Thursday, June 11, 2015

Zach Buob, Crotch Rockets, Road Rage and Young Single Mothers

*Update: My, quite a lot of action on this particular blog, even more than some of my others, which is already a lot. The power of Facebook reposts, eh? I had a douchenozzle try to post a comment, going into a profane rant. Strangely, his comments seemed like he didn’t read this blog in its entirety as he went on a tangent about issues not related to a word I wrote. I guess he must have read the first several lines and then succumbed to ‘Roid Rage; too many squat thrusts at the gym? Internet Tough Guy also said that me calling bikes “crotch rockets” is “just like calling a black person a nigger!”(exclamation his) Using widely-used slang about a two-wheeled vehicle is exactly like calling a human being a demeaning racial slur? Uh, huh. Would you like to tell that to African-Americans who lived through the civil rights movement? Internet Tough Guy—probably upset because he tore his sleeveless Tapped Out shirt—had such crude comments that all he did was reinforce and solidify the popular opinion that many crotch rocket riders are unbearable pricks. I deleted the comment and shrugged, but I should’ve taken a screenshot and posted it on a future blog, especially the cringe-worthy “crotch rocket/black person” comparison. Now, on to the post that has created a slight stir!*

First off, guys, here are two links of blog entries I’ve written about BAD WOMEN DRIVERS and WOMEN WITH LOTS OF TATTOOS, for further reference.

So there’s been a crapload of news online in the past week and a half about the death of Zachary Boub, a U.S. Navy Chief Petty Officer who was recently killed on his motorcycle in San Diego after being hit by a car.

I have a couple of “crotch rocket” riders and fans on my Facebook, so they have posted links to this story quite a bit in the past week. Here is one such link from one of my favorite online newspapers, the UK Daily Mail: 

Although there is still more information about this case that hasn’t come out yet but I’m sure will as the investigation and subsequent trial occurs, the gist of the story seems to be this: In San Diego rush-hour traffic, 39-year-old Buob decided to be a stereotypical crotch rocket rider and weave in and out of traffic and speed. No surprise there as most guys who are into those kinds of bikes act like they own the road and are incredibly reckless. He pissed off an already angry young woman, Darla Renee Jackson, who then went into a fit of unbridled fury and succumbed to road rage, tailgating Buob and even trying to sideswipe him! During one of the sideswipe attempts, Buob allegedly kicked Jackson’s car, infuriating her even more to the point that she, well, pretty much ran over him at full speed. Not just getting Buob’s license plate number and then backing off while calling the California Highway Patrol. Nope. Tailgating him relentlessly and then running over him; Buob, a highly-respected, well-liked Navy man of 20 years, was pronounced dead soon after the incident.

Now, first, I have to say this about guys who operate crotch rockets: they are usually insufferable douchebags. They race on busy roads at speeds that defy human comprehension, weaving in and out of traffic, and tailgating anybody who is not going at least 30 miles over the posted speed limit. They are almost always seen with some hot slut on the back, their scantily-clad trophy girlfriends who love their “bad boys,” even if that means a chance that their bad boy will lose control of their motorcycle and send said hot slut careening onto the pavement, ripping off every inch of her very exposed skin and possibly causing her to become paralyzed from the neck down or in a coma for the rest of her life, if she survives at all. Life on the edge for today’s women. Cute.

Go to my beloved Tampa/St. Petersburg/Clearwater, and that’s all you see at night. Kawasaki’s and Suzuki’s tearing up and down the roads and causeways, especially the Courtney Campbell Causeway between Tampa and Clearwater. I have a close friend who lives around there, so I’m down there often. Douchey Puerto Rican guys wearing those goofy Roman Spartan helmets, their hot Puerto Rican girlfriends on the backseat, big butts up in the air as they hold on for dear life while their boyfriends race one another down the Causeway late at night, as tons of young people watch on the side, including lots of girls, "cause it’s like so cool and awesome and the guys are like soooo hot and things and stuff!" Hillsborough County and Pinellas County Sheriff’s Departments do absolutely nothing about these extremely dangerous drag races, by the way. Nothing.

So yes, most crotch rocket enthusiasts are pricks to the Nth degree, some of the most arrogant, bullying, reckless people around. But so far in this case, it does not at all appear that Zach Buob fits the moniker of a bad person. Darla Jackson sure does, though. Boy, does she. Really bad. The 25 year-old woman defines your stereotypical, good-looking North American young woman:

1. Unwed mother at a young age (knocked up around 21) with no father present;

2. Stuck on herself, irresponsible, irrational and immoral;

3. Blatant mental/psychological issues;

4. Splattered from top to bottom with ridiculous, attention-craving tattoos.

Miss Jackson has restraining orders on her from TWO ex-boyfriends because she’s such a psycho case. Former friends (she seems to have no current friends) say that she is nuts and doesn’t think things through and lives a wild party life. She also once had her driver’s license suspended due to “lack of knowledge or skill” of driving a motor vehicle. You know you have to be a horrible driver to have your license taken away for two years due to “lack of knowledge or skill!” She recently uploaded her stupid tattoo pictures on that website (website full of whores splattered with gross body graffiti), but they have since been taken down. She can join the list of crazy psychopathic women with tons of vile tattoos, like Michelle “Bombshell” McGee, Kat Von D, and Christy Mack, among so many others. The list just keeps growing!

In sum, Darla Jackson represents your typical Millennial female and young single mother in every way, except that most women do not intentionally kill people on the roads; they do everything else you can think of, though…except have sex with good guys, of course. Heaven forbid, right, men?

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Four Steps To Be Done With Toxic Women

So a few days ago, I come back to work from taking a lunch break in my car. I go in and--lo and behold—a girl I always liked was there, a former employee who used to like me a little bit, too, it seemed. Her name is Taylor but I call her “Pecker Wrecker” because she has fucked up teeth. She’s 18, not at all attractive, is extremely thin, no breasts, no butt, no figure. But that’s the kind of girl I’ve always been attracted to, and for nine months, I had a girl who had a body almost exactly like Taylor’s and was just as young, too. Girls like that turn me on, somehow, so even though she was nothing at all to look at, I sure looked at her.

There she was, standing at the reception counter, talking to one of our front desk workers. I look at her and…

…she’s pregnant. Quite pregnant. Seeing she just turned 18 last February, that means she got knocked up at the ripe ol’ age of 17. Yet another teen mom, and you all know how I feel about teen moms.

Taylor was proudly going to everybody, showing off her big baby bump. I was shocked and sickened the instant I saw the belly, and she turned around to talk to me as I walked right by her. I didn’t stop. I didn’t look at her. I looked at her stomach, turned my head away, and shook my head in disgust as I walked by her in silence. I had nothing to say to her, and I never will now. Taylor is now just another statistic, another proud teen unwed mother-to-be on WIC and EBT, making me and other good guys pay for her not knowing or caring what birth control is. Rumor is, the father of the illegitimate child is her step-brother. Yep, her step-brother. Remember what I’ve said about Leesburg being called Sleazeburg or Diseaseburg? Yeah, now do you finally see why good guys here call it that? I actually don’t believe the rumor as I think she got knocked up by a black guy, like most girls in this area do; we’ll see when she squirts it out! Yet another female down the drain, making it almost 100% the number of very young females I know who have gone the “randomly and casually knocked up and proudly on welfare” route.

Taylor aka Pecker Wrecker has been on my Facebook friend’s list for a full year, when she was a part-time employee and when I liked her a lot. I rarely, rarely look at women’s profiles or statuses on FB; I specifically have notifications from them turned off as I have no interest in what they are doing. So I went to her profile to see what was going on, and as of this writing, no fucking ultrasound pictures have been posted, no “baby bump” profile pics, no “I’m gonna be a unwed mother in abject poverty and no education! Yay!” statuses posted…at least not yet. But it’ll happen, and they will all be followed with typical Sleazeburg/Diseaseburg scum congratulating Pecker Wrecker on her great accomplishment of spreading her legs and getting knocked up at 17.

But I won’t be. I deleted her from my Facebook immediately. I’m done with her. I’m done with all of them who act this way. And guys, I think you should do the same with women you have in your social networks. And you would be very wise to distance yourself from toxic women in your everyday lives, too. Sure, it may sound easier said than done, but there are ways to do this. Let’s say that you always liked a woman or even some women, and you have them on your FB or Google+ list or even on Twitter. Well, you see a status from them and it’s something you are shocked and saddened to see: pregnancy, engagement/marriage/relationship, and even some stupid tattoos they just got. It sickens you, it upsets you. These are females you always respected and had hoped that maybe—just maybe—one of them would take a liking to you if you kept them around your online or real-life social circles. Well, that hasn’t happened, has it? NOPE! And it WILL NOT happen, no matter how long you hold on to them. It’s over, guys. It’s finished. When you see these things happen, whether online or in person, as I did, here are some steps that I greatly, greatly encourage you all to take to rid yourself of these toxic females:

1. Delete them from your online social networks. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+, Kik, SnapChat (like you’re really gonna get nude pics from them anyway, guys). Just remove them. No need to block them, just delete them. No reasons given, no announcements, just a quiet deletion. If they behave in a manner that disgusts you (like getting knocked up or banging lowlifes), then get rid of them from your online life. Out of sight, out of mind.

2. Do not hang around them ever. If these toxic women are in your everyday life, like work or college or if they are friends of friends, don’t associate yourself with them at all. If you are invited to an outing or social gathering of any kind and those girls or women are going to be there, then firmly decline. No personal interaction, if practical.

3. Do not talk to them anymore than you have to. Perhaps you see said women a lot at work or school, perhaps every day. You have already deleted them online and you do not go to parties or events that they are at, but you still have to deal with them regularly, then just say the bare basics. No questions about their personal lives, no compliments about anything. Keep your distance as often as possible and your words as few as possible.

4. Ignore them if you can. If you rarely have to see them, like the case of Pecker Wrecker recently at my workplace, just do as I did: ignore the toxic women. Just look the other way if you have to come near them, and abscond directly. If the female looks at you, don’t look at her; don’t smile, don’t say a word. Look in the opposite direction. If they call out to you and you are far enough away that it’s plausible that maybe you couldn’t hear her, then you’re safe. If you’re not, then just perhaps raise your hand in the air to her as a bare acknowledging of her, or just say that you’re busy and that’s it. You owe toxic women no explanation, no apologies, no nothing.

Yes, this may sound a bit extreme. But you men know that women’s immoral behavior and poor life choices leave you disgusted and disappointed. So remove such women from your lives as much as possible. Trust me, they won’t care a bit and may not even notice that you’re ignoring them. Today’s women are in such a self-imposed nucleus of “yes people” who fawn all over them when they make those poor life choices that they will not even notice that you have quietly left their presence. But, guys, what will happen is you will get much more of a sense of peace and contentment by disassociating yourself from women that you liked but obviously do not like you. You live your life, and let them live theirs. You cannot change them, you cannot get them to like you or want you when they reach that point of no return. It’s done for them, so let them self-destruct, and don’t have any part in their lives in any way. It’s not nearly as difficult as it may seem.

So once again, I’m asking you men out there to rid yourself of girls and women who have gone too far, who have crossed those boundaries that we good guys dare not cross, nor want to cross. Guys, delete toxic women from your online life and personal life! Do it now. You’ll thank me, trust me.

UPDATE! UPDATE! Well, Taylor squirted out her out-of-wedlock baby, and it's actually white! Now she spends her days posting liberal, LGBT shit constantly on Facebook (she has an open profile) and getting massive tattoos all over her skinny, never-be-tight-anymore body. In fact, there is a new tattoo splattered on her every month, and she wants to get more and more. Funny how all the poor, uneducated teen moms can work very low-wage jobs like she does yet has plenty of money to put never-ending body graffiti on them. Strange, isn't it?

Friday, May 22, 2015

MGTOW and Being 34

Just a pretty simple blog here, men. As I’ve said in my first blog (Blog Cherry Popping, which you should all read), I’m 34 years old. Been 34 since last July 2nd, so yeah, the big number is coming up, and yes, I’m dreading it. I’m dreading it as much as I did when I hit 30, and that was a rather depressing birthday; I held on to 29 as long as I could so I could say I was in my 20s. If I could live my life perpetually 29, I’d be one happy dude.

But I do want to talk about what it’s like being 34 to those guys who might be reading this blog and are younger. Do I have regrets in my life? Many small things, actually, but at least a few big ones. Are there things I wish I would have done differently in my younger years (15 to 30)? Abso-friggen-lutely! Knowing now what I know today, there would have been numerous changes in my life, and I believe I would be in much better financial and physical shape than I am right now. Physically, I’m great, except for being overweight, unfortunately; financially, I’m in some pretty bad debt, but a good chunk of it has been greatly lowered over the past few years and I’m making progress in that regard. But I do wish that I had been much more frugal with my money and I wish I had taken a different route with my education, both high school and college. These are regrets and issues that many men face. Hindsight is 20/20, eh?

Relationship-wise, eh, well, I’ve had so few of those that I don’t really have any major regrets one way or the other, because no matter how I slice it, those relationships I’ve had wouldn’t have lasted all that much longer, anyway. One of them might have, but them’s the breaks. I’m not too heart-broken over my relationships—or lack thereof—anymore.

Which brings me to the main point of this blog post. There’s something about being a 34-year-old man that changes the whole dynamic of how you see your life. I discovered MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) last year soon after I turned 34, and have been more and more involved in it here in 2015. Before then, I worried and fretted and grieved over not having anybody and wanting to bend over backwards to impress the female gender. But when I hit the age that I am now, it all seemed to dissipate, and rather quickly. Like something in my brain clicked on almost immediately and I began to see the light, and I took the Red Pill quite quickly and with little apprehension. I didn’t really see the parallels between my age and MGTOW until I saw some comments on a couple of separate Youtube videos by MGTOW purveyors Sandman and Raging Golden Eagle. Look up both men and watch their vids and you will be impressed, I believe. The videos were dealing with how men are just giving up on marriage and how it is not only the younger demographic (18 to 28) but the—sigh—“older” demos as well, namely my age bracket. And there were numerous comments from men who said that it seemed that 33 to 35 were the ages that they suddenly had an overwhelming sense of self-respect and self-worth come over them and they joined MGTOW. More than a few guys said that 34 seemed to be the age when they took the Red Pill and changed their lives, as if—somehow, someway—34 is the age when men see the light. Nobody can explain it physiologically or psychologically, but there’s something about being my age that men start to see life in a whole different light.

Sure, I still have the libido that goes unchecked. I still have the yearning for a good lay every now and then, a lay I never, ever get. But I don’t bother trying anymore, and apparently, many men my age are doing the same thing. It’s a cathartic time in one’s life, and I’m not too upset about it. I embrace it. I have a very close single friend who is 27 (and is quite tall, actually, which is rare that a tall guy is single and alone) and is seeing more and more how all Western women have become with feminism and liberalism and hypergamy. But he still has not taken the Red Pill and would be considered Purple Pill. He admits that he probably will eventually join MGTOW, but he’s hoping much later in life as he’s still holding out hope that if he does this or does that or moves here or moves there, the women wherever he goes will suddenly want him. Oh, he’ll see the light one day. And it will probably be when he turns 34!

So to those frustrated single guys younger than me who are Purple Pill and as yet uncertain about taking the MGTOW route, trust me: if you have any dignity or self-respect, you will wake up to the realities of American women and hypergamy and feminism and drop them like that a bad crack habit. But it may happen when you are my age. When it does happen, embrace it, don’t fight it! You will see a whole new world open before your eyes, a world involving you and your gender and your success and your happiness. It happened to me…when I turned 34. Better late than never!

Saturday, May 16, 2015

People of Chiefland, Florida: Beware the Bad Woman Driver!

Gentlemen (and guys), I have to tell you about a tiny incident that I had a week ago involving a good-looking young woman because it deals with women and cars and driving, and how bad they are on the roads. I was coming back from visiting Manatee Springs State Park near the town of Chiefland and was on County Road 320 (NW 115th St or Manatee Springs Road) from the park to the town when some young woman pulled out in front of me in a small red Chevy Aveo almost exactly like this:

She didn’t really cut me off, so I wasn’t miffed, but she drove quite slow and seemed to be preoccupied. I couldn’t pass as there was too much traffic coming from Chiefland, so I had to wait it out until we reached the red light and intersection of State Road 98 at Chiefland. She and I were both making right-hand turns and she waited there through the red light despite there being no traffic coming; here in the United States, a right-hand turn on red is allowed unless there is a sign specifically not allowing it, which isn’t too often. So this girl waited until the light was green…and she waited some more. And waited. Evidently not paying attention or too dumb to understand what a green light means; I’m thinking she was texting her boyfriend of the week, or whatever. OK, I had waited enough. I rarely beep my horn, partially because I am a Southerner by the grace of God and we native Southerners rarely honk because it’s rude; but…mainly though, it’s because my damn horn sounds like it’s from friggen Fisher-Price and it’s embarrassing! So I just yelled at her in my car to go on and I gestured a bit to the road, as in “It’s clear! Go on that road!” I guess my movement in my car finally got this whore’s attention, and she slowly turned right, and then slowly turned into a gas station just to the right of the intersection. Painfully slow and almost in a daze, still evidently texting her dumbass about her new tattoo or her STD or her pregnancy or her gym session or whatever. The red dot is where the bitch decided to idle and idle at a green light:

I finally got around her and accelerated, and as I did, she looked away but stuck her middle finger up to her non-tinted window of her little Chevy car. Seriously, bitch? Seriously? You’re driving like an old lady, then sitting still at a green light, and then taking your sweet little time just to turn, and you flick me off? It’s my fault that you were texting your sex toy or whatever and weren’t paying attention? It’s my fault that I finally had enough of your moronic ass and merely gestured my hand to the road, so you had to gesture your finger? Honestly, I should have pulled into the Burger House that was next to the station she slowly pulled in to, waited for her to come back on Road 98, and closely followed her for a while, possibly as long as I could, until she turned off somewhere else. I’ve done that before, and the obvious fear that you see in the eyes of the woman when she keeps looking back at you in her mirrors is well worth the road rage. I should have done the same to this cunt; her windows were all non-tinted, so I would have been able to see her more clearly. I bet she would really be texting or calling her dumbass boyfriend of the month then! Anyway, we men know what horrendous drivers young women are, and this was yet another incident.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Rude, Crude and Socially Unacceptable

OK, so many of you men have certainly heard about the incident involving low-end ESPN reporter babe Britt McHenry and her vicious scream-fest at a towing company worker in the Washington, D.C, metro area. You might not have, and that’s fine and dandy, because I honestly would not have seen or heard a thing about it had I not just turned on AM radio and heard Rush Limbaugh at the very beginning of one of his shows speaking about it at length.

So here’s the gist: Britt, a 28 year-old physically perfect but intellectually vapid blond airhead who works as a reporter for ESPN—basically she just flirts with jocks and most certainly bangs them afterward—left her car overnight in a parking lot of a restaurant/bar, despite signs warning patrons that vehicles left abandoned in the lot are promptly towed away. Yeah, um…something tells me this bitch was wasted and went home with one of the tall, bad boy jocks she “interviews” on a semi-regular basis. It’s quite obvious. So while she was fucking a big *cough black cough* cock, her car gets towed by a notoriously sleazy towing company (aren’t they all?). The next day (or should I say “the morning after?), an enraged Little Miss Congeniality goes to the company to pay to get her car back, and, despite knowing she was on video and audio, decided to go on a verbal rampage. Not against the notoriously sleazy towing company, mind you. No, no, her anger and vitriol was directed at one and only one person: the poor lady at the cash register. McHenry—in between profanities—berated the cashier about everything, from her possible missing teeth to her possible weight problem to her possible lack of post-high school education (McHenry let the world know that she has a “degree,” which she most certainly did not earn) to her possibly living in a trailer. The poison went on and on.

Britt McHenry has huge, white teeth that defy comprehension, a fake smile, and constantly dyed blonde hair. She is the perfect weight, perfect shape, all thanks to personal trainers and expensive gym memberships. She has never truly worked for a living and, according to people who went to both Stetson University (here in central Florida) and Northwestern University (Chicago) with her, was pathetic at her journalism studies and treated almost the entire student body with extreme contempt and arrogance. Miss Britt obviously got the higher education she bragged about simply by being hot and having a delicious-but-still-quite-salty vagina, nothing more. An entire life of arrogant, belittling, condescending behavior toward people who aren’t of her physical caliber. Britt McHenry was raised by her parents to believe whole-heartedly that anyone who does not fit her idea of perfection (basically, everybody, then), is to be looked down upon, sneered at, and verbally humiliated. She got her Master’s Degree in Journalism because she was a hot woman, who get all the perks and are allowed free reign to act toward fellow humans any way they feel at the moment to act. Self-entitled, selfish, egotistical, spoiled brat = Britt McHenry. Pretty on the outside; very, very ugly on the inside.

Now to another young single woman who made the news a year and a half ago, but recent events brings her back to memory. With the guilty verdict and sentencing coming down against Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the Boston Marathon Bomber co-conspirator, this reminds me of Alicia Ann Lynch, a young whore from Michigan who, inexplicably, decided to dress for an office Halloween party as a severely injured victim of the senseless bombing:

WTF? Who even thinks, “I need a costume. Oh, I know! I’ll dress up as an innocent victim of a horrendous Islamic terrorist act on American soil! This will be soooo funny!”? Hopefully nobody at the office party told her that her get-up was cute and awesome. It was disgusting. Men, women and children killed or maimed, many of them losing limbs, by this act of Muslim terror, and Miss Lynch considers it open season to ridicule the victims. Well, immediately after posting the above photo on social media, she was rightfully and vocally panned by practically the entire U.S. population to the point that Lynch deleted all her social profiles and went into hiding. By the way, her names on the internet were “Shankaskank” and “SomeSkankinMI. ” Amazing how today’s Western women are proud of being called skanks, among other things. And all she ever talks about on her new Twitter account is her raunchy sex life. Nude pictures of Alicia were easily found on Tumblr and shown for all to see. I can’t judge her much on that; I have numerous nudes of me online as well, some of them quite explicit. But some critics went way, way too far: they not only doxed her, but they doxed her parents and threatened to kill them. That’s completely out of line and inexcusable. No reason for that kind of nonsense, even if the parents are to blame for their daughter’s rotten behavior, and I believe they are, just as Britt McHenry’s parents are to blame for hers’ as well. Fortunately, Lynch was fired from her job, so at least there was an ounce of karma served.

Britt McHenry and Alicia Lynch. Here’s two young women whose behavior and demeanor are indicative of today’s 18-30 non-married women in North America: arrogant, condescending, spiteful, vicious, vulgar, profane, self-absorbed, heartless, haughty and self-entitled. Basically rude, crude and socially unacceptable. This, gentlemen, is all attractive women of the Millennial Generation.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Ugh, Teen Moms!

We keep hearing the liberal media talk about how teen pregnancies are down, way down. In fact, the media claims that teen pregnancy in the United States is the lowest since data for that subject began being tallied over 70 years ago.


These are just some of hundreds upon hundreds of pictures online in the past decade of proud teen moms and teen-moms-to-be. Here in the Sleazeburg/Diseaseburg area, I see little girls like this every single day. Evidently, the aforementioned statistics must not include Lake and Marion Counties in Florida! Leesburg High School produces more teen moms per capita than any local high school in the area COMBINED, even worse than South Sumter High School in Bushnell, which has a horrific teen pregnancy rate; SSHS must be a close second. Granted, many of those teen pregnancies at LHS are black and Hispanic girls, and we all know what a lost cause those two races are in that regard. But many of the LHS girls who get knocked up are white, and they can’t wait to squirt out their out-of-wedlock babies, get on seemingly permanent full-out welfare, and work part-time minimum-wage jobs, going from job to job because they can’t keep steady work…if they ever work at all.

I know one such redneck girl named Kelly who went to Leesburg High School. Like most of the few LHS girls who actually didn’t get knocked up during high school, she got knocked up immediately after graduation, which was a few years ago. Then she squirted out another illegitimate baby right after that. Amazingly, the “baby daddies” are white, as the majority of white girls in Sleazeburg get pregnant from black guys. But Kelly goes from one waitressing and hostessing job to another at our local low-end restaurants and sports bars, sponging off taxpayers and of course, not getting married. She’s a sweet girl, but obviously very irresponsible.

I know of another girl I see every week who lives south of Leesburg who also got knocked up immediately after graduating LHS. She was going to go to college, but then again, all girls around here say that and none of them ever, ever do. This girl has light brown skin, tall and thin, and was pretty hot. In fact, I got a hold of two nude pictures of her when she turned 18, one full frontal and one with her legs spread. I’ve seen everything but her ass, unfortunately. She was so hot, but not only did she get preggers at 18, she is now knocked up with another welfare baby! Two out of wedlock, tax-payer funded babies in two years! She’s now all stretched-out looking and sloppy; that’s what happens when you hit The Wall, and boy, has she hit The Wall early! Way too early! Barely an adult and already gone.

I—and most good guys I know—believe that one of the biggest scourges in America today is the epidemic of not only teenage pregnancies but very young adult women having babies outside the moral bonds of marriage and not having a good father present. I can think of not much of anything more repugnant than a single young mom. One day I’ll blog about that, seeing I have loads of first-hand experience around here, as well as with an ex-girlfriend who couldn’t wait to get randomly knocked up and be a perpetual single mom. Yuck.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

America the Beautiful…Until a Feminist Gets a Hold of It

I love nature. I hike a lot through state parks and forests here in Florida as well as Tennessee and north Georgia when I go on road trips there. I absolutely love the woods, the wildlife, all preserved for humans to take in and enjoy. There’s nothing more peaceful and more awe-inspiring than some of the wondrous national parks and monuments across the United States. Nature unspoiled, untouched…

…until a third-wave feminist get her hands on it.

This, gentlemen, is the “artwork” of Casey Nocket, a stereotypical New York young, attractive female: Self-entitled, spoiled, egotistical, selfish, far-left, and completely talentless. Actually, that seems to describe ALL good-looking single women in the United States and Canada, does it not? Miss Nocket, a third-wave feminist, intellectually vapid attention whore and ardent liberal, decided to take a trip to at least a dozen National Parks…to deface them. Here’s Docket and her physically perfect body climbing all over a very fragile federally protected monument:

Cute. Really cute. How adorable. Docket went from park to park in the West and Southwest, scrawling absolutely abysmal graffiti on anything she could find, mostly ancient boulders overlooking gorgeous views. She went to Death Valley, the Grand Canyon, and Yosemite, Zion, Sequoia, and Joshua Tree National Parks, among a half dozen others. After vandalizing federally protected land, she took pictures and proudly Instagrammed her creation, as well as put them on her page on Tumblr, the ultimate website for the feminists/liberals/atheists/LGBT/hipsters/climate change freaks. She didn’t simply draw a few small designs in pre-school chalk that would be washed away with the next rainfall. Oh, no, no, no. She happily commented on Instagram that she scrawled her drivel in acrylic, meaning it is almost permanent. It will take an incredible amount of heavy-duty cleaning by the Parks Service to even get some of that graffiti off, thousands upon thousands of dollars in equipment and manpower, and even then, much of it may not wear off for a hundred years. The Millennial Generation in fine form! Even worse, her mother openly supported her daughter's crimes on Twitter. It's quite obvious that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

Casey Docket is 21 years old, yet her “artwork” looks like something a 7th-grader would draw on college-lined notebook paper while sitting in the middle school library between classes. One-dimensional, uninspired, and pointless. She touts herself as being an “artist,” much like fellow self-entitled feminist Jew York douchette Lena Dunham likes to call herself…since nobody else will, except for Jezebel or MSNBC or Mediate.

Imagine being so conceited, so narcissistic, so delusional, that you vandalize nationally protected vistas of breathtaking nature and beauty, post it on social media for all the world to see, and proclaim it “art” and yourself an “artist.” I could pull down my pants, squat down, and take a big ol’ shit on the ground at your local Dunkin’ Donuts parking lot and call it “performance art,” but that doesn’t make it so. Of course, I would get arrested and charged with a felony or felonies.

Speaking of being arrested and charged with crimes, is Casey Docket?


The Parks Service and Department of the Interior said late last year that they were actively looking into this case, and with overwhelming evidence that she committed these felonies, it should be a slam dunk that Docket is the perpetrator and should be charged. But since she’s a female, good-looking, and a left-wing third-wave feminist, not a damn thing has been done. Nothing. Here it is the end of February and still nothing. Amazing how slanted the justice system is nowadays! Hot liberal babe = free to do anything you want. Oh, and this chick now says that she might start defacing and vandalizing gravestones next in her frantic quest for attention!

Casey Docket is the poster child of female Millennial narcissism, the epitome of selfish, spoiled attention whores who whip out the tired mantra of “I’m a feminist and you’re an evil misogynist if you don’t like what I do!” when they get caught doing something base and banal. Gentlemen, this is what modern-day feminism is, and how the vast majority of American and Canadian young non-married women are. Just remember that when you see these pictures.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Captain Save-a-Ho to the Rescue!

Have no fear, Captain Save-a-Ho is here! Nope. Not a chance. So what’s a “Save-a-Ho?”, you may be asking? You may not be asking, but I’ll tell you anyway. Well, it’s even worse than a White Knight. “And what’s a White Knight?”, you also might ask? Did you ask? No? I’ll tell you anyway. A White Knight is a dude who takes it upon himself to “protect a woman’s honor.” Now that in itself is hilarious and I have literally LOL’d when I’ve heard guys say this. What honor? They threw any honor, civility, and dignity out the window several years ago and are getting worse by the week. Regardless, these guys think that if they pretend that women are sweet, innocent victims of the big, bad male gender, then maybe—just maybe maybe maybe—said women will one day suddenly announce, “Gasp! You really care for me! I want a man who will protect my sacred honor! Let’s fuck for days on end!” The number of North American women who have actually said this to White Knights: ZERO.

But these men…er…boys…keep acting like feminist, pussy-whipped eunuchs, replying to critiques on women with “How dare you say anything bad about these poor, sweet ladies!” They join vile third-wave feminist websites (like Jezebel and SluttyGirlProblems) and Facebook groups, they Tweet out the latest anti-male garbage that comes down the pike, and they kiss the asses of all the women they know, groveling and flattering and catering to the every whims of the female gender, all for naught.

Captain Save-a-Ho guys are even worse. They are White Knights in word and deed, but they go one step further, one major step further. They provide financial assistance to women who have “hit the Wall” in their life, often shacking up or marrying these gals. These women have squandered their entire teen (often even pre-teen) and young adult years partying and sleeping around with the “bad boys,” have had kids with them (often numerous kids from numerous scumbags), and are working on their first, second, or even third divorces. Yet the alimony still isn’t enough, and these Post-Wall skanks are now broke, used-up, stretched-out, their kids are a mess, and they’re back yet again living with their worthless parents. It’s always ironic how all women poke fun mercilessly at men in their 20s or 30s who may live with a parent or other family member, yet all these females go back to their parent’s house with their kids over and over again while they’re between marriages or relationships. Hypocrites, much?

Captain Save-a-Ho has often been “orbiting” one woman or even more than one, waiting and waiting and waiting for them to come out of yet another failed relationship with the tall bad boys. The Orbiter spends a lot of time being the personal White Knight of these females, hoping that he can be next in the long line of successors to their vaginas. Finally, the time comes, and our fearless superhero springs into action, providing a sounding board for the emotional, crying, “I’m soooo lonely because I’ve gone a whole two days without a boyfriend/husband!” woman and, PRESTO! After assuring her that she and her kids will be provided for hand and foot, Captain Sav-a-Ho actually gets the girl…like dozens upon dozens of other men before him. So he gives her money, clothes, jewelry, handbags, a place to live for both she and her bratty, out of control kids…all for some barely half-way decent sex every now and then, if even that.

Say, who’s that with the used-up bitch? It’s a chump! It’s a sucker! It’s Captain Sav-a-Ho!

Why any self-respecting man would be a pussy beggar and begin relationships with these women is far beyond my level of comprehension. I can’t understand how any guy would want to marry needy women with kids; it goes against every fiber and sinew of manliness to want to get himself into such a dire situation. Why spend loads of your money on a whore who just wants you to take care of her and her children? Remember that the overwhelming majority of kids raised by young single women turn out bad, really bad. Those kids will be your responsibility when the boys commit crimes and do drugs, and when the girls get knocked up in high school to some scumbag, proudly following in her mom’s footsteps. You’ll be spending even more money to bail them out, either from jail or from their immoral sexual choices. Your wife sure won’t be! She’ll be secretly banging the lowlife dudes just like she specifically raised her daughter to do, and you’ll be left dealing with the incredible, nightmarish mess created by her and her demon offspring. And in a while, the needy, helpless woman that you scooped up into your arms and carried over the threshold will become “unhaaaaapy” and want a divorce as her pre-Menopause hormones go into overdrive. Although her hellion kids will thankfully be gone, so will she, and a great deal of your money with alimony.

Happens. Every. Single. Time.

Is it worth it, men? Is the utter misery, pain and financial burdens worth it? All of this just to say that you have an American wife? All of this just to get very mediocre sex from a stretched-out, used-up twat every now and then? Men, please, please think twice before you decide to orbit some bitch and play the good guy who will give her all her wants and needs (and her kid’s). It’s not worth it, not by a long shot. Don’t be a Captain Sav-a-Ho!

Saturday, January 24, 2015

How Dare You Judge Women and Their Tattoos!

Let’s get this out front: I hate tattoos on women AND men, but I sometimes find myself mildly torn when it comes to hot women with expensive, multi-color, themed tattoos like full sleeves of an ocean scene or something artistic like that. I even get a bit turned on when I see pics of women with full back tats, even ones that go on the boobs and the butt and even into the butthole. I even kinda sometimes like seeing well-done ink just above their vaginas. Are these women slutty? Totally! Are they trashy? Yep! Are they attention whores? Fo sho! And these sluts are 100% “taken,” too, because those ink jobs are very, very expensive and no woman can afford that on their own, so they have to have a sugardaddy taking care of them hand and foot to get said tats, so forget trying to hook up with them, no matter how whorish they are…and they are. Very.

In every opinion poll taken, the majority of men do NOT like tattoos on women, yet the majority of women are now splattered with body graffiti. In fact, in an extensive survey taken just a couple of years ago, 61% of American women have them while only 41% of men do. I imagine the number for women has grown several points since then but probably has flatlined for men. Here in the Leesburg/Sleazeburg/Diseaseburg area, it’s been estimated by the good guys here that well over 90% of women 15 to 35 (yes, 15), have body graffiti. Loads and loads of horrible, smeary, cheap green tats on every visible part of their skanky, used-up bodies. I’ve personally been around thousands of girls and women in this age group here over the past decade, and I can literally count on one hand the number of local cum dumpsters who didn’t have ink splattered on them.

I just happened to Google Image Search “stupid tattoos” for my weekly dose of dumb people, and I came across a pic of not a female, but a male, with a horrid tat. A neck tat, the new full-trash fad that says, “LOOK AT ME!! I’M A SCUMBAG!” Observe:

First off, I’ve never understood the “take and post a pic immediately after I get tatted-up” mentality. It’s still horribly red and inflamed; why not wait until the swelling goes down? I guess it’s just the kind of lowlifes who do this to themselves in the first place.

Anyway, the link took me to Pinterest. Gah, what a useless website that is! Utterly useless. For those who actually don't know what Pinterest is, it’s just a site for women and weenified men who “pin” photos of what they like. For the women (and the Mangina Enablers who follow these women, hoping to somehow fall in their good graces by kissing their asses and pretending they actually like this nonsense), it’s always the same pins: bad boys, pregnancies, kids, weddings (in that chronological order), tattoos and ear stretching. Jeebus! And this is an entire gender’s interests? Yep, sadly so. There were several comments on this tattoo meme, all of them blasting this guy and the quickly growing number of young people who mutilate their bodies like this. Then, came a comment from Kelsey, your stereotypical morally bankrupt, left-wing, heavily tatted-up, body-pierced, welfare single mom…and we MGTOW’ers know how young single moms are, don't we? Here’s Kelsey in all her wisdom and maturity, caused by intelligence and so many, many years of life experiences:

Yeeeeeahhh…about that, missy. No judgment of any tattoos ever?

None, dear? Nobody should have a right to judge that shit? Or a swastika on the face? KKK on the neck? An arm tattoo of a huge penis with “I like little boys” on it shooting out jizz? How about if we MGTOW’ers put “women suck” on our necks? Yes, hun, we have every right to “judge” disgusting, vile, grotesque and blatantly offensive body graffiti. I love it when people call out women regarding butt-awful tattoos and women go on the defensive. They get their French pedicured toes stepped on and they come out of the woodwork anytime their acts are criticized, even minorly.

Roosh wrote a scathing essay about tattooed women recently, only to be viciously trolled, doxed and even had his life threatened by hundreds of angry, tatted-up feminists who got their marching orders via tattoo Facebook and Twitter profiles and pages to invade the blog post with profane, vulgar comments, typical of today’s women. The Militant Atheist Brigade™ works in the same way, scrolling through YouTube comments all day, every day, just to find any comment with even so much as the word "God" in it so they can launch their rote diatribes, demanding that people not believe in something just because atheists don't. The Tatted-up Women's Corps™ has taken a page from their close atheist friends (usually one in the same), and are scouring the Internet, commenting on anything negative regarding their beloved fad.

These women usually say the same three things: “How fucking dare you fucking judge! You’re so fucking close-minded! That’s fucking discrimination!” Ha! Sorry, girlies. Number 1: We have every right to judge what most American men with an educational level past 10th grade deem sleazy behavior. Number 2: If having class, dignity, and self-respect somehow now indicates close-mindedness, then label my mind closed shut with a lock on it. Number 3: Discrimination is applied to race, gender, sexual orientation, age, or handicap, i.e. things that you cannot change, things that you are either born with or have had occur to you unintentionally. Getting the name of a random douchebag you banged tattooed on your chest is a choice you made, and disparagement of it isn’t “discrimination” in any way, shape, matter or form. Sorry to say, but your actions have consequences, something very true that today's American women refuse to acknowledge or believe.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Why I Am MGTOW and Why You Should Be, Too

Men Going Their Own Way (MGTOW) is becoming quite a phenomenon, a trend. It’s not necessarily a movement because it’s regrettably so disorganized, and it’s not a movement like third-wave feminism is because feminists do exactly the same thing, think exactly the same way, and believe exactly the same thing. No individuality, no free thinking, just a collective hatred of good men. With MGTOW, it’s substantially different. Men, young and old, of all races and socio-economic backgrounds, have joined the “group” of sorts for varying reasons, and that’s a great thing!

It seems from a cursory glance that some MGTOW’ers are in their 40s or early 50s, bitterly divorced, and are—or at least were—filthy rich. Must be nice. They loved to flaunt their riches, their cars, their boats, their houses, and as a result, they naturally had whores gravitate to them. The guys married them and as always, the whores got bored with their husband and divorced him, taking with her half of his wealth. These guys still love to talk on men’s websites (like Roosh and Return of Kings) about how much they still have and how they easily rack up $300,000 a year (in a nation where most men can barely make $30,000 now, myself included), but are vocally bitter and angry because these dudes finally realized that women used them for all the money they loved to flaunt. No shit, Sherlock! It took all these years—and sometimes two to three divorces—to realize that?

Well, I’m not one of those. At all. I’m 34, short, fat and bald. I’m Working Class, more like Working Poor. I have a full-time job and a quite decent car and a little money in the bank and some basic possessions and…that’s about it. I don’t have lots of money; almost all my paychecks go to paying down college and credit card debts. I don’t have a yacht. I don’t have vacation condos in St. Lucia and Barbados. I don’t have a 6’3”, 220-pound ripped frame with an 11-inch dick. Naturally as a result, I’ve never, ever had females looking at me or even glancing at me, wanting me, talking to me, wanting to hook up with me, banging me. Except for a couple of medium-to-long-term girlfriends and a smattering of dates here and there, I’ve been completely off the dating grid because of the aforementioned inadequacies.

But…I’m still MGTOW, and have been since late last year.

Some of the arrogant guys on these men’s forums would smirk at me and say, “Why even bother? Nobody wants you. You don’t have any ‘game.’ You aren’t being pursued by women like we all are, so you’re not even on the market.” Keep in mind that many of these same cats are now spending every night playing video games in front of their computer, so they have little room to bash unattractive, poor men for being “losers.”

I don’t have to be tall and thin and good-looking and have money to “go my own way.” And neither do any of you guys out there who are reading this and think that MGTOW is just for bitter, middle-aged, upper-middle-class divorcees who still like to brag about how great their “game” is. Though there seem to be some in the Manosphere like that, MGTOW takes on the form of countless types of guys, and that’s the way it should be. I’ve seen YouTube comments from men in the United States and Canada as young as 19 or 20 stating that they are through with North American women and have no desire to chase them. I’ve watched videos from black men discussing when and why they took the Red Pill. This is for any man, of any age, any race, any nationality, who see—either first-hand or through friends, acquaintances and the Manosphere—how the overwhelming majority of young women are in the West.

In this blog post, I won’t go into detail about my first-hand experiences that drove me to give up chasing women who have always ignored me in the first place, as well as the first-hand experiences with girlfriends and Friends with Benefits that left me hurt and stunned. That’s for another time. I am MGTOW because of those experiences and because of 3rd-wave feminism and how an entire gender of two full generations (X and Y) have become as a result: selfish, vulgar, angry, liberal, godless, slutty, morally bankrupt, and tasteless. Not to mention their ridiculously high demands of men they bang when the women themselves are scum and have no room to judge men for our physical faults.

Guys, join MGTOW. Take the Red Pill. Don’t be Manginas. Don’t be Orbiters. Don’t be White Knights. Join MGTOW to find out what all this is and more! It will open your eyes and mind to reality; at first it’s brutal and depressing, but soon you see that so many other men are in the same position that you are in and it becomes quite empowering. It’s like a veil is lifted and you can see young women for how they really are nowadays. Once you take the Red Pill, you will not have a desire to chase skirts (or even yoga pants or tight jeans), to beg and plead and make fools of yourselves just for the ever-so-slight possibility of getting laid. Fall away from the rigged, brutal and almost entirely unsuccessful dating game and do something else with your time, like hang out with other men who have left the dating scene…or just sit home and masturbate to porn every night. It works, trust me. Don’t lower yourself by giving in to the wants of today’s feminist-controlled women. Start reading websites like or Return of Kings, and look up great YouTubers like Sandman and Raging Golden Eagle and Rang3r34 with his “Stan the MGTOW Man” series. From there, you will find countless other videos from great MGTOW’ers, filled with hundreds of Likes and comments. Join the crowd, guys. There’s always room in this growing movement. I’m upset at myself for waiting so long to finally walk away from American women, and you will look back at all those years you spent trying to get girls and say, “What a waste of my time!” Trust me.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Don't Worry, McDonald's is Always Hiring Women Like You!

Or Burger King. Or Hardees. Part-time, minimum wage, nights and weekends only, and less than 25 hours a week. Enjoy! I see young women splattered with cheap body graffiti all over and they are always working the drive-through windows of these places. Just what I want to see when I pull up to the window to get my Whopper with extra mayo, ketchup and onions.

Far, Far Away from American Women, That's Where!

Monday, January 5, 2015

The Thousand-Cock Stare

Ah, the "Thousand-Cock Stare!" After banging every douchebag and Alpha Male bad boy in sight her entire life--starting usually at age 13 or younger--and after squirting out multiple kids, all these used-up American women suddenly want to "settle down" with a Beta Male good guy just so he can pay for her and her kids. Nope, not gonna happen. No, thanks. Pass!

Guys, stay away from single moms! and What's left when it comes to single women? and Ugh, teen-moms, part 2

The White Trash Mecca Known as Leesburg, Florida

After you read this blog, make sure you check this one out too, as it is an update on how guys around here are waking up to how this area really is. Here's the link: Opening Eyes!

OK, so here’s run-down of the area where I live and work, which is why my blog is entitled “Life in a White Trash Mecca.” I live a few miles from a town in north central Florida called Leesburg, and I work full-time there as well. The young female population is so skanky and trashy that all the good guys in the region call the place Sleazeburg or Diseaseburg. Some other parts of Lake County (where this town is located) and nearby Marion County are almost as bad, most notably Lady Lake, Tavares, Summerfield and Belleview, but Diseaseburg takes the cake when it comes to the worst of the worst. The type of work I’ve been employed in for many years causes me to be around these skanky women in Sleazeburg all day, every day, so I’ve seen, heard, and even smelled them all. Yuck. Rampant teen pregnancies, unwed mothers with multiple kids from multiple jailbird bad boys, STDs, abject poverty, drugs, spousal abuse, child abuse and neglect, limited employment and absolutely no education. The under-40 population is about 75% white trailer park and 25% black ghetto; just a trashy place. Proud welfare lifers are as common as rebel flag neck tattoos here (on just as many women than men!). And that’s just the white people! It’s, of course, much, much, worse with the blacks, but that’s a whole different blog.

The things you see on Jerry Springer and Maury Povich? That’s everyday life with the white trash around here; in fact, some of the guests on said sleazeball shows have come from this area, and they are proud of it! Like most uneducated white women, these gals here are all lining up to bang the black guys, and they all get knocked up and on lifelong welfare within just a few weeks of mudsharking. Gee, what a surprise. Cheap tattoos all over the body and methhead teeth are as common as a fat person at a buffet; in fact, I can literally count on one hand the number of women I’ve seen in recent years who weren’t splattered with horrendous body graffiti. Sleazeburg has no arts, no clean entertainment, no professional outlets for people my age; everything is geared for the senior citizens, who far outnumber those younger. Leesburg High School and its feeder elementary school have both been named two of the worst schools with the worst kids year after year after year; if a LHS girl isn’t knocked up by age 16, she’s considered a “good girl.” Oh, and did I mention absolutely no single women 18 to 35? Or at least none that are worth two cents. And no decent churches at all, no nice parks or recreation. This is just a bad, bad place, filled with bad, bad young people.

You may ask, “well, why the hell don’t you just move, then?” Because this isn’t 1949, where people just packed all their belongings in two small duffel bags, filled up their Studebaker with leaded gas, and moved halfway across the country, immediately getting a house and a great-paying manufacturing job the day after arriving at any place they just pointed to on their Rand McNally Road Atlas. Those days are long gone and will never return. I still have college debts, and I have a very steady, very stable full-time work that’s 9 to 5, in a state—and even in a nation—that has very, very few decent full-time jobs that require little to no experience anymore. So for the time being, I’m stuck here, just as I have been for most of my life. But the good part is, this give me lots and lots of fodder to post blogs about!

Make sure you now check out this blog that is sort of a sequel to this blog: Opening Eyes!

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Willy Wonka Takes on Single Mothers, Part 1

All so very true. This last one was created by me. Young single mothers are a source of major irritation for me, especially because of the area that I live and work in. White Trash Mecca, remember?

Blog Cherry Popping!

Hey, all! This is my first blog post on Life in a White Trash Mecca! Just an introduction about how I am, where I live, and what I’ll be blogging about from time to time.

Back in the glorious Myspace days, (oh, may they R.I.P.), I had a fairly successful blog, with numerous subscribers. My tracking map would show blog reads coming from all parts of North America, even some in Germany, Norway and Australia. Ah, better days, better days. Since the self-destruction of Myspace back in November of 2010, I haven’t posted so much as one blog, one vlog, one commentary online. Nothing. Well, it’s time to get back into the swing of things!

I’m 34 years old, fairly short, fairly fat and fairly bald. For many years, I’ve worked full-time in an average, run-of-the-mill job. I drive a nice but pretty average car. I have some friends, I have some family, I have interests and hobbies (hiking, driving, road trips, acting, singing, music, video production, etc.) Basically, I’m your stereotypical Beta Male in most ways. Gamma Male I am not, though! I’ve been very single for most of my life, not by any choice of my own, just by the lack of good women/overabundance of good men ratio. I’ve dated a bit here and there, and I’ve been in two long-term relationships, one of those being very on-again, off-again; it was pretty much a Friends with Benefits situation that went off and on for several years. Whatev. I used to be very frustrated and bitter toward being single, alone and unloved, but thanks to sites like Return of Kings and Roosh, I have since taken the Red Pill and my entire attitude has changed. I have embraced much—but not all—of the MGTOW subculture that is starting to cause quite a stir in the dating/relationship world.

So my blogs will discuss MGTOW and the state of Western men and women today. I’ll also write about topics from religion (if you’re looking for spiteful rants from militant atheists, look elsewhere) to politics (and if you’re looking for something MSNBC would post, look elsewhere) to describing the title of my blog, Life in a White Trash Mecca. Yeah, there’s a reason why I call this area that, trust me. I’ll also throw in quite a few internet memes regarding everything I just mentioned. Hope you enjoy!