 20, 2018

Oh, Just Another Day in the White Trash Mecca!

***UPDATE!! I saw this nasty incest queen a few days ago, right in the same area. I recognized her immediately. So she's still around.***

  So if you’ve read my blogs (and I would hope that you have…or will), then you know that I live near and work in a town called Leesburg, Florida, but the good guys here call it “Sleazeburg” or “Diseaseburg” for good reason.  Here are the main blogs I’ve posted where I go into detail about why:

Well, yet another lovely gem shows up recently, and it has garnered not just statewide media attention, but nationwide and even worldwide attention as well.  Here are a few links:

She just oozes with intelligence...and probably other stuff, too

 Sigh.  Just another day here in the White Trash Mecca!  Seriously, this is the shit I see, read and hear about on a regular basis here.  So let me give you a synopsis in case you didn’t read the full articles.  A 33-year-old Lake County skank named Pauline Elizabeth Martin, a part-time, $8 an hour cashier at the worst McDonald’s in the entire area, has an out of wedlock baby 12 years ago and decides that one kid just isn’t enough (hint: IT IS!!), so she decides to start fucking…her brother.  Her own brother.  Keeping it in the family.  Good ol’ incest, the stuff you always hear people making fun of happening in Alabama, West Virginia or Kentucky (dunno about the latter two states, but I’ve literally never seen or heard about any real incest going on in Alabama for generations).  Now, I honestly don’t care one way or the other if family members are banging one another, I really don’t; it’s not my business if siblings want to get it on, or lucky fathers and daughters, or cousins or…whatever.  As long as it’s consensual, I guess.  It certainly was with Miss Martin; she lived with him for five years and apparently they fucked regularly.  Eeeww!

  But she didn’t stop there.  Nope.  She proudly and happily got knocked up by her brother, yet another out of wedlock baby on welfare in a town and county packed to the brim and overflowing with single moms and their bastard children on welfare.  Poor white trash, uneducated, minimum-wage burger flipper job, and knocked up…by her own brother.  Not step-brother, not half-brother.  Nope, her immediate family.  Well, Pauline Martin squirts out her out of wedlock welfare baby and, not surprisingly, he has severe medical and genetic problems.  No shit!  That very often happens with incest; those children are usually mentally retarded because of the inbreeding. 
Y'know, kinda like these brothers
 It’s genetics, which anybody with an IQ over 90 would know.  Obviously, Pauline and her bro are IQ<90.

   The baby has such serious medical and genetic issues and abnormalities that he had to be rushed to Winnie Palmer Hospital in Whorelando, where DNA tests quickly show that incest isn’t the best.  Soon afterward, Lake County Sheriff’s deputies visited Martin at her lovely workplace, the McDonald’s in Okahumpka aka “Okadumpka.”  I work quite near that place, and the entire staff is a friggen freak show!  The trashiest of the trash, the scummiest of the scum, and possibly the worst McDonald’s in the entire county…and that’s saying a lot, seeing that McD’s is the worst fast food around.

  So the coppers come by her freakazoid workplace and question her about the baby.  She openly admits that it’s her brother’s baby, that she’s been having a continuous sexual relationship with her own sibling, and that she was going to eventually call the incest off because she was “talking” to another guy.  Sheeeeesh!  What a desperate simp to be wanting to hook up with this skank-ass whore, but the White Trash Mecca is loaded with desperate, thirsty simps begging for any pussy they can get…any pussy.  Any.  Even this nasty ho.  I bet even with the whole state, nay, the nation, pardon…the WORLD, now knowing about this story, I bet that simp is still wanting to bang her.  Eeeww again.

  After Pauline Martin openly admits that she screwed her brother just the night before (Jeebus!), the deputies then try to arrest her for incest (yeah, that’s still a felony in most states), and she goes bat-shit crazy and runs to the back of the “restaurant” and tries to evade arrest.  While trying to get her to the car, Martin kicks and screams “Fuck this!” the entire way to the cop car and in it, so she was also charged with resisting arrest.  Pure class all the way around.

  Working in the White Trash Mecca, and working near her workplace, I and my fellow co-workers often saw Pauline Martin.  We always knew she was typical White Trash Mecca filth, but we didn’t know she was this trashy.  Like I said, I’m kind of indifferent when it comes to people wanting to do that stuff in the privacy of their own homes, but when a retarded baby is born as a result, and that baby now has to be taken care of hand and foot by taxpayers, I draw the line.  All these nice, single guys out there who can’t get laid, and Pauline Martin is banging her brother instead?  Oh, Diseaseburg, Sleazeburg!  SMH

Saturday, December 9, 2017

A Visual Trip of the White Trash Mecca! Part 2

 Earlier this year, I posted a blog showing the people of this area, and here it is.  Sheesh! Well, how about a sequel?!  So here’s some more photos of what I see every single day here in the White Trash Mecca of Florida, which goes from Ocala and Belleview, then Leesburg and Lady Lake, then Wildwood, and ends up like an old, flaccid, uncircumcised dick sloughing off smegma and pouring piss all over New Port Richey. 
  So here are some more photos of the locals.  As stated in the previous blog, these are culled from social media profiles as well as websites that feature people uploading pics of those here, or from friends that have taken the pics themselves.  First, here’s Tumblr pages for methheads here in the White Trash Mecca.  Area codes 727 and 352 are the two codes that encompass the entire area that I outlined in the above map (I'm in the 352), and this entire area has the highest meth lab busts in the state:

Reppin' the 727 and 352!

 Speaking of methheads, how about a New Port Richey/Pasco County class act, complete with Tampa Bay Rays jersey stuffed in his nasty Hanes boxers:

This is what all the women in the White Trash Mecca consider "hot"
He's definitely going to jail yet again...or detox

And now here’s some Ocala lowlifes:

I can feel the intelligence just oozing from them
That thar South will rise again...after we finish chugging these here beers!
And of course, they get the somewhat-attractive Ho-cala girls, yet I haven't gotten laid in four full years now!
Yep.  No surprise there.
This Ocala skank added me on the good ol’ days of Myspace back in like 2007 for some reason, so these pics are a decade out of date.  Her arrest records continue to mount since then, as do her tattoos, so much so that they are specially photographed by law enforcement when they are booking her in for her latest crime of the year:
That chest tat is supposed to spell "UNITY."  It should say "UNTIDY!"
Nothing cuter than having one of your out-of-wedlock children pretending to slit your throat

And, here's her daughter.  Pure class act, just like her mother.
Oh, and one of her kids is from a black guy.  Gee, what a fucking shock!

And finally, how about some of the lovely people you’ll meet at Wal-Mart.  The first three pics were taken by my friend who used to be an ice cream delivery driver who had to deliver products to and service the Sleazeburg Wal-Mart every week.  He was appalled by what he saw every day that he had to secretly snap a few pics, sending a couple of them to  Of course, it is Wal-Mart, so what do you expect?
This was one his gems he took right as he walked in the door

You know you're in the ghetto when you have a sign like this on the front door.  Oh, and the WIC sign next to it!
Put the erection down, guys.
And here’s one famous pic that was taken in Inverness aka Inbredness…

Teen mom? Check. Tramp stamp and other tats? Check. Filthy pajamas in public? Check. Her mom having to help raise illegitimate child? Check.

…and one taken in Ocala aka Ho-cala:
I can't find one thing in this picture that isn't filled with trash

Oh, just another day in the White Trash Mecca known as central Florida!

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

MGTOW and Being 36

Well, here we are.  Coming to a close of my 36th year of life.  I posted similar blogs a year ago and two years ago, so here are the respective links to those: MGTOW and Being 35 and MGTOW and Being 34.
Hell, I can't even get 36 year-old women to have sex with me, let alone 18!
  Year 36 hasn’t been too much of a year; I’d say it was just average.  I had some outings here and there with my friends (all guys, of course), and took a week-long road trip to the Smoky Mountains, and worked, worked, worked.  I’ve unfortunately gained quite a bit of weight since my October vacation to the mountains, so now I’m short, bald and even fatter than I was.  Oh, well, them’s the breaks. 

  In addition to the weight gain, I had a terrible cold-like virus that kept me ill for weeks in February and March; I couldn’t seem to shake it, the worst virus I’ve ever had.  Then, in the beginning of April, I had a few days of an awful fever that left me feeling terrible again.  A couple of weeks ago, I came down with Bell’s Palsy, albeit a minor case that was barely noticeable to anybody else but me, but I sure had it!  Bell’s Palsy often occurs some time after a lengthy virus and fever, which is exactly what I had.  So for many weeks, I didn’t do anything but go to work and then sit home and try to recover.  That is a major reason why I didn’t blog for months.  Did ya miss me?  Did ya?!

  Finance-wise, I’m in better shape than I’ve been in years!  Still not making much, but I’m saving money and living more frugally.  I paid off a credit card debt, and I’m chipping away at two others I have.  I’m just about to have my car paid off, so that monthly payment will now go to paying off those debts.  So financially, I am doing what so many in the MGTOW movement encourage others to do: get your economic house in order.  This is a good thing, no?

  As far as sex and relationships, well…of course not! 

Three-and-a-half years and counting.

 I’m short, fat and bald, remember?  I’m also living in the White Trash Mecca, filled with lonely single men and trailer park trash single mothers, like these actual women from here:

So much trash in one picture, I can't even.

Stretch marks on her boobs from three babies from three different fathers (black and white), and tattoos of random black and white guys she's fucked.  Welcome to Leesburg, Florida!
  I’m pan-sexual, so I’ll gladly take a male-to-female transgender, and maybe the right gay or bi-sexual guy.  My mind is open for either…as is my mouth and anus.  As far as females, there are a couple of very outside chances I have at work, very outside.  One is a flaky 18 year-old girl who is very sweet but dorky.  The other is a 25-year old fatty from Long Island named Gina.  Because she’s not from here, she doesn’t have any kids and she’s single.  Wow!  I’ve seen pictures of her when Gina was younger, and she was quite a piece of ass, but now she just continues to expand even more than I am.  Recently, I saw her at her desk, eating king-sized candy bar after king-sized candy bar, three in total, all at one sitting!  Good Lord, even I’m not that much of a glutton!  But Gina is shaped fairly well compared to 95% of fat women, who look like this:

Yeah, but even these women gets tons of dates from thirsty men.  Unreal.
  Gina’s not like that at all, so I may try her out.  I’d love to bang her all night, but a relationship? Not a chance! 

Which brings me to the last part.  MGTOW!  Even if I had chances at relationships, there’s no way I would even try one.  Screw that!  I sincerely hope that more and more men read blogs like mine, as well as the loads and loads of YouTube videos and vlogs from those in the #MGTOW movement and heed their sage advice.  I avoid females my age and younger and much as I possibly can, but then again, they’re not beating down the door to get close to me, either.  But I don’t even try anymore, and this past year was no exception.  I don’t even bother.  Years and years and years of rejection and being ignored or sneered at by even the ugliest, fattest, most undesirable females, combined with the surreal lack of decent women here, as well as all the information I’ve gathered in the past couple of years from taking the Red Pill, leaves me not wanting to pursue relationships and even friendships with women 18 to 40.  For men who are interested in Going Their Own Way, I say, “YES!  By all means, yes!  Read my blogs, read other blogs from single men in our dilemma, and watch the YouTube vids.  Immerse yourself in the culture of masculinity and MGTOW.  So there’s a recap of the events of me at 36 years old.  Be sure to subscribe to my blog!

Saturday, May 13, 2017

A Visual Trip of the White Trash Mecca!

  Ah, the White Trash Mecca.  For those who don’t know what that is, here’s a well-read link: The White Trash Mecca Known as Leesburg .  And here’s another link of guys in said Mecca getting “woke,” as the liberal Millennials (is there any other kind?) call it: Opening Eyes.

  So now, where exactly is the White Trash Mecca?  Here’s a Google Map with the area circled in red:

Lots of area, lots of trash.  The hardest-hit areas of meth-induced trailer trash and rednecks are circled in blue: Belleview/Summerfield, Inverness aka Inbredness, Sleazeburg aka Diseasburg, as well as New Port Richey in Pasco County.  I used to not know too much about NPR until I read a massive amount of comments and saw loads of pictures of the area; there are entire threads bashing the town on Topix,, and even a Facebook page called “Pasco County Trash Can.”  I’ve also met people who have a lot of personal experience there, and all of this points to clear evidence that New Port Shitty (as it’s called) should definitely be included in the White Trash Mecca.  If you want to hang out with a bunch of skanky, dirty-looking single mom strippers (including a dumb Friendzoning whore I used to work with named Kristiey aka Phoenixxx), then NPR is the place for you!  More toothless strippers per capita there than in any other city in Florida…guaranteed!  But for me, the bulk of the White Trash Mecca is here in the Leesburg area and environs.  I live it every single day.

  So now, for some pics to demonstrate how incredibly trashy this whole region is.  I culled these pics from various sources: personal photos I or my friends or co-workers have taken; pics from Facebook, either pics I’ve saved from personal profiles or from Pasco County Trash Can; People of Walmart, or “r/trashy” Reddit.  With the last two sites, I got the photos from Florida tags and in the comments section, the commenters stated repeatedly that the pics were from the White Trash Mecca.  I wouldn’t doubt it at all.  So let’s get started, shall we?

Oh, just another day here!

New Port Richey single mom-to-be training for her next job as a stripper.
Drive down any road in Leesburg, and this is all you see

Leesburg's finest.  Oh, and she's a single mom, too, no suprise.

An 18 year-old with a pack of Marlboros and a Rebel flag tattoo just above her stinky pussy? Probably best friends with the skank just before her.

Not for the dumbasses who actually hook up with this skank!

From Marion Oaks.  Just mention "Marion Oaks," and everybody here knows how bad it is.

More FUPA than you can shake a Triple Whopper at.  And here, men are so thirsty and desperate that these whales have dozens of simps begging for them weekly.
From New Port Richey. Rebel flag, pajamas in public, Wal-Mart and a vulgar caption on clothing. This is white trash x4!

Also from the NPR area.  Teen mom, trashy home and yard, pjs, and check out the shirt. LOL! But I'd still fuck both of them, I have to admit.
This is just a sampling of what I’ve gathered over a very short period of time.  There will be a Part 2 and maybe even a Part 3 eventually.  Just remember, this is all I see every day, all day, all week, all month, all year. Welcome, my readers, to the White Trash Mecca.

Monday, December 12, 2016

Single Moms and Memes

Now, gentlemen, I admit that the majority of my blogs involve criticizing young Western females. That’s a given. But there are specialized blogs out there that focus on primarily one or two subjects/topics, and this just happens to be one of them. Heck, there are bloggers that write only about subjects from Japanese Robotech cartoons from the 80s to workplace violence to President Obama’s birth certificate (give it a rest, dude!) to old grocery stores of the past to laptops to lap dogs to lap cats to freaky fetishes like loving black men’s feet (WTF???). So Life in a White Trash Mecca is merely more of a specialized blog page that deals with a few topics, but the main topic usually circles back around to the absolute depravity that is the single young woman. So here, men, is another such post.

As you know, I love me some memes! Here are a few posts I created that feature only memes, and darn good ones, at that:

Once You Go Black...

Willy Wonka!!

More Willy Wonka!!

Some months ago, I came across what I now consider to be the greatest, most truthful, most dead-on, most creative, most brutally honest internet meme I’ve ever seen, and I’ve seen thousands of memes online and created quite a few myself. Here it is, in all its creamy goodness and beauty:

OMG! YES! YES!! A hundred times, yes! #savage Just having Grammar Guy aka Correction Guy or Grammar Correction Guy is going to be a trip, a “hoot,” as you would say in the Upper Midwest, now don’cha know? Whoever created this work of art is 100% dead-on. For years, I thought I was the only one who thought this. It’s everything I’ve always thought of, but never could articulate it, and when I did, it would just come across as “just that short, fat, bald dude” spewing out bitterness. With the words put together with pictures, including my hero, Grammar Correction Guy, it’s a sight to behold. Although I’m not much of a Pinterest fan, I still Pin a few things here and there. This meme was one I have, and I’ve gotten loads of people Favoriting and Repinning it. This picture speaks to many people.

Everything that was written on this pic is 100% true of hundreds of thousands of young, single mothers in North America. In fact, it may even be millions now, for all we know. Yes, the horrors that are occurring in the United States that are caused by these women and their demon offspring are astounding, and getting worse every year as the single mom rate is skyrocketing, and not just with black women, who have long been a lost cause. The rampant immorality and godlessness of young single mothers has helped cause a full breakdown of the family, and with it, a breakdown of our morals, values, godliness, and basic civility that once governed our nation from 1776 to around just a few years ago. While all of this cannot be completely ascribed to said women, they—and the Democratic Party—bear a large portion of the absolute dreadfulness they have created.

Speaking of created, I have known dozens upon dozens of women here in the White Trash Mecca of Lake/Marion/Sumter/Citrus Counties that have done almost every single point on this meme, all in that order. I have seen hundreds more in person and online around here that seem to fit the bill of this meme, although I can’t be for sure on every point. One of these points that doesn’t always ring true is part of #1; most women here in Sleazeburg aren’t drunk when they get randomly knocked up. They intentionally wanted to be pregnant at the ripe ol’ age of 18 (the average age for first pregnancies in the Sleazeburg/Diseaseburg area) to any scumbag low-life they met. They are proud of just having a “sperm donor,” as they all call their Baby Daddies (plural, as they have multiple kids from multiple scumbags). One such female who fits the bill of this awesome yet truthfully sad meme is a hot ex-girlfriend of mine, who I will just call “Ho-cala Girl.”

I made this years ago.  Feel free to pass it the STDs the women here have!
After dumping me, then immediately riding the Cock Carousel and then getting and spreading around an STD for a while, Ho-cala Girl, at 20 years old, poor and no education, decided to do what all poor, uneducated women do at that age or usually before: hook up with some random dude and intentionally get knocked up, getting off the birth control she was on since we were together and get preggers by one of the most notoriously scummy and nasty-looking lowlifes in Ocala aka Ho-cala. I mean, fugly and lazy and already knocked up a girl and wouldn’t pay child support. Well, Ho-cala Girl decided this was the perfect guy to be her “sperm donor!” Yes, she nonchalantly referred to him as that. But I don’t at all believe she was drunk when she, ummm…copulated. Most females around here are not when they get knocked up as they do so intentionally as young as they can and with the worst guys they can. So knock off #1. Lets go through the rest:

#2 You fucked a douchebag/loser without protection. Check! Ho-cala Girl intentionally got off birth control but didn’t tell the douchebag/loser, so they started having sex without condoms because he thought she was on the Pill. Nope! She just had to get pregnant as
soon as possible, so that she did.

#3. You got pregnant and refused to have an abortion. Check! Women in the White Trash Mecca won’t have abortions. They think they have to have the out-of-wedlock babies and that abortion is morally wrong. Yet, these sluts think that fucking any random lowlife they come across and riding the Cock Carousel is the perfectly moral and decent thing to do. Just as long as they don’t have an abortion! Heaven forbid!

#4. You pooped out the kid. Check! No father around, no husband, child has the mother’s last name, just like all those black kids born in the ghettos.

#5. You moved in with the broke-ass dad. Actually, it was the other way around. The broke-ass dad moved in with her almost immediately after they started fucking, which was immediately after they met. He was so broke that my uneducated, working-class ex-girlfriend had to foot his bills and give him a place to live. But once Ho-cala Girl got preggers, she kicked him out. She got exactly what she wanted—to quickly get knocked up—so his services weren’t needed anymore. The sperm donation did its job.

#6. You couldn’t stand each others guts, so you broke up with him after six months. They broke up after less than six weeks, not six months. No joke.

#7. You now hate your life and the fact you can’t go out to party anymore. Check!

#8. You tell everyone on Facebook how amazing your life is with your kid (who has an insanely stupid name, such as Nevaeh, Grace, Bentley, or Aidani). Check! Although I’ve only glanced at her FB a few times since Ho-cala Girl squirted out her illegitimate baby, her Feed is filled with pics of her and her kid constantly, as well as how much she just loves her out-of-wedlock child. The other pics are all her trashy-assed tattoos that she splatters all over herself on a regular basis; when we were together, she had none, and I refused to let her get any. And as far as those stupid names? Check! One of those names is her kid. I shit you not.

#9. Your kid is growing up to be as stupid and ill-mannered as you are. Not quite sure, as she’s had no contact with me for years, but seeing that the overwhelming majority of single mothers are horrible parents, and seeing that the overwhelming majority of kids raised by single mothers are horrible kids, I’m going to put that into the “Check!” category.

#10. You are no looking for a rich man to support you and your kid, so you can continue doing nothing and start partying again. Check! Ho-cala Girl is dating up with every guy she bangs, because men in the White Trash Mecca are so desperate and thirsty and there’s nothing decent of any kind for these guys, even good-looking, tall guys. Ho-cala Girl just recently got a college degree (five years later than she would have if she had gone to the University of Florida like she was planning on after high school graduation), a degree paid for by taxpayers, along with all her welfare, WIC and Medicaid/Obamacare. But I can guarantee you that my exgf is dating up just to get a simp, a sucker, to take care of her and her kid. Here’s an excellent blog I wrote about simps: Simps, Simps and More Simps

Whoever made this meme, I would like to congratulate. As in, I would literally like to shake this guy’s hand and talk with him about this issue that he laid bare so well, and I would love to tell him how important this internet picture is to me. So if you guys know this person, direct him to this blog and tell him I am in his debt. I’m sure that many of you men reading this blog can relate to this meme, as well as my own personal story regarding this particular ex-girlfriend of mine. I can guarantee a lot of you guys have seen or heard about this same shit happening not only with exes, but with other females you know. Here in the White Trash Mecca, I see and hear about this constantly with almost every woman around. Please share this meme anywhere you can, guys!

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Simps, Simps and More Simps

Now, guys, I know that I’m—shall we say—highly critical of young women nowadays. That’s a given. However, there is a lot of blame for how women act that can be directly attributed to the men who grovel and pine for them and make absolute fools of themselves in the process. Blame is directed where it is due, and often, it’s the fault of the male. Last year, I wrote a wondrous and well-read blog entitled Captain Sav-a-Ho to the Rescue and you really need to read it. Seriously, click the darkened link before you read this current post, because it explains a good deal of what I’m about to talk about: the “simp.”

A good acronym for a simp that has been going around in the past few years is “Suckers Idolizing Mediocre Pussy.” Great definition and very self-explanatory. It seems that the term is used a whole lot with African-American dudes, which is strange, seeing that most black men now have a never-ending smorgasbord of females to bang, all ages, all races, so why are they even bothered with simps? No matter, because many of us white guys are bothered by them just as much. Although men of all races are rightly and justifiably disgusted by the acts of simps, more and more men (if you can even call them men) are going that pitiful, humiliating route, and it’s really a goddamn shame.

So what exactly is a simp? Glad you asked! Urbandictionary has many decent defs of it, but some of them are outdated as the term has changed from what it meant six to ten years ago. In the past five years or so, it has been used mainly to denote a guy who chases after females that do not at all deserve to be chased after, females who have kids, are used-up and stretched-out, are fat, are useless, are just teases, or have various other pieces of baggage that she has to claim at the Airport of Bad Choices. In other words, the vast majority of Western women now! These women have no real value other than they have a vagina and…that’s about it. A well-used vagina, one that has endured quite a number of babies and a much larger number of men’s penises, tongues, fingers and fists. Yet these women have a never-ending carousel of desperate, horny, uber-thirsty males begging for them at all hours of the day, both online and in person.

Now, sometimes, the woman is actually good-looking and has no kids (I know, a rarity), but the guy still makes an utter fool of himself in either trying to woo her over or keep her if he actually has her in a relationship. He does this only because she is hot. Hot women never have any personality or other redeeming qualities of any kind; they simply are hot.

Regardless of whether the females are hot or not, the guys who are simps still act like complete fools. They grovel and pine and beg for the attention and approval of these women, yet rarely or never get anything in return. They pay for women’s drinks at a bar, they buy flowers or other gifts for them, they leave comments on women’s various social media sites (mainly Instagram now), saying things like “you’re so hot” or “hottest woman I’ve ever seen” or “so sexy” or even…wait for it…“please, please date me!” Of course, there is almost never, ever a response from the woman, and if there is, it’s “awwweee, thanks,” aka “return to the Friendzone that you tried to slither away from.”

Simps also leave these same comments on slutty model wannabes pics on IG, along with sometimes hundreds of other losers who are saying the same thing. Every picture these whores and “thots” post is filled with such comments and even worse. Simps actually think that these women will pick out their comment and say, “Gasp! Nobody’s ever told me I have a nice rack! I must fuck one of the dozens of guys who said that!” I really need to blog about the Thirst Traps of Instagram. Maybe soon?

These simps think that woman are all damsels in distress, sweet, innocent princesses who are just waiting to be rescued. These guys are always White Knights and sometimes go so far as to be Captain Sav-a-Ho’s. They think that by acting this way, they will get the girl. Rarely does it work, but here is once such instance of a simp and Captain Sav-a-Ho just by a cursory Facebook search:

Two very young half-black kids from two different black fathers…and this white simp pretends to like them just so he can hook up with a trashy slut and get very infrequent sex. Lowering himself to the gutter, putting pussy over pride, vagina over values, sex over self-respect. No guy who isn’t a pussy-begging simp would even consider letting some trash with two freshly-squirted-out kids into his life, let alone shacking up with one and helping pay all her bills! I love how he is trying to look like he’s actually interested in raising these illegitimate half-breed kids that aren’t his own, but he’s obviously faking it.

But here comes the rub: this is just one of loads and loads of such guys (not men, just guys) who are simping. These photos are the very tip of the iceberg here in the White Trash Mecca and other places. Look on Facebook or—back in the day—Myspace, and you see tons of guys like this. You see this repeated en masse, some even in worse situations. I mean, we’re talking four kids from four different baby daddies, the woman is unemployed, fat, smelly and has a criminal history. Yet men—black, white and Latino—simp it up with these women, and these females never go more than a few days—sometimes just hours—without countless thirsty simps after them. No matter how gross or slovenly or useless the female is, they have an entourage of thirsty males pleading for them. No female ever has to worry about being alone or not having a pussy-whipped mangina take care of them, because there are so many such pussies out there now.

Here’s a perfect example. I know this hot young piece of ass I’ll just call “Hot Ass” because her booty is incredible and probably tastes like nutmeg and cloves) who is half-black/half-white; her parents, like all interracial relationships here in the White Trash Mecca, was black daddy/white momma (black women refuse to date white guys). The mother ended up killing the father, which is usually the other way around in said interracial relationships. Hot Ass has two kids from two different drug-dealing black guys and both guys are in prison for felonies! The black guy she is with now is almost twice her age and Hot Ass basically admits that she is just using him for money to help pay for her two out-of-wedlock kids from different baby daddies. So a dude will actually simp it up, be a Sav-a-Ho, and let a woman with loads of baggage and tons of poor life choices shack up with him and spend his money and drive his ghetto-looking car, just to say he’s getting sex from a piece of ass? You can’t make this stuff up, guys. The simp is real. Simp. Just. Happened. And it happens every friggen day.

Still aren’t convinced that simping is absolutely cringe-worthy? Still not??? I’ll tell you about a co-worker of mine who I will call “Dumb Ass.” He’s several years younger than me and just as short, yet was actually able to get a long-time girlfriend, which is rare that any guy under 6’2” even gets dates nowadays. However, like all women, she started to go after the taller bad boys and dumped Dumb Ass’s ass, but not before banging a bunch of redneck scumbags in Pasco County (major redneck hotbed on the Gulf Coast). Dumb Ass thought that maybe he got her knocked up in a drunken sex session just before the slut dumped him and while she was fucking the tall bad boys, but he couldn’t be for sure. The bimbo had a miscarriage, which is very rare that sluts have miscarriages around here as they always squirt out their terrible babies. Well, Dumb Ass decided that he needed to call off work (when he was in dire need of being there) so he could zip off all the way to Pasco County and “console” his cheating, lying, whore ex-girlfriend all night, just because it might—MIGHT—have been his baby. Might! This is one of those trailer trash instances where Maury would have to be called in to do a paternity test just to see who the dad was. Yet Dumb Ass called in sick for work to go be by the side of a typical local whore and get nothing in return. Now that is major simpage!! I honestly don’t think there is any intervention that can take place with Dumb Ass or guys like him. And there seem to be many, many guys like him nowadays.

This comes to the part that you knew was coming if you read >Captain Sav-a-Ho to the Rescue.
Guys, seriously. Don’t be like that!! DON’T! You owe these whores nothing. They will do nothing for you but rob you blind. To lower yourself to their level, to simp and beg and pine and grovel for half-way decent pussy (if even that), isn’t worth degrading yourself like that. And what degradation that is! No female in North America is worth giving them your hard-earned money, your home, your car, your time, your undivided attention, especially not these bimbos with baggage. Too many losers are doing this and they soon end up having their entire livelihoods squandered on whores who use and abuse them. These females are just looking for somebody to take care of them and their kids, if they have them (and most do). They are incapable of love, incapable of fidelity, incapable of empathy, incapable of making right choices in their lives. The only things simps can say is, “Well, at least I can say I have a girlfiend/wife. I get some sex sometimes,” That’s all. Just to say they have somebody. Just to get a little bit of pussy, which soon ends once the woman starts fucking the bad boys while you’re working your ass off for her and her demon offspring. Just to tell people that you’re in a relationship. That’s all. Wow. Is it worth it? Take it from my personal experience; I used to simp a bit here and there years ago, and didn’t get much in return, and what I got wasn’t worth the simping at all. There are far too many simps out there who are doing all of this. We don’t need any more simps, guys!! MGTOW!

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Guys, Stay Away From Single Moms!

Men, just to preface, I don’t say the things I do just to spew out vitriol and poison. I write these things because of what I see, what I read about, what I personally experience, in life here in the White Trash Mecca. And one thing I—and a growing number of men my age and younger—can totally attest to is this: young single mothers are the scum of the earth and you should NEVER get into a real relationship with them.

I touched on this subject in a well-read blog of mine entitled Captain Save-a-Ho to the Rescue.. It’s about guys who actually pair up with and marry single moms. Ugh! No, no, no! Never, guys, never!

First, here’s some pictures of stereotypical young, unwed mothers:

That’s all I see every day of my life here in the Leesburg/Ocala/Wildwood/Bushnell, Florida area, aka Sleazeburg-Diseaseburg/Hocala/Vilewood/Bushnell. All day, every day, for many years. And I’m sure some of you guys endure the same. Gentlemen, these are the faces (and bodies) of single moms. Are there some mature, respectable single mothers out there doing a great job raising their child/children? Absolutely! But they are so few and so far between that your chances of meeting them are slim to none. I literally know of only one.

Google search terms like “reasons not to date single moms” or “single mothers suck” or “don’t date single mothers” and you get dozens of blogs and websites about these topics. Go on YouTube and you’ll find scores of videos about the same, many with thousands of views and hundreds of thumbs up. The liberal media keeps saying that there are more single, childless young women than ever. BULLSHIT! We men know this is media propaganda as reality does not compute with the words of the press. With all women having out of wedlock kids, many having them (especially here) as young as 16 or 17, that leaves us men with used-up women with baggage who have no clue how to raise kids. No clue at all.

You see, the liberal media wants us to think that young single mothers are all mature, educated, hard-working professionals who just happened to hook up with a guy that seemed to be great but suddenly turned out bad, so the women had no choice but to leave the man and go the single mothers route. Spare me, spare me. We all know that none of this is true, as far from the truth as can be. The evidence we see all around us shows otherwise. Single moms are truly the epitome of rampant immorality and immaturity. They create these matriarchal fiefdoms all backed, paid for and legislated by the government and taxpayers (welfare, WIC, Medicaid, ObamaCare, child support and alimony). Single moms are greedy, narcissistic, shallow, vapid, manipulative teases who are not at all afraid to annihilate and ruin you using the law and are a severe blight on the United States. The kids grow up being just an accessory and a pawn to the mother’s life; she values herself so, so much more than her demon offspring. The cycle then always, always repeats, where the daughters engage in the same slutty, immoral behavior that caused their mothers to be single moms in the first place. The sons become drug-addicted thugs and career criminals. Repeat ad nauseum.

Women who get knocked up by “bad boys” at a young age after riding the “cock carousel” live lives filled with drugs, multiple bad boy sexual partners, STDs, poverty, and lack of education. With full assistance from the federal government in the form of welfare, these whores then live the “single mom life,” always trying to extract sympathy from everybody by plaintively crying, “but I’m a single mom!” No sympathy here. Just utter contempt. Out of the THOUSANDS of not-married mothers I’ve been around in the Lake/Sumter/Marion County area over the years, I can literally count on one hand the number who could be considered even barely halfway-decent women. Some of these other gals have multiple kids from multiple guys; imagine how stretched-out their pussies are! And their children are absolutely horrible and all follow in the footsteps of the whore mother and the bad boy sperm donor. Genes, y’know? The female gender doesn’t seem to comprehend this.

Yet these single mothers still get dates, still get tons of sex from thirsty, desperate men. Don’t be that guy! DON’T! One thing I’ve tried to make clear in my blog is that you men need to have much more self-respect; I had to learn that over the years but now, at 34 years old, I can tell you that I have far too much respect in myself to stoop down to the gutter level that single mothers have intentionally and happily put themselves in to. These bimbos have no self-control, no self-restraint, and are only looking for somebody to take care of them and their crappy kids.

You men might be saying, “But all women have kids nowadays! They’re everywhere! They’re so easy and slutty! I need sex sooooooo badly!” OK, fair enough, if you’re that much of a pathetic pussy beggar, “plate” them all you want, but don’t ever, ever get into a real relationship with them. Use them just as they have used men over and over again, pump and dump. And always wear a condom! Not only because there’s a good chance the women have pus-filled warts on their stretched-out pussies, but there’s also a good chance that she wants you to get her knocked up so she can force you to pay child support for a kid you didn’t want and will never get to even see much of! Happens all the time.

There is nothing good that can come from a young, unwed mother. They are immoral, irresponsible, deceitful, and are one of the very top factors in the moral and spiritual rotting and destruction of the United States. I encourage you to Google those search terms and check out the same things on YouTube as well for much more information. Here’s some more single moms for you, too: